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  • Gibrhayer - Nicosia

    e-magazine _http://gibrahayer.cyprusnewsletter.com_

    The largest circulation Armenian e-magazine
    Circulates every Wednesday
    Established in 1999


    On Monday July 24, 2006, Archbishop of Armenians in Cyprus Varoujan and
    Armenian representative in the Cyprus Parliament Vartkes Mahdessian had a meeting
    with the Ambassador of Lebanon Michelle El Khoury, to whom they expressed
    the solidarity of the Armenian community of Cyprus towards the people of
    Lebanon. They also expressed their readiness to assist in every way to thedispatch
    of humanitarian aid to the refugees in the areas of conflict.
    Ambassador El Khoury briefed the leadership of the Armenian community of
    Cyprus about the current situation in Lebanon, and presented to Archbishop
    Varoujan and representative Mahdessian with a priority list of needs that are
    urgently necessary to assist the relief effort for Lebanon.
    The Armenian community of Cyprus calls all its members and friends, so that
    they actively participate in the collection of humanitarian aid towards the
    refugees of Lebanon, who did not hesitate to help and assist the Armenian
    people when they sought shelter in Lebanon as a result of the Armenian genocide
    of 1915.
    The financial or humanitarian assistance (**) can be delivered to the
    Armenian Prelature of Nicosia (22493560), while our compatriots in Larnacaand
    Limassol may contact 99465818.
    We warmly urge you, that the offered items are not used. Finally, we pray
    for the innocent souls that are perishing and hope that God Almighty may bring
    peace to the world and love and understanding between people.
    With thanks,
    Office of the Armenian representative in the Cyprus Parliament
    Secretariat of the Armenian Prelature of Cyprus
    Nicosia, 24th July 2006


    BEIRUT (Aztag) - As the number of displaced people increased as a result of
    the Israeli attacks on Lebanon, many Lebanese refugees sought refuge in
    Armenian community establishments in and around Beirut Wednesday, the Aztag
    newspaper reported.
    Public school building have been turned into shelters for evacuees. Aztag
    reporters toured the Bourdj Hammoud neighbourhood and discussed the
    situation with several refugees.
    To address the needs of the affected population, the ARF Lebanon Central
    Committee announced the establishment of a task force, which will organise
    relief efforts in and around area, coordinating activities with city hall and
    relief organizations working in the area.
    The Armenian Relief Society Araxi Boulghourjian infirmary has been
    designated as the headquarters for the efforts.
    The ARF CC of Lebanon issued an announcement Tuesday, pledging all its
    organisational resources to the affected Lebanese public. This announcement
    and other details about the ARF-initiated efforts were broadcast on Lebanese
    television and radio, as well as other media outlets.
    The Lebanon Prelacy issued an announcement Wednesday condemning what it
    called the barbaric attacks by Israel on Lebanon.
    Armenia's Ambassador to Lebanon Vahan Ter-Ghevondian held a press conference
    Wednesday afternoon, announcing that Armenia's Embassy in Beirut would
    continue its operations.
    "Our embassy will be open 24 hours a day and our staff has been answering
    phone calls and inquiries regarding the developments and continues to accept
    visitors," said Ter-Ghevondian, adding that through the embassy's and
    Armenia's foreign ministry's efforts Armenian citizens were being evacuated to
    Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty reported that some 200 more Armenian
    citizens and other residents of Lebanon will be evacuated to Armenia on Thursday
    amid the continuing Israeli assault on the tiny Arab state, the Foreign Ministry
    in Yerevan said on Wednesday.
    A ministry spokesman, Vladimir Karapetian, told RFE/RL that the evacuees
    will be transported to Syria by bus and then fly to Yerevan on board two
    Armenian airliners. "Most of them are citizens of Armenia," Karapetian said. The
    evacuees will be accompanied by Armenian diplomats during the high-risk
    journey from Beirut to Aleppo, he said.
    According to the ministry, 160 Armenians and dozens of Lebanese citizens of
    Armenian descent have already escaped to Armenia since the start of
    devastating Israeli raids on civilian and guerrilla targets in Lebanon on July 12. It
    says some 1,200 Armenian nationals lived in the country before the assault.
    Prime Minister Andranik Markarian has promised to provide "state support" to
    them and other Lebanese residents who would like to take refuge in Armenia.
    Two Armenian diplomats have been sent to Lebanon and Syria to assist in their
    voluntary evacuation.
    "I wouldn't say there is a big influx of evacuees from Lebanon right now,"
    said Karapetian. "It's just that we are prepared for such an influx because
    is not clear when all of this will end."
    The official added that no Armenian casualties have been reported so far.
    "There is no mass exodus of Armenians yet," Shahan Kandaharian, editor of
    the local Armenian-language "Aztag" daily based, told RFE/RL from Beirut.
    tatiana's corner by Tatiana Ferahian



    for images of the commemoration on Sunday please click here
    In 1896, the Hamidian massacres were decimating the Armenian population of
    Ottoman Turkey, and the vilayet of Van, like the other vilayets, was in the
    Turks' line of fire. However, Van proved to be a difficult target for the
    Turks, because of its Armenian inhabitants' steely resolve to resist and defend
    themselves despite meagre resources.
    At first, the Armenians of Van succeeded in deterring the Turks. Later,
    however, the Kurdish Mazrik tribe ambushed a squad of Armenian defenders and
    mercilessly slaughtered them. As a consequence, Armenians were outraged and the
    ARF Dashnaktsoutiun came in to retaliate.
    Geographically, the plain of Khanasor lies between the district of Van and
    Iran, and was once heavily populated by Kurds. The aim of the Khanasor
    expedition was to punish the Mazriks who had been terrorising the Armenians in the
    area. Volunteers from the Hunchakians and the Armenakans joined the ranks of
    the Dashnaktsoutiun for the Khanasor expedition. The three leaders of the
    expedition were Vartan, Ishkhan and Nigol-Douman, all of them Dashnaks. OnJuly
    25, 1897, at dawn, 250 fedayis stormed the Mazrik tribe, leaving only ashes in
    their wake.
    The Khanasor expedition was a small triumph for the Armenians. As a result,
    Armenians built up their self-confidence, their belief in their ability to
    defend themselves now re-enforced. To this day, Armenians remember the event in
    commemorative ceremonies honouring the expedition as an important event in
    the history of the Armenian struggle for freedom.

    The traditional annual event in Cyprus took place at Loumata ton Aeton in
    Troodos. The message of the day was delivered by ARF Dashnaktsoutiun Cyprus
    Committee member Hagop Manougian. On behalf of AYF Armenian Youth of Cyprus,
    unger Kevork Keoshgerian addressed the crowd and emphasized the importanceof
    the Lisbon operation in 1983 and the act of self-sacrifice of the five young
    At the end of the commemoration ARF Dashnaktsoutiun Cyprus Committee
    representative Vahan Aynedjian announced the Armenian Relief Society's appeal for
    assistance to war-stricken Lebanon (above)
    Special tribute was paid to two late members of AYMA, Nazaret Terzian and
    Artin Haroutiounian, who used to participate in the Khanasor commemorationon
    the Troodos mountain range every year until the late 70s with their musical
    instruments (the former with his trumpet and the latter with his accordion)
    accompanying the singing of revolutionary songs. Nazaret Terzian passed away in
    1979, while Artin Haroutiounian emigrated to Australia with his family in
    1975 and passed away there in 1991.
    In their place, two other musicians, Haig Mahdessian with his accordion and
    David Simonian with his clarinet, accompanied the crowd during the singingof
    the Khanasor song, "Gargoud deghats Khanasora tashdoum, fedayiner
    tashnagtsagan vrijarou koroum en...".
    Click here to view images of the Khanasor commemoration in Cyprus.


    At the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) summer
    session, the Armenian delegation has succeeded to ensure the support of big powers
    in turning down proposals put forward by the Azerbaijani and Turkish
    delegations, Vahan Hovhannisian, head of the Armenian delegation to the PACE and
    National Assembly vice speaker, told a news conference Monday.
    Hovhannisian said, resolutions favourable for Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh
    have been passed.
    `This time our cooperation with big powers was successful, I mean,the US,
    Canada, France and Russia,' Hovhannisian said. `Most importantly, we
    succeeded in including a provision of self-determination right in the PACE
    resolutions based on the results of the Montenegro referendum.'
    He noted that the adoption of those resolutions demonstrated a precise
    balance between the rights to self-determination and territorial integrity.
    Hovhannisian said the resolutions caused a fury of the Azeri delegation.
    Azeri and Georgian delegations have tried to counter those resolutions by
    two others that would put disputed territories under the control of statesthey
    formerly belonged but both resolutions, backed by Turkey, were turned down,
    Hovhannisian added.
    Finally, Hovhannisian mentioned that most Council of Europe countries havea
    vague understanding how the Karabakh conflict is to be settled but they
    realise which side is ready for compromises and which one is not.


    (20.07.2006 - PanARMENIAN.Net) Turkish PM Erdogan had important messages for
    the EU upon his arrival in the "Turkish Republic of N. Cyprus" to attend the
    32nd anniversary of the Turkish invasion on the island.
    Erdogan was met by "TRNC" PM Soyer upon his arrival at Ercan Airport, and
    told him, "We've fulfilled our obligations, and the international community
    should immediately lift the unfair sanctions imposed on Turkish Cyprus." Erdogan
    made clear that Turkey will not make any concessions.
    Later on, Erdogan held a joint press conference with "TRNC" President Talat.
    Erdogan reiterated that Turkey wants a UN-backed solution to the Cyprus
    problem. "The world should remove the isolations imposed on the "TRNC" so that
    Turkey may fulfil its responsibilities. We have always supported a peaceful
    solution, and will continue to do so."
    Furthermore, Erdogan stressed Turkey will continue to be a "brother" to the
    TRNC as it has done in the past. Talat also offered support for Erdogan's
    peace plan, and called on Greece and Greek Cyprus to do the same.
    Erdogan reassured the TRNC saying, "Don't worry. We will not open Turkish
    ports to Greek Cypriot traffic." Erdogan later met former Turkish Cypriot
    President Rauf Denktash at his office. "We are pursuing your goals. We will make
    no concessions over the Cyprus issue," Erdogan reportedly told Denktash.
    To remind readers, the EU has warned Turkey of the possible breakdown of the
    talks id Ankara fails to put into operation the additional protocol to the
    customs union that was signed in July, 2005. The union provides for opening of
    Turkish ports to Greek Cypriot traffic.


    The Human Resource Management Association organised a competition to reward
    novel ideas and advanced systems in areas of human resources management and
    improvement of labour relations within a company or public organisation. The
    prizes were given by the Director of the Cyprus International Institute of
    Management (CIIM), Dr. Theodoros Panayiotou, during the Association's annual
    general meeting held at the Bank of Cyprus Head Offices in Nicosia. The top
    honours for Management Excellence went to our very own Taleen Tchalikian
    (Tashdjian) for her paper on "Values Launch Through Employee Engagement" based on her
    experiences at Wagerlogic Ltd.
    Origins of Armenians
    The Armenian people have been described throughout the centuries as
    adaptable, resilient, enterprising, and steadfast. How they managed to survive
    repeated invasions, destruction, and persecution, while large and more powerful
    states disappeared and how they were able to make significant contributions to
    world civilisation is a tribute to the Armenian people.
    The Armenians are one of the few peoples of antiquity who, together with
    their language and culture, have survived to the present day. While their
    existence as a national, political, and cultural entity dates from the first
    millennium before Christ, recently accumulated evidence offers conclusive proof
    that the civilisations erected by the immediate predecessors of the Armenians go
    back to the second and third millennia B.C.
    for more click here
    news in brief
    A meeting of Armenian President Robert Kocharian and Azeri leader Ilham
    Aliyev is not scheduled within the framework of the informal summit of theCIS
    After weeks of monitoring the region, the OSCE concluded that recent
    wildfires in Nagorno-Karabakh were a direct result of arson perpetrated by
    Azerbaijan. A report by a personal representative of the OSCE
    Chairman-in-Office Andrzei Kasprchik was delivered to both the Armenian and Azeri foreign
    ministries, concluding that Azerbaijan was the cause of the wildfires in that
    Marcos Baghdatis led Cyprus in victory in Davis Cup against neighbouring
    Egypt in Cairo this weekend, winning the tie 3-2. Click here for details.
    Zaruhi Harutyunyan results. Click here

    Zaruhi Harutyunyan
    STANDS AT 182

    After winning in Edinburgh, Zaruhi Harutyunyan won her fifth title in
    Winchester this time in the doubles.
    Unfortunately, her singles challenge reached "only" as far as the semi
    finals due to injury, stopping a three tournament winning streak that started in
    Her current ranking is at 182 !
    For Zaruhi Harutyunyan's activity in 2006 - click here


    Laiki Bank Strovolos Industrial Area, Stavrou 96 I, 2034, Strovolos:
    Account No. 101-08-037631 for Zaruhi Harutyunyan under Simon Aynedjian
    International transfers at IBAN CY30 0030 0101 0000 0101 0803 7631
    Swift Code address LIKICY2N
    gibrahayer calendar
    Sunday 16-30 July - Hamazkayin Forum - Yerevan - Armenia. Visit the
    Hamazkayin Forum site at:
    12 - 30 July - Khalkidiki Summer Camp organised by the ARS of Greece for 12
    - 16 year old Armenians. Sosse Chapter of ARS (HOM) Sosse Cyprus announce
    that 18 Armenian youth from Cyprus are participating.

    Panda Software launches Panda DesktopSecure for Linux, a free anti-malware
    suite for Linux workstations- With this launch, Panda Software aims to
    contribute to the Linux community, offering a free product to protect these
    systems - The new suite includes signature-based detection of malicious code, the
    Genetic Heuristic Engine and a powerful firewall- The whole solution is
    controlled via a single graphic interface, simplifying installation, configuration
    and maintenance. Panda Software is launching Panda DesktopSecure for Linux,
    a complete security suite for protecting Linux workstations. This solutionis
    available completely free to Linux users at: re