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Armenian leader says new ferry link to tackle"serious transport prob

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  • Armenian leader says new ferry link to tackle"serious transport prob

    Armenian leader says new ferry link to tackle "serious transport problems"

    Mediamax news agency
    25 Mar 05

    Yerevan, 25 March: The Russian and Armenian presidents, Vladimir
    Putin and Robert Kocharyan, stressed the importance of the Port Kavkaz
    (Russia) - Poti (Georgia) railway ferry in Yerevan today.

    Speaking at a news conference on the outcome of talks with President
    Kocharyan, Putin said that the railway ferry Port Kavkaz - Poti
    would open new "broad opportunities" for business circles in Russia
    and Armenia. He also said that it is desirable to attract private
    investment in this project.

    Armenian President Kocharyan, in his turn, said that the launch of
    the railway ferry is the beginning of a solution to "very serious
    transport problems" and will help change the situation "radically".

    Kocharyan said that the two also discussed "serious energy projects
    which could have fundamental consequences". The leaders of the two
    countries noted major potential for the development of bilateral
    economic relations, especially in the area of investment, banking
    and construction.

    Putin stressed that a rise in Russian investments in Armenia has been
    recorded recently. Armenia could also invest in Russia, he noted.

    [Armenian Arminfo news agency reported at 1207 gmt 25 Mar 05 that
    the Russian president said that the first ferry loaded with grain and
    bound for Georgia had left Port Kavkaz for Poti two days ago. "We are
    planning to use this ferry in the future for shipments to Armenia as
    well," Putin said.]