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Ousted Kyrgyz President Arrives in Moscow

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  • Ousted Kyrgyz President Arrives in Moscow

    Voice of America

    Ousted Kyrgyz President Arrives in Moscow

    By Anya Ardayeva
    26 March 2005

    Askar Akayev (File photo)

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has reportedly offered his help to the new
    Kyrgyz leadership. Meanwhile, reports in Moscow say that ousted Kyrgyz
    President Askar Akayev has taken refuge in Russia.

    Kyrgyzstan's interim leader, Kurmanbek Bakiyev, says he spoke to the Russian
    leader on the phone, and was offered help.

    Mr. Bakiyev says the Russian president expressed interest in what was
    happening in Kyrgyzstan, and asked if any help from Russia was needed to
    stabilize the situation. Mr. Bakiyev said he was grateful to the Russian
    leader for showing concern and extending the hand of friendship to
    Kyrgyzstan's new leadership.

    Vladimir Putin

    Speaking in Yerevan, Armenia, on Friday, Vladimir Putin said the opposition
    leaders in Kyrgyzstan who have formed an interim government were known well
    in Russia, as they have worked in Kyrgyzstan's government in the past, and
    have contributed to developing relations between Moscow and Bishkek. He said
    Russia was ready to do everything to further develop the relations between
    the two nations.

    Mr. Putin also said that the change of power in the central Asian nation was
    a result of weak leadership and multiple social and economic problems in the

    The Russian leader said he was sorry that, once again, in the territory of
    the former Soviet Union, political questions are solved, "in an unlawful
    way," and are accompanied by what he called pogroms and human casualties. He
    called for Kyrgyzstan's interim leaders to bring the situation in the
    country under control.

    The Russian president also said that ousted Kyrgyz President Askar Akayev
    was welcome to come to Russia.

    Mr. Akayev fled the country on March 24, as opposition supporters stormed
    government buildings and took control of the capital, Bishkek. On Saturday,
    the Interfax news agency reported, the Kremlin confirmed that the ousted
    Kyrgyz leader had arrived in Russia. Mr. Akayev has said that he is still
    Kyrgyzstan's legitimate president. Kurmanbek Bakiyev, the opposition leader
    appointed by parliament to lead an interim government, said he would run in
    a June election to replace Mr. Akayev as president.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress