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Portraits of Hope: The Armenians, Just Released in Germany,Reflects

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  • Portraits of Hope: The Armenians, Just Released in Germany,Reflects

    255 Duncan Mill Rd., Suite 310
    Toronto, ON, Canada M3B 3H9
    Tel: 416-250-9807 Fax: 416-512-1736 E-mail: [email protected]


    George Shirinian

    DATE: November 26, 2004 Tel: 416-250-9807

    Portraits of Hope: The Armenians, Just Released in Germany, Reflects
    in Its Afterword about the Zoryan Institute

    Berlin -- Verlag Hans Schiler has just released a unique new book
    containing fifty-two articles in German by or about Armenia and
    Armenians, both in Armenia and in the Diaspora. Released in October,
    Portraits of Hope: The Armenians, is aimed at a wide, German-speaking

    The editor, Huberta von Voss-Wittig, has previously published two
    books, both translations of literature from French into English. She
    explained the idea behind the book. "I started to take an interest
    in the Armenians while my husband served as the German Ambassador in
    Beirut and Nicosia. As an historian and journalist, I realized how
    small my knowledge of the Armenians was. The deeper I got into it,
    the more convinced I became that a book had to be written that shows
    the human beings behind the mere facts and figures. The Armenians
    are practically unknown to the German public today. That is why I
    decided to make a book that addresses a wide readership. I convinced a
    number of excellent German historians, authors and journalists-many of
    them foreign correspondents in various countries for the best German
    national newspaper-to contribute to the book."

    The book is divided into three broad sections. After an introduction
    by famed Holocaust historian Yehuda Bauer, the first section deals
    with Armenian history, and especially the Genocide. It contains
    contributions by such renowned experts as Tessa Hoffman, and Zoryan
    associated scholars Vahakn Dadrian, Taner Akçam, and Wolfgang Gust.

    The second section deals with Armenians in the Diaspora, and is
    subdivided into sections on history, literature, religion, art,
    film and photography, music, activism, politics & diplomacy, and
    "life-pictures." It contains articles about such notables as Vahakn
    Dadrian, Vartan Gregorian, Michael Arlen, Charles Aznavour, Atom
    Egoyan, Vartan Oskanian, Catholicos Karekin II, and Catholicos Aram
    I. Armenians from all over the world are represented.

    The third section, "Places of Memory," has articles on Armenians
    in Jerusalem, Der-el-Zor, Bourj Hammoud, Franz Werfel and Musa
    Dagh, the Murder of Talat in Berlin, and the Genocide Memorial at

    The book's Afterword, written by K.M. (Greg) Sarkissian, President
    of the Zoryan Institute, is a wide ranging essay that describes in
    detail the Institute's twenty-two-year history of accomplishments.

    "This is a very important book for several reasons," stated George
    Shirinian, Director of the Zoryan Institute. First, it describes the
    interesting and important activities of a number of very talented,
    highly motivated, and tenaciously dedicated individuals. Second,
    it demonstrates the commitment of Diasporan Armenians to the welfare
    of their nation and may serve as an inspiration to others. Third, it
    is an unusually broad and comprehensive representation of Armenian
    activities, interests, individual voices, and issues. Finally,
    as many of the articles stress the importance of the Genocide in
    the modern Armenian reality, the book, hopefully, will sensitize
    contemporary German society to the need for German historians to
    conduct serious research and publish on the role of Germany in the
    Armenian Genocide. We should all be grateful for the wonderful book
    that Huberta Voss-Wittig has put together, providing us with a deeper
    insight into where we have come from as a nation, where we are now,
    and where we may be heading."

    While the book is in German, the English language version
    of the Afterword is available on the Zoryan web site, Go to "About Us" and click on "The Making of
    a National Research Centre." A printed copy may be had by writing to:
    Zoryan Institute 255 Duncan Mill Rd., Suite 310 Toronto, ON Canada
    M3B 3H9

    Huberta von Voss, ed. Porträt einer Hoffnung Die Armenier. Lebensbilder
    aus aller Welt. Berlin: Verlag Hans Schiler, 2004, 415p.

    The Zoryan Institute is an international center devoted to the
    research and documentation of contemporary issues related to the
    history, politics, society, and culture of Armenia and Armenians
    around the world.
