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Israel is among the holocaust deniers

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  • Israel is among the holocaust deniers

    Israel is among the holocaust deniers

    Tue., March 29, 2005

    By Yossi Sarid

    April 24 will mark the 90th anniversary of the Armenian genocide, and
    the Armenian government is holding an international conference in the
    capital of Yerevan, dedicated to the memory of the more than a million
    Armenians murdered by the Turks. I was also invited, and I decided to
    attend. This month will also see the Hebrew publication of Prof. Yair
    Auron's eye-opening and stomach churning book, "The Banality of
    Denial: Israel and the Armenian Genocide," Transaction Publishers,
    which has already been highly praised overseas in its English-language

    As opposed to many other nations, Israel has never recognized the
    murder of the Armenian people, and in effect lent a hand to the
    deniers of that genocide. Our official reactions moved in the vague,
    illusory realm between denial to evasion, from "it's not clear there
    really was genocide" to "it's an issue for the historians," as Shimon
    Peres once put it so outrageously and stupidly.

    There are two main motives for the Israeli position. The first is the
    importance of the relationship with Turkey, which for some reason
    continues to deny any responsibility for the genocide, and uses heavy
    pressure worldwide to prevent the historical responsibility for the
    genocide to be laid at its door. The pressure does work, and not only
    Israel, but other countries as well do the arithmetic of profits and
    loss. The other motive is that recognition of another nation's murder
    would seem to erode the uniqueness of the Jewish Holocaust.

    Five years ago, on the 85th anniversary of the Armenian genocide, I
    was invited as education minister to the Armenian church in the Old
    City of Jerusalem. This is what I said at the time:

    "I am here, with you, as a human being, as a Jew, as an Israeli, and
    as the minister of education in Israel. For many years, too many, you
    were alone on this, your memorial day. I am aware of the special
    significance of my presence here. Today, for the first time, you are
    less alone."

    I recalled the Jewish American ambassador to Turkey at the time of the
    slaughter, Henry Morgenthau, who called the massacre of the Armenians
    "the greatest crime of modern history." That good man had no idea what
    would yet happen in the 20th century - who could have anticipated the
    Jewish Holocaust? And I recalled Franz Werfel's "The 40 Days of Musa
    Dagh," which came out in Germany in the spring of 1933 and shocked
    millions of people and eventually, me, too, as a youth.

    Summing up, I said, "We Jews, the main victims of murderous hatred,
    must be doubly sensitive and identify with other victims. Those who
    stand aside, turn away, cast a blind eye, make their calculations of
    gains and losses, and are silent, always help the murderers and never
    those who are being murdered. In our new history curriculum I want to
    see a central chapter on genocide, and within it, an open reference to
    the Armenian genocide. That is our duty to you and to ourselves."

    The Armenian community in Israel and the world took note of that
    statement with satisfaction. Turkey complained vociferously, demanding
    an explanation from the Israeli government. And "my government," of
    all governments, first stammered and then denied responsibility, and
    explained that I spoke for myself. And not a remnant survives in the
    new curriculum of the Livnat era.

    Now it can be said. They were right. All the stammerers and deniers. I
    really did not consult with anyone else and did not ask for
    permission. What must be asked when the answer is known in advance,
    and it is based on the wrong assumption that there is a contradiction
    between a moral position and a political one? Just how beastly must we
    be as humans, or as Haaretz wrote then in its editorial, "The teaching
    of genocides must be at the top of the priorities of the values of the
    Jewish people, the victim of the Holocaust, and no diplomacy of
    interests can be allowed to stand in that way"?

    The Israeli Foreign Ministry, and not only it, is always afraid of its
    own shadow and thus it casts a dark shadow over us all as accomplices
    to the "silence of the world." The Dalai Lama, leader of the exiled
    Tibetans, has visited here twice, and twice I was warned by
    "officials" not to meet with him. It would mean a crisis in relations
    with China, the exact same thing they say about Turkey. I rebuffed
    those warnings in both cases. I have always believed that moral
    policies pay off in the long run, while rotten policies end up losing.

    And all this I will repeat in the capital of Armenia, only in my name,
    of course.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress