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BAKU: Meeting At Council Of International Relations

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  • BAKU: Meeting At Council Of International Relations


    AzerTag, Azerbaijan
    April 26 2006

    President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, in the frame of his first visit
    to the United States, on 26 April held a meeting at the Council on
    International Relations in Washington.

    The former US president's National Security Advisor general Brent
    Scowcroft opened the meeting. He updated on the biography of Ilham
    Aliyev, noting that Azerbaijan is one of the strategic partners of the
    United States. Speaking of the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh
    conflict, he said the Armenian troops had occupied territories of
    Azerbaijan. He appraised Azerbaijan's efforts for settlement of the
    conflict and stressed they would and henceforth support Azerbaijan's
    fair position.

    President Ilham Aliyev gave a speech. He, in particular, said
    Azerbaijan experiences the period of development. He spoke of
    hardships in the first years of independence, on the socio-political
    situation that led the country to verge of civil war. And when
    Heydar Aliyev returned to power in the Republic, it was he who
    established socio-political stability in the country and launched
    many international projects.

    President Aliyev said Azerbaijan attaches strategic importance
    to partnership with the United States of America. There is mutual
    understanding on cooperation with USA in the field of safety and
    economy, he stressed.

    The president informed on riches of Azerbaijan and the huge investments
    involved in the country's economy. He also gave detailed information on
    the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh conflict, its hard sequences
    and negotiation process for settlement of the problem.

    President Ilham Aliyev answered many questions.

    The head of the Azerbaijan State also dwelt on the Azerbaijan-Russia
    relations, noting these ties successfully develop. Azerbaijan is on
    economic progress and never will become a space of confrontation,
    he emphasized.

    President Aliyev responded the questions on democratization process
    in Azerbaijan, bilateral relations between Azerbaijan and USA and
    "orange revolutions".