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The Armenian Genocide was a Jihad

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  • The Armenian Genocide was a Jihad

    The Armenian Genocide was a Jihad

    Leaving Islam: Apostates Speak Out

    by _Ibn Warraq_ ( 20Warraq/103-9556480-7979849)

    ISIS: the Institute for the Secularisation of Islamic Society
    _Recent Additions to the ISIS Site_ (

    By Andrew G. Bostom

    The Greater Boston Armenian Genocide Commemoration Committee, issued a
    press release, April 7, 2003, noting that April 24, 2003 marked the
    88th "anniversary" of the Armenian genocide. On April 24, 1915, the
    Turkish Interior Ministry issued an order authorizing the arrest of
    all Armenian political and community leaders suspected of anti-Ittihad
    (`Young Turk' government), or Armenian nationalist sentiments. In
    Istanbul alone, 2345 such leaders were seized and incarcerated, and
    most of them were subsequently executed. The majority were neither
    nationalists, nor were they involved in politics. None were charged
    with sabotage, espionage, or any other crime, and appropriately
    tried.1 As the Turkish author Taner Akcam recently acknowledged,
    `Under the pretext of searching for arms, of collecting war levies, or
    tracking down deserters, there had already been established a practice
    of systematically carried-out plunders, raids, and murders [against
    the Armenians] which had become daily occurrences'2 Within a month,
    the final, definitive stage of the process which reduced the Armenian
    population to utter helplessness, i.e., mass deportation, would

    A True Genocide

    Was the horrific fate of the Ottoman Empire's Armenian minority, at
    the end of the 19th and early 20th centuries, in particular, during
    World War I, due to "civil war", or genocide ? A seminal analysis by
    Professor Vahakn Dadrian published last year validates the conclusion
    that the Ottoman Turks committed a centrally organized mass murder,
    i.e., a genocide, against their Armenian population.4 Relying upon a
    vast array of quintessential, primary source documents from the World
    War I allies of the Ottoman Empire, Germany and Austria- Hungary,
    Dadrian obviated the intractable disputes surrounding the reliability
    and authenticity of both Ottoman Turkish, and Armenian documents. He
    elucidated the truly unique nature of this documentary German and
    Austro-Hungarian evidence:

    "During the war, Germany and Austria-Hungary disposed over a
    vastnetwork of ambassadorial, consular, military, and commercial
    representatives throughout the Ottoman Empire. Not only did they have
    access to high-ranking Ottoman officials and power-wielding
    decision-makers who were in a position to report to their superiors as
    locus in quo observers on many aspects of the wartime treatment of
    Ottoman Armenians. They supplemented their reports with as much detail
    as they could garner from trusted informers and paid agents, many of
    whom were Muslims, both civilians and military"5

    Moreover, the documents analyzed possessed another critical attribute:
    they included confidential correspondence prepared and sent to Berlin
    and Vienna, which were meant for wartime use only.6 This
    confidentiality, Dadrian notes, enabled German or Austro-Hungarian
    officials to openly question the contentions of their wartime Ottoman
    allies, when ascertaining and conveying facts truthfully to their
    superiors in Europe. Dadrian cites the compelling example of the
    November 16, 1915 report to the German chancellor, by Aleppo Consul
    Rossler. Rossler states, "I do not intend to frame my reports in such
    a way that I may be favoring one or the other party. Rather, I
    consider it my duty to present to you the description of things which
    have occurred in my district and which I consider to be the truth" 7
    Rossler was reacting specifically to the official Ottoman allegation
    that the Armenians had begun to massacre the Turkish population in the
    Turkish sections of Urfa, a city within his district, after reportedly
    capturing them. He dismissed the charge, unequivocally, with a single
    word: "invented". 8 Amassed painstakingly by Dadrian, the primary
    source evidence from these German and Austro-Hungarian officials-
    reluctant witnesses- leads to this inescapable conclusion: the
    anti-Armenian measures, despite a multitude ofattempts at cover-up and
    outright denial, were meticulously planned by the Ottoman authorities,
    and were designed to destroy wholesale, the victim population.

    Dadrian further validates this assessment with remarkable testimony
    before the Mazhar Inquiry Commission, which conducted a preliminary
    investigation in the post-war period to determine the criminal
    liability of the wartime Ottoman authorities regarding the Armenian
    deportations and massacres. The December15, 1918 deposition by General
    Mehmed Vehip, commander-in-chief of the Ottoman Third Army, and ardent
    CUP (Committee of Union and Progress, i.e., the "Ittihadists", or
    "Young Turks") member, included this summary statement:

    "The murder and annihilation of the Armenians and the plunder and
    expropriation of their possessions were the result of the decisions
    made by the CUP These atrocities occurred under a program that was
    determined upon and involved a definite case of willfulness. They
    occurred because they were ordered, approved, and pursued first by the
    CUP's [provincial] delegates and central boards, and second by
    governmental chiefs who hadpushed aside their conscience, and had
    become the tools of the wishes and desires of the Ittihadist society

    Dadrian's own compelling assessment of this primary source evidence is
    summarized as follows:

    "Through the episodic interventions of the European Powers, the
    historically evolving and intensifying Turko-Armenian conflict had
    become a source of anger and frustration for the Ottoman rulers and
    elites driven by a xenophobic nationalism. A monolithic political
    party that had managed to eliminate all opposition and had gained
    control of the Ottoman state apparatus efficiently took advantage of
    the opportunities provided by World War I. It purged by violent and
    lethal means the bulk of the Armenian population from the territories
    of the empire. By any standard definition, this was an act of

    Jihad: A Major Determinant of the Armenian genocide

    The wartime reports from German and Austro-Hungarian officials also
    confirm independent evidence that the origins and evolution of the
    genocide had little to do with World War I "Armenian
    provocations". Emphasis is placed, instead, on the larger pre-war
    context dating from the failure of the mid-19th century Ottoman
    Tanzimat reform efforts.11 These reforms, initiated by the declining
    Ottoman Empire (i.e., in 1839 and 1856) under intense pressure from
    the European powers, were designed to abrogate the repressive laws of
    dhimmitude, to which non-Muslim (primarily Christian) minorities,
    including the Armenians, had been subjected for centuries, following
    the Turkish jihad conquests of their indigenous homelands. 12

    Led by their patriarch, the Armenians felt encouraged by the Tanzimat
    reform scheme, and began to deluge the Porte (Ottoman seat of
    government) with pleas and requests, primarily seeking governmental
    protection against a host of mistreatments, particularly in the remote
    provinces. Between 1850 and 1870, alone, 537 notes were sent to the
    Porte by the Armenian patriarch characterizing numerous occurrences of
    theft, abduction, murder, confiscatory taxes, and fraud by government
    officials.13 These entreaties were largely ignored, and ominously,
    were even considered as signs of rebelliousness. For example, British
    Consul (to Erzurum) Clifford Lloyd reported in 1890, "Discontent, or
    any description of protest is regarded by the local Turkish Local
    Government as seditious"14

    He went on to note that this Turkish reaction occurred irrespective of
    the fact that "..the idea of revolution.." was not being entertained
    by the Armenian peasants involved in these protests.15

    The renowned Ottomanist, Roderick Davison, has observed that under the
    Shari'a (Islamic Holy Law) the "..infidel gavours ["dhimmis",
    "rayas"]" were permanently relegated to a status of "inferiority" and
    subjected to a "contemptuous half-toleration". Davison further
    maintained that this contempt emanated from "an innate attitude of
    superiority", and was driven by an "innate Muslim feeling", prone to
    paroxysms of "open fanaticism". 16 Sustained, vehement reactions to
    the 1839 and 1856 Tanzimat reform acts by large segments of the Muslim
    population, led by Muslim spiritual leaders and the military,
    illustrate Davison's point.17 Perhaps the most candid and telling
    assessment of the doomed Tanzimat reforms, in particular the 1856 Act,
    was provided by Mustafa Resid, Ottoman Grand Vizier at six different
    times between 1846-58. In his denunciation of the reforms, Resid
    argued the proposed "complete emancipation" of the non-Muslim
    subjects, appropriately destined to be subjugated and ruled, was
    "entirely contradictory" to "the 600 year traditions of the Ottoman
    Empire". He openly proclaimed the "complete emancipation" segment of
    the initiative as disingenuous, enacted deliberately to mislead the
    Europeans, who had insisted upon this provision. Sadly prescient,
    Resid then made the ominous prediction of a "great massacre" if
    equality was in fact granted to non-Muslims. 18

    Despite their "revolutionary" advent, and accompanying comparisons to
    the ideals of the French Revolution, the CUP's "Young Turk" regime
    eventually adopted a discriminatory, anti-reform attitude toward
    non-Muslims within the Ottoman Empire. During an August 6, 1910 speech
    in Saloniki, Mehmed Talat, pre-eminent leader of the Young Turks
    disdainfully rejected the notion of equality with "gavours" , arguing
    that it "is an unrecognizable ideal since it is inimical with Sheriat
    [Shari'a] and the sentiments of hundreds of thousands of Muslims".19
    Roderick Davison notes that in fact " genuine equality was ever
    attained..", re-enacting the failure of the prior Tanzimat reform
    period. As a consequence, he observes, the CUP leadership "soon
    turned from equality to Turkification"20

    During the reign of Sultan Abdul Hamid, the Ottoman Turks massacred
    over 200,000 Armenians between 1894-96. This was followed, under the
    Young Turk regime, by the Adana massacres of 25,000 Armenians in 1909,
    and the first formal genocide of the 20th century, when in 1915 alone,
    an additional 600,000 to 800,000 Armenians were slaughtered.21 The
    massacres of the 1890s had an "organic" connection to the Adana
    massacres of 1909, and more importantly,the events of 1915. As Vahakn
    Dadrian argues, they facilitated the genocidal acts of 1915 by
    providing the Young Turks with "a predictable impunity." The absence
    of adverse consequences for the Abdul Hamid massacres in the 1890s
    allowed the Young Turks to move forward without constraint.22

    Contemporary accounts from European diplomats make clear that these
    brutal massacres were perpetrated in the context of a formal jihad
    against the Armenians who had attempted to throw off the yoke of
    dhimmitude by seekingequal rights and autonomy. For example, the Chief
    Dragoman (Turkish-speaking interpreter) of the British embassy
    reported regarding the 1894-96 massacres:

    [The perpetrators] are guided in their general action by the
    prescriptions of the Sheri [Sharia] Law. That law prescribes that if
    the "rayah" [dhimmi] Christian attempts, by having recourse to foreign
    powers, to overstep the limits of privileges allowed them by their
    Mussulman [Muslim] masters, andfree themselves from their bondage,
    their lives and property are to be forfeited, and are at the mercy of
    the Mussulmans. To the Turkish mind the Armenians had tried to
    overstep those limits by appealing to foreign powers, especially
    England. They therefore considered it their religious duty and a
    righteousthing to destroy and seize the lives and properties of the

    The scholar Bat Ye'or confirms this reasoning, noting that the
    Armenian quest for reforms invalidated their "legal status," which
    involved a "contract" (i.e., with their Muslim Turkish rulers). This
    breachrestored to the umma [the Muslim community] its initial right to
    kill the subjugated minority [the dhimmis], [and] seize their
    property24 An intrepid Protestant historian and missionary Johannes
    Lepsius, who earlier had undertaken a two-month trip to examine the
    sites of the Abul Hamid era massacres, traveled again to Turkey during
    World War I. Regarding the period between 1914-1918, he wrote :

    " Are we then simply forbidden to speak of the Armenians as persecuted
    on account of their religious belief'? If so, there have never been
    any religious persecutions in the worldWe have lists before us of 559
    villages whose surviving inhabitants were converted to Islam with fire
    and sword; of 568 churches thoroughly pillaged, destroyed and razed to
    the ground; of 282 Christian churches transformed into mosques; of 21
    Protestant preachers and 170 Gregorian (Armenian) priests who were,
    after enduring unspeakable tortures, murdered on their refusal to
    accept Islam. We repeat, however, that those figures express only the
    extent of our information, and do not by a long way reachto the extent
    of the reality. Is this a religious persecution or is it not?..."25

    Finally, Bat Ye'or places the continuum of massacres from the 1890s
    through World War I in an overall theological and juridical context,
    as follows:

    "The genocide of the Armenians was the natural outcome of a policy
    inherent in the politico-religious structure of dhimmitude. This
    process of physically eliminating a rebel nation had already been used
    against the rebel Slav and Greek Christians, rescued from collective
    extermination by European intervention, although sometimes

    The genocide of the Armenians was a jihad. No rayas took part in
    it. Despite the disapproval of many Muslim Turks and Arabs, and their
    refusal to collaborate in the crime, these masssacres were perpetrated
    solely by Muslims and they alone profited from the booty: the victims'
    property, houses, and lands granted to the muhajirun, and the
    allocation to them of women and child slaves. The elimination of male
    children over the age of twelve was in accordance with the
    commandments of the jihad and conformed to the age fixed for the
    payment of the jizya. The four stages of the liquidation- deportation,
    enslavement, forced conversion, and massacre- reproduced the historic
    conditions of the jihad carried out in the dar-al-harb from the
    seventh century on. Chronicles from a variety of sources, by Muslim
    authors in particular, give detailed descriptions of the organized
    massacres or deportation of captives, whose sufferings in forced
    marches behind the armies paralleled the Armenian experience in the
    twentieth century"26


    The Ottoman Turkish destruction of the Armenian people, beginning in
    the late 19th and intensifying in the early 20th century, was a
    genocide, and jihad ideology contributed significantly to this decades
    long human liquidation process. These facts are now beyond dispute.
    Milan Kundera, the Czech author, has written that man's struggle
    against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting.27 In his
    thoughtful analysis of the Armenian genocide,`The Banality of
    Indifference', Professor Yair Auron reminds us of the importance of
    this struggle:

    `Recognition of the Armenian genocide on the part of the entire
    international community, including Turkey (or perhaps first and
    foremost Turkey), is therefore a demand of the first
    order. Understanding and remembering the tragic past is an essential
    condition, even if not sufficient in and of itself, to preventing the
    repetition of such acts in the future.'28


    1. Uras E., The Armenians and the Armenian Question in History, 2nd
    ed., (Istanbul, 1976), p.612

    2. Akcam T., Turkish National Identity and the Armenian Question,
    (Istanbul, 1992), p. 109.

    3. Hovanissian R., Armenia on the Road to Independence, (Berkeley, CA,
    1967), p. 51.

    4. Dadrian V., `The Armenian Question and the Wartime Fate of the
    Armenians as Documented by the Officials of the Ottoman Empire's World
    War IAllies: Germany and Austria-Hungary', International Journal of
    Middle Eastern Studies, (2002), Vol. 32, Pp. 59-85.

    5. Dadrian V., `The Armenian Question and the Wartime Fate of the
    Armenians' , p.60.

    6. Dadrian V., `The Armenian Question and the Wartime Fate of the
    Armenians' , p.76

    7. Dadrian V., `The Armenian Question and the Wartime Fate of the
    Armenians' , p.76, with specific primary source documentation, p.84

    8. Dadrian V., `The Armenian Question and the Wartime Fate of the
    Armenians' , p.76, with specific primary source documentation, p.84

    9. Dadrian V., `The Armenian Question and the Wartime Fate of the
    Armenians' , p.77, with specific primary source documentation,
    Pp.84-85 n.111.

    10. Dadrian V., `The Armenian Question and the Wartime Fate of
    theArmenians' , p.77.

    11. Davison R., "Turkish Attitudes Concerning Christian-Muslim
    Equality in the Nineteenth Century", The American Historical Review
    (1954), Vol. 54, Pp. 844-864.

    12. Bat Ye'or, The Decline of Eastern Christianity Under Islam,
    (Cranbury, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1996) 522 Pp.

    13. Dadrian V., Warrant for Genocide: Key Elements of Turko-Armenian
    Conflict, (New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 1999), p. 39.

    14. Dadrian V., `The Armenian Question and the Wartime Fate of
    theArmenians' , p.61, with specific primary source documentation p.79,

    15. Dadrian V., `The Armenian Question and the Wartime Fate of
    theArmenians' , p.61, with specific primary source documentation p.79,

    16. Davison R., "Turkish Attitudes Concerning Christian-Muslim
    Equality in the Nineteenth Century", p.855.

    17. Bat Ye'or, The Decline of Eastern Christianity Under Islam,
    Reports by British Diplomats [1850-1876], Pp. 395-433.

    18. Dadrian V., `The Armenian Question and the Wartime Fate of
    theArmenians' , Pp.61-62, with specific primary source documentation,
    p.79 n.14.

    19. Dadrian V., `The Armenian Question and the Wartime Fate of
    theArmenians' , Pp.61-62, with specific primary source documentation,
    p.79 n.15.

    20. Davison R, "The Armenian Crisis, 1912-1914", The American
    Historical Review, (1948) Vol. 53, Pp. 482-483.

    21. Dadrian V., The History of the Armenian Genocide, (Providence, RI:
    Bergahn Books, 1997), Pp. 155, 182, 225, 233 n.44; Auron Y., The
    Banality of Indifference, (New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers,
    2000), p. 44.

    22. Dadrian V., The History of the Armenian Genocide, Pp. 113-184.

    23. Dadrian V., The History of the Armenian Genocide, p. 147, with
    primary source documentation p. 168 n.199.

    24. Bat Ye'or, The Dhimmi: Jews and Christians Under Islam, (Cranbury,
    NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1985) Pp. 48,67, 101.

    25. Gabrielan M.C., Armenia: A Martyr Nation, (New York, Chicago:
    Fleming H. Revell, Co., 1918), p. 269.

    26. Bat Ye'or, The Decline of Eastern Christianity Under Islam,
    p. 197.

    27. Kundera M., The Book of Laughter and Forgetting, (New York, NY:
    Harper Collins, 1999)

    28. Auron Y., The Banality of Indifference, p. 56.

    Andrew G. Bostom, MD, MS is an Associate Professor of Medicine at
    Brown University, and freelance writer on the history of jihad and