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Armenian Church Marks The Commemoration Day Of Holy Martyrs

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  • Armenian Church Marks The Commemoration Day Of Holy Martyrs


    Feb 8 2010

    Today Armenian Apostolic Church marks the commemoration day of
    Bishop St. Mark, Priest St. Pion, Deacons St. Kyouregh (Cyril) and
    St. Benjamin and holy martyrs Sts. Abdlmseh, Vormzdana and Sayen.

    St. Mark was the Bishop of Aritus in the half of the 4th century.

    Famous theological doctrines are ascribed to him. During the period of
    reign of the king Julianus the Betrayer he was subjected to torments,
    then he was exiled to a remote island, where he passed away dedicating
    the last years of his life to Christian preaching.

    Priest St. Pion also has been one of the devoted advocates of
    Christianity. It is known that he has served in Smyrna, where he has
    been martyred for preaching Christianity.

    Deacon St. Kyouregh (Cyril) and St. Benjamin have been martyred for
    the sake of Christian faith. Accusing Kyouregh (Cyril) in destroying
    heathen temples, Julianus the Betrayer allowed the heathen priests
    to judge him and the heathen priests subjected him to severe torments.

    Deacon St. Benjamin was martyred during the period of reign of the
    Persian king Hazkert I for preaching Christianity among the Persians.

    Among the victims martyred during the period of reign of the King
    Hazkert I were Vormzdana, minister of the Persian royal palace,
    and Sayen, a Persian noble. Both of them being deprived of royal and
    noble pleasures and privileges continued to remain loyal to Christian
    faith and were martyred for the sake of Christian faith.

    Abdlmseh was the son of rich Jews living in Persia. While pasturing his
    father's cattle Abdlmseh was acquainted with other Christians of the
    same age, who baptized him and renamed Abdlmseh, which means "Servant
    of Christ." Becoming aware of his son's converting to Christianity
    and not succeeding to force him to renounce of Christianity, his
    father stabbed him in the same place where the saint had been baptized.