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The Report On Ward Churchill

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  • The Report On Ward Churchill

    by Tom Mayer

    Swans, CA
    June 19 2006

    [Ed. Professor Mayer of the Univesity of Colorado at Boulder wrote this
    text before going on a trip. He sent it "to several local newspapers,
    but they all rejected it because it was too long." Our thanks to Louis
    Proyect and David Anderson who brought this valuable contribution to
    our attention.]

    (Swans - June 19, 2006) I have finally finished a careful reading
    of the 124 page report about the alleged academic misconduct of
    Ward Churchill. Often, but not always, I have been able to compare
    the statements in the report with the relevant writings of Professor
    Churchill. Although the report by the committee on research misconduct
    clearly entailed prodigious labor, it is a flawed document requiring
    careful analysis. The central flaw in the report is grotesque
    exaggeration about the magnitude and gravity of the improprieties
    committed by Ward Churchill. The sanctions recommended by the
    investigating committee are entirely out of whack with those imposed
    upon such luminaries as Stephen Ambrose, Doris Kearns Goodwin, and
    Lawrence Tribe, all of whom committed plagiarisms far more egregious
    than anything attributed to Professor Churchill.

    The text of the report suggests that the committee's judgments
    about the seriousness of Churchill's misconduct were contaminated
    by political considerations. This becomes evident on page 97 where
    the committee acknowledges that "damage done to the reputation
    of ... the University of Colorado as an academic institution is
    a consideration in our assessment of the seriousness of Professor
    Churchill's conduct." Whatever damage the University may have sustained
    by employing Ward Churchill derives from his controversial political
    statements and certainly not from the obscure footnoting practices
    nor disputed authorship issues investigated by the committee. Indeed,
    the two plagiarism charges refer to publications that are now fourteen
    years old. Although these charges had been made years earlier, they
    were not considered worthy of investigation until Ward Churchill
    became a political cause celèbre. Using institutional reputation to
    measure misconduct severity amounts to importing politics through
    the back door.

    The report claims that Professor Churchill engaged in fabrication
    and falsification. To make these claims it stretches the meaning of
    these words almost beyond recognition. Fabrication implies an intent
    to deceive. There is not a shred of evidence that the writings of Ward
    Churchill contain any assertion that he himself did not believe. The
    language used in the report repeatedly drifts in an inflammatory
    direction: disagreement becomes misinterpretation, misinterpretation
    becomes misrepresentation, misinterpretation becomes falsification.

    Ward may be wrong about who was considered an Indian under the General
    Allotment Act of 1887 or about the origins of the 1837-1840 smallpox
    epidemic among the Indians of the northern plains, but the report
    does not establish that only a lunatic or a liar could reach his
    conclusions on the basis of available evidence.

    The charges of fabrication and falsification all derive from short
    fragments within much longer articles. The report devotes 44 pages
    to discussing the 1837-1840 smallpox epidemic. One might think that
    Ward had written an entire book on this subject. In fact this issue
    occupies no more than three paragraphs in any of his writings. In
    each of the six essays cited in the report, all reference to this
    epidemic could have been dropped without substantially weakening the
    argument. To be sure, the account given by Ward is not identical to
    that found in any of his sources, but it is a recognizable composite of
    information contained within them. The committee peremptorily dismisses
    Churchill's contention that his interpretation of the epidemic was
    influenced by the Native American oral tradition. This is treated
    as no more than an ex post facto defense against the allegation of
    misconduct. The committee also discounts Native American witnesses who
    support Churchill's interpretations as well as his fidelity to oral
    accounts. The centrality of the oral tradition is evident in many of
    Churchill's writings. His acknowledgments frequently include elders,
    Indian bands, and the American Indian Movement. He often integrates
    Native American poetry with his historical analysis. Three of his books
    with which I am familiar, Since Predator Came (1995), A Little Matter
    of Genocide (1997), and Struggle for the Land (2002) all begin with
    poems. As a thirty-year veteran of the intense political struggles
    within the American Indian Movement, Ward Churchill could not avoid
    a deep familiarity with the oral tradition of Native American history.

    By addressing only a tiny fragment of his writings, the report
    implies that Ward tries to overawe and hoodwink his readers with
    spurious documentation. Anyone who reads an essay like "Nits Make
    Lice: The Extermination of North American Indians 1607-1996" with its
    612 footnotes will get a very different impression. Churchill, they
    will see, goes far beyond most writers of broad historical overviews
    in trying to support his claims. He often cites several references
    in the same footnote. Ward is deeply engaged with the materials he
    references and frequently comments extensively upon them. He typically
    mounts a running critique of authors like James Axtell, Steven Katz,
    and Deborah Lipstadt. Readers will see that Churchill is familiar with
    a formidable variety of materials and can engage in a broad range of
    intellectual discourses.

    Ward Churchill is not just another writer about the hardships suffered
    by American Indians. He offers a very distinctive vision of what David
    Stannard calls the "American Holocaust." According to Churchill,
    the extermination of Native Americans was neither accidental,
    nor inadvertent, nor unwelcome among the invading Europeans. On
    the contrary, it was largely deliberate, often planned (sometimes
    by the highest political authorities), and frequently applauded
    within the mainstream media. "[A] hemispheric population estimated
    to have been as great as 125 million was reduced by something over 90
    percent....and in an unknown number of instances deliberately infected
    with epidemic diseases" (A Little Matter of Genocide, p. 1). Moreover,
    Ward maintains that the American Holocaust continues to this day. He
    thinks it is fully comparable to, and even more extensive than, the
    Nazi genocide of the Jewish people during World War Two. The endemic
    chauvinism and Manichaean sensibility this process has induced within
    our political culture helps explain Hiroshima, Vietnam, Iraq, and
    other American exercises in technological murder.

    "If there is one crucial pattern that most affects our assessment,"
    writes the committee, "it is a pattern of failure to understand the
    difference between scholarship and polemic, or at least of behaving
    as though that difference does not matter" (p. 95). Taking away the
    negative imputation, I can agree with the latter observation. Ward
    believes we are all in a race against time. Thus the main point of
    historical scholarship is not to recount the past, but rather to
    provide intellectual ammunition for preventing future genocides now
    in the making.

    Like most scholars, Churchill practices an implicitly Bayesian
    (a statistical term) form of analysis. That is, he evaluates the
    plausibility of assertions and the credibility of evidence partly on
    the basis of his prior beliefs. That government officials connived in
    generating the 1837-40 smallpox epidemic seems far more plausible to
    Ward than to the investigating committee precisely because he thinks
    this is what American governments are inclined to do. He discounts many
    of the so-called primary sources cited in the report because their
    authors despise Indians or wish to conceal their own culpability in
    spreading the epidemic. And contrary to what the report says (p. 96),
    many first rate scholars focus on proving their own hypotheses rather
    than considering all available evidence even-handedly. Einstein,
    for example, spent the last three decades of his life trying to
    disprove quantum mechanics while largely disregarding evidence in
    its favor. This is not research misconduct.

    Virtually all the mass exterminations of recent times have evoked
    amazingly divergent historical assessments and numerical estimates.

    This is true of the Armenian genocide, Stalin's collectivization
    campaign and purges, the Nazi holocaust, Hiroshima and Nagasaki,
    the Great Leap Forward, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Rwanda. In some cases
    there is dispute about whether the extermination even happened, and
    even when mass killing is acknowledged, numerical estimates sometimes
    differ by a factor of ten or even more. These differing interpretations
    are almost never politically innocent but, when honestly advanced,
    they do not constitute research misconduct.

    Neither do Ward Churchill's assessments of genocidal activities by
    John Smith or by the U.S. Army at Fort Clark.

    The operational definition of academic misconduct used by the
    investigating committee is so broad that virtually anyone who writes
    anything might be found guilty. Not footnoting an empirical claim is
    misconduct. Citing a book without giving a page number is misconduct.

    Referencing a source that only partially supports an assertion is
    misconduct. Referencing contradictory sources without detailing their
    contradictions is misconduct. Citing a work considered by some to
    be unserious or inadequate is misconduct. Footnoting an erroneous
    claim without acknowledging the error is misconduct. Interpreting a
    text differently than does its author is misconduct. Ghost writing
    an article is misconduct. Referencing a paper one has ghost written
    without acknowledging authorship is misconduct. No doubt this list
    of transgressions could be greatly expanded. I strongly suspect that
    many people who vociferously support the report have read neither it
    nor any book or essay Ward Churchill has ever written. Perhaps this
    should be deemed a form of academic misconduct.

    If any of the sanctions recommended by the investigating committee
    are put into effect, it will constitute a stunning blow to academic
    freedom. Such punishment will show that a prolific, provocative, and
    highly influential thinker can be singled out for entirely political
    reasons; subjected to an arduous interrogation virtually guaranteed
    to find problems; and then severed from academic employment. It
    will indicate that public controversy is dangerous and that genuine
    intellectual heresy could easily be lethal to an academic career. It
    will demonstrate that tenured professors serve at the pleasure of
    governors, political columnists, media moguls, and talk show hosts.

    Most faculty members never say anything that requires protection. The
    true locus of academic freedom has always been defined by the
    intellectual outliers. The chilling effect of Ward Churchill's academic
    crucifixion upon the energy and boldness of these freedom-defining
    heretics will be immediate and profound.

    The authors of the report on Ward Churchill present themselves as
    stalwart defenders of academic integrity. I have a quite different
    perspective. I see them as collaborators in the erosion of academic
    freedom, an erosion all too consonant with the wider assault upon
    civil liberties currently underway. The authors of the report claim
    to uphold the intellectual credibility of ethnic studies. I wonder
    how many ethnic studies scholars will see it that way. I certainly
    do not. Notwithstanding their protestations to the contrary, I see
    committee members as gendarmes of methodological and interpretive
    orthodoxy, quite literally "warding" off a vigorous challenge to
    mainstream understandings of American history. Confronted by the
    evidence presented in this report, the appropriate response might be
    to write a paper critiquing the work of Ward Churchill. Excluding him,
    either permanently or temporarily, from the University of Colorado
    is singularly inappropriate.

    Ward Churchill is one of the most brilliant persons I have encountered
    during my 37 years at this university. His brilliance is not
    immediately evident due to his combative manner and propensity for
    long monologues. Whenever reading one of his essays I feel in the
    presence of a powerful though hyperbolic intellect. The permanent
    or temporary expulsion of Ward Churchill would be an immense loss
    for CU. In one fell swoop we would become a more tepid, more timid,
    and more servile institution. His expulsion would deprive students
    of contact with a potent challenger of accepted cognitive frameworks.

    The social sciences desperately need the kind of challenge presented
    by Ward Churchill. His most strident claims may be rather dubious, but
    they stimulate our scholarly juices and make us rethink our evidence
    and assumptions. One of his main objectives, Ward has often said, is
    "to bring consideration of American Indians into the main currents
    of global intellectual discourse." In this endeavor he has been a
    splendid success. 4.html
