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Humanitarian, exposition of human rights violations, starts today

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  • Humanitarian, exposition of human rights violations, starts today, Italy
    April 29 2006

    Humanitarian, exposition of human rights violations, starts today

    Asia will also come under the spotlight in the nine-day event in
    Valmontone, near Rome, with a focus on Cambodia (encounter with
    Philip Short, the author of the books Pol Pot and Mao), China
    (encounter with Fr Bernardo Cervellera, director of AsiaNews and
    author of the book Missione China (Mission China), Tibet (encounter
    with Ugo Papi, president of the association Friends of Tibet and
    Marialaura Di Mattia Polichetti, Indo-Tibetologist).

    Rome (AsiaNews) - Violated human rights will be the major theme of
    `Humanitarian', a nine-day event that will tackle genocides, women's
    and children's rights, torture and the death penalty, arms
    trafficking, wars, hunger and poverty, the struggle against AIDS and

    The manifestation will be held in Valmontone - in the province of
    Rome - from today, 29 April until Sunday 7 May. It includes times of
    research and reflection interspersed with theatre, music, cinema and
    dance. Throughout the event, documentaries, videos, photo exhibitions
    and artistic shows will be featured.

    Many governmental and non-governmental organizations that safeguard
    human rights in Italy and the rest of the world will take part in all
    stages of the event - elaboration of the programme, interventions,
    exhibitions, and video materials. Some of the organizations are:
    ActionAid International, Amnesty International - Italian section,
    Italian Refugee Council, the inter-ministerial committee for human
    rights, the Italian Red Cross, Doctors without Borders, Hands off
    Cain, Save the Children Italy, Terre des hommes Italy, Unicef Italy,
    and the International Voluntary Association for Development.

    The event will be opened on Saturday by Aldo Forbice, creator and
    director of Humanitarian and by Giovanni Conso, chairman of the
    honorary committee. The chairpersons and directors of organizations
    taking part in Humanitarian will be present, together with Italian
    and European MPs.

    The opening will be followed by a concert of Grazia Di Michele.

    Sunday will focus on genocides of today and yesterday: there will be
    testimonies, film clips and commentaries about the Armenian genocide,
    the Shoah, the gulag, Chechnya, Rwanda and Darfur. Space will be
    allotted to Asia, with a focus on Cambodia (encounter with Philip
    Short, the author of the books Pol Pot and Mao); China (encounter
    with Fr Bernardo Cervellera, director of AsiaNews and author of the
    book Missione China - Mission China); Tibet (encounter with Ugo Papi,
    president of the association Friends of Tibet and Marialaura Di
    Mattia Polichetti, Indo-Tibetologist); Iran, with testimonies of ex
    political prisoners, and Iranian dissidents.

    >From Monday onwards, it will be time for shows, debates and
    exhibitions, like `A world of rights' by Amnesty International that
    aims to be a key to the theme of the interdependence of all human
    tights, revealing links between civil and political rights on the one
    hand and economic and social rights on the other. The initiative will
    analyze current problems like fundamental rights, the impact of
    economic choices on the world of nature and human societies, the
    right to peace and how this is threatened by economic interests, the
    arms trade, identity and self-determination of peoples.