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  • sept/14

    Sunday, September 10, 2006
    Pericles as quoted by Thucydides in his PELOPONNESIAN WAR (5th century BC):”What I fear is not the enemy’s strategy, but our own mistakes.”
    Socrates as quoted by Plato in his REPUBLIC (473 BC): “Those who are now called kings and potentates must learn to seek wisdom like true philosophers in order that political power and intellectual wisdom may be joined in one.”
    I have yet to meet the partisan pundit who did not think of himself as smarter than Socrates.
    Socrates had many more questions and doubts than certainties. One of his very few certainties was the quintessentially anti-theological and anti-dogmatic assertion, “Of the gods we know nothing.”
    Gandhi once defined god as “truth.” One could therefore transliterate the Socratic assertion, as “Of truth we know nothing.” We may only aspire to advance in its direction by rejecting lies, half-lies, and propaganda.
    Propaganda does not solve problems, it creates them.
    Propaganda is propaganda regardless of race, color, creed, theology, and ideology
    The ultimate aim of all propaganda is to create bloodthirsty barbarians willing to kill in order to satisfy some moral moron’s lust for power.
    Massacres are not results of Asiatic barbarism but of propaganda.
    At one time or another we have all been dupes of propaganda because we have all been children.
    Dupes have two sets of enemies: (one) other dupes who believe in a propaganda line different from theirs, and (two) anyone who dares to identify them as dupes.
    A dupe without mortal enemies is unthinkable.
    Monday, September 11, 2006
    What happened on 9/11 was a clear-cut case of terrorism, no one denies that. And yet, the Bush Administration did not want it investigated. What happened to us in 1915 was also a clear-cut case of genocide, and yet, anyone who dares to disagree with our official version of the story is reviled as a pro-Turkish revisionist and a traitor to the Cause.
    Since 9/11 we have learned a great deal about the failures and incompetence of successive administrations in Washington, all of which treated acts of Muslim terrorism that preceded 9/11 as isolated incidents that did not require radical shifts in policy. In the words of a witness to the 9/11 Commission, “the terrorists were not just lucky once, but again and again.” In short, 9/11 could have been prevented if all the warning signs had not been ignored or covered up.
    1915 was also preceded by a series of massacres at the turn of the century except that in our case the number of victims far exceeded the number of American victims, and our position within the Ottoman Empire was far more vulnerable to punitive reprisals.
    1915 may be said to have been a perfect storm in which Turkish tyranny and Armenian incompetence and utter lack of foresight combined to produce what Toynbee called “one of the two greatest tragedies of the 20th Century,” the other being the Holocaust of Jews during World War II. But unlike our own historians and pundits, Toynbee refused to treat the Genocide as theology even at the cost of being called a Turcophile heretic and a denialist.
    It is the height of cynicism to think that the only lesson we can learn from 1915 is to spew anti-Turkish venom and to pretend that the conduct of our political leadership has been and continues to be blameless.
    We were vulnerable to genocide in the years preceding 1915 as we are vulnerable today to two genocides even if only of the “white” variant – assimilation in the Diaspora and exodus from the Homeland. And what’s being done? The answer to this question seems to be, playing the blame game by voicing the convenient formula “historic and social conditions beyond our control.” It follows, we are in good hands and our establishment types, who happen to be paragons of competence and integrity, are doing everything that needs to be done. To which I can only say, “Give me a break!”
    ************************************************** ******** Sept. 12 / 2006
    It is a thankless task to say the obvious, but there are times when it cannot be avoided. It was neither Jews nor the U.N. that created Israel but anti-Semites of all nations who prefer to identify themselves today as anti-Zionists. Before these gentlemen accuse the U.S. for its unconditional support of Israel, and Israeli aggression against Muslim terrorists, who prefer to identify themselves as freedom fighters, they should take a good look at themselves in the mirror and consider their contribution in shaping the status quo.

    Ara Baliozian
    ************************************************** ******

    Tuesday, September 12, 2006
    By carefully interpreting news and editing facts, those in power can misrepresent bad news as good news, and the most abject defeat as the most glorious victory.
    Confronted by a tiny Roman legion, our most celebrated emperor, Dikran (or Tigranes) II is said to have run away. And yet, we continue to call him “the Great” instead of “the Coward.”
    Confronted by a mighty Persian horde and a wall of Indian elephants, Vartan Mamikonian is said to have scored our most glorious moral victory, meaning military defeat.
    More about the Battle of Avarair: my Mekhitarist teacher of history, who happened to be a highly respected medievalist and the author of several learned volumes, once said that this particular battle was pure invention, it never happened.
    G.B. Shaw’s dictum, “All professions are conspiracies against the laity,” fits nationalist historians like a glove.
    I once asked one of our historians what he thought of Shaw, and he replied, “He was a fool.”
    It is said to Yeghishe (the historian of Avarair) that he was a propagandist of the Mamikonian dynasty. Which may suggest that, when history is not the propaganda of the victor, it is the consolation of the loser.
    Speaking of the Mamikonians: I am told one of our bosses once bragged that his family tree could be traced all the way back to the Mamikonians. I wonder if this clown was aware of the fact that the Mamikonians were of Chinese descent.
    The only way to acquire an objective account of our past is to avoid our historians.
    If I repeat myself it may be because there is no other way to refute lies that have acquired the status of mantras in our tribal consciousness. And if you tell me, under pretense of exposing lies, I am demolishing whatever pride we may have as Armenians, I say, this so-called pride has created dupes at the mercy of tribal charlatans who have proceeded to divide, alienate, and destroy the nation. Pride that is based on lies is an ephemeral illusion. It doesn’t work. It hasn’t worked for us. It is now time that we give truth or honesty a chance.
    Wednesday, September 13, 2006
    If two enemies fight and both believe god is on their side, both will win: the victory of one will be military, the victory of the other, moral.
    Faith may not move mountains but it can change defeat to victory.
    If god is on your side, you can’t be wrong because god can’t be wrong.
    If invisible god is the only reality, visible reality is an illusion.
    Faith and science are not mutually exclusive concepts, but religions and religions are.
    Authentic men of faith believe god is incomprehensible; the phonies use the scriptures as if they were god’s political and moral agenda.
    Tolerance teaches us to respect all religions, faiths, and gods. Intolerance tells us, “My god is god, and your god is the devil.”
    Speaking of himself, a man of faith will say, “I believe therefore I am right.” Speaking of heretics and infidels (that is, the majority of mankind): “He believes therefore he is wrong.”
    If I knew how to pray I would say, “O God, save me from all men of god.”

  • #2
    this and that

    Thursday, March 26, 2009
    The average layman may not understand the exact meaning of subprime mortgages, hedge funds, toxic assets, derivatives, and all the complexities of the present economic crisis, but he understands greed when he sees it, and recognizes a bloodsucker when he sees one.
    Anger is negative, we are told. Anger does not solve problems.
    Where would revolutions be without anger?
    Where would America be without its Revolution?
    Americans today, especially the homeless and the unemployed who number by the million, have many more reasons to be angry and to revolt against their financial officers on Wall Street and representatives in Washington than they had against the mad English king.
    You say, anger is negative?
    I say, what could be more positive than anger against corruption, greed, incompetence, and injustice?
    Even if they are allowed to keep their bonuses, the CEOs will spend it in fear, they will live in fear, and they may even go underground for the duration. Some day they may even realize that accepting those bonuses was the dumbest thing they ever did.
    Organized religions have victimized more innocent civilians than organized crime. The same could be said of organized ideologies, including nationalism, communism, and capitalism.
    Under a corrupt or authoritarian regime, law and order might as well be synonymous with fear and lawlessness.
    Thursday, March 26, 2009
    A so-called young financial expert on TV speaking of Wall Street chief executive officers: “Their salaries could be as low as $75,000...they survive on bonuses...”
    Bernard Madoff ruined about 5000 investors. Wall Street CEOs ruined the global economy. They should be grateful that so far they haven't been arrested. The very least they can do is work for minimum wage until they correct their blunders. But of course, not being a financial expert, I can rely only on my common sense, which, it seems, flies out the window when applied to Wall Street riffraff. And this so-called young whippersnapper thinks he will be quelling the anger of the unemployed and homeless on the grounds that these poor CEOs work for next to nothing?
    Speaking of American movies, a French critic once described them as “technical perfection in the service of cretinism.” What we have here is financial expertise in the service of moronism!
    Consider the following scenario: Your house is on fire. Firefighters arrive and after pouring gasoline instead of water they expect you to be grateful to them. Thank you for doing such a great job. Here, please accept this small check as a token of my appreciation.
    Another scenario: You hire a contractor to fix your old house. He in turn hires electricians, plumbers, dry-wallers, roofers, and so on. But by the time they are through the house is torn down as in the story of the big bad wolf and the three little pigs. At which point, the contractor demands to be paid the agreed on amount plus a bonus.
    We are told the CEOs who bankrupted AIG have already quit. So what? Let's get them back and let them work for a dollar a year. Liddy is doing it. Is decency on Wall Street limited to only one CEO?
    Once upon a time, when Communists spoke of Wall Street, they meant everything that was evil in the capitalist system. Who could have foreseen that some day Wall Street would be perceived as such by the whole world, including Americans?
    Saturday, March 28, 2009
    According to a study conducted by a Vatican theologian, men and women are tempted by the same sins but in different order of frequency. Men are tempted by women, food, laziness, anger, vanity, envy, and avarice; and women by vanity, envy, anger, men, food, avarice, and laziness.
    To support only writers who are pro-establishment is to be against literature and for prostitution.
    In a recent issue of LE POINT (Paris, March 3, 2009) I read the following ad for Gilbert Sinoué's EREVAN:
    “The great novel of the Armenian people.”
    “A great novel that speaks of a terrible truth.”
    “Written with intense emotion, but also with justice.”
    “Gilbert Sinoué makes us relive the tragedy of an entire people.”
    “It makes no difference whether you surrender your ass or your conscience: you will get them back in bad shape.”

