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Needham Letters: 'No Place For Hate' Controversy Continues

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  • Needham Letters: 'No Place For Hate' Controversy Continues


    Wicked Local Needham
    Posted Jul 29, 2010 @ 12:06 PM

    Needham - It is incredible that New England Anti-Defamation League
    board Chairman Michael Sheetz claims the "controversy that led to (No
    Place for Hate's) demise in Needham" has "been over for a long time."

    Nothing has changed since Needham took a principled stand in support
    of universal human rights and withdrew from NPFH, due to the ADL's
    denial of the Armenian Genocide.

    The official ADL statement on the Armenian Genocide is worded to
    actually contravene the international legal definition of genocide
    and is remarkably similar to Turkey's pronouncements.

    Armenians did not protest simply because "the ADL national leadership
    did not fully recognize the Armenian Genocide." The ADL for years
    actively lobbied on behalf of the Turkish government to prevent U.S.

    recognition of the Armenian Genocide. The ADL continues to speak out
    against U.S. affirmation of this crime against humanity. In March,
    ADL national director Abe Foxman called the current Congressional
    resolution "a counterproductive diversion," adding, "We oppose it."

    Many in the Jewish community strongly disagree with the ADL's position,
    and have joined with Boston-area Armenians to work toward Armenian
    Genocide recognition. (See

    Genocide denial is hate speech. The ADL does not "secure justice for
    allpeople" and should not be permitted to instruct others.

    Laura Boghosian

    Rabbi Howard Jaffe

    Coalition to Recognize the Armenian Genocide

    Copyright 2010 Needham Times. Some rights reserved

    Needham Letters: Returning to the ADL's noble mission

    Wicked Local Needham Posted Jul 28, 2010 @ 05:05 PM

    Needham - I was appalled to read Michael Sheetz of the Anti-Defamation
    League stating, "I think the controversy that led to the [No Place
    for Hate] program's demise in Needham is over and been over for a
    long time." ("Needham man, Michael Sheetz, joins ADL New England
    leadership," July 21.)

    Let me set the record straight. The ADL not only continues to deny the
    veracity of the ongoing Armenian Genocide, but also supports passage
    of congressional resolutions on all genocides except the Armenian one.

    In fact, the ADL's most recent formal statement (Aug. 21, 2007) on the
    Armenian Genocide employed language deliberately designed to contravene
    Article II of the U.N. Genocide Convention of 1948, which defines
    genocide as "the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national,
    ethnical, racial or religious group." The ADL statement said that
    "the consequences of those actions [by the Ottoman Turkish Empire]
    were indeed tantamount to genocide." The ADL knows full well that
    "consequences" is the functional opposite of "intent," the latter of
    which is required for an action to legally be termed genocide.

    Thus, the ADL statement was the very opposite of a genocide
    acknowledgment. Under these circumstances, no program sponsored by
    the ADL or any other genocide-denying entity is welcome in our town
    or in any other city or town nationwide and worldwide.

    There is nothing more appropriate on this the 95th anniversary of
    the start of the Armenian Genocide than for the ADL to steadfastly
    return to its noble mission of stopping "the defamation of the
    Jewish people and [securing] justice and fair treatment to all"
    and to forthrightly recognize the Armenian Genocide and openly back
    congressional legislation on this genocide. By doing so, the ADL will
    not only restore its moral credibility as a human rights organization,
    but also become a leading international partner in genocide prevention
    and restorative justice.

    As the esteemed Rabbi Hillel advised centuries ago, "What is hateful
    to you, do not do to your neighbor ... If I am not for myself, then
    who will be for me? And if I am only for myself, then what am I? And
    if not now, when?"

    Luder Tavit Sahagian

    Hunting Road

    Copyright 2010 Needham Times. Some rights reserved

    From: A. Papazian