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NKR Deputy FM Masis Mailyan Calls For Widening Of Buffer Zone

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  • NKR Deputy FM Masis Mailyan Calls For Widening Of Buffer Zone

    Deputy foreign minister of the Nagornyy Karabakh Republic Masis Mailyan,calls
    for widening of Karabakh "buffer zone"

    Arminfo, Yerevan
    12 Mar 05


    The cease-fire violations this week cannot be assessed as a tendency,
    but it cannot be ruled out that such incidents will be repeated in the
    future, the deputy foreign minister of the Nagornyy Karabakh Republic,
    Masis Mailyan, has told Kavkazskiy Uzel [web site].

    The Azerbaijani side has been purposefully bringing its firing
    positions closer to the contact line with the Nagornyy Karabakh
    defence army for the past few years, thus reducing the so-called
    "buffer zone", he said.

    "We have more than once warned representatives of the OSCE mediation
    mission that reducing the distance between the conflicting sides could
    lead to the escalation of tension on the front line, and this is what
    we have today," the deputy minister said. He also said that in order
    to avoid fresh incidents, the border should be demarcated
    internationally and Azerbaijani troops should be moved back to their
    previous positions.

    The Nagornyy Karabakh authorities welcome the suggestion of the
    personal representative of the OSCE chairman-in-office that monitoring
    be conducted in the near future of the section of the contact line
    where the Azerbaijani side has been regularly violating the cease-fire
    since 7 March, Mailyan said.

    [Passage omitted: minor details]