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Obscure Plans Of Armenian Government In Karabakh

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  • Obscure Plans Of Armenian Government In Karabakh

    27 June 06

    The home political developments in Armenia are already reflected in
    Nagorno Karabakh Republic, stated Alexander Arzumanyan, the former
    minister of foreign affairs of Armenia, on June 27 at the Pastark
    Club. Alexander Arzumanyan told news reporters that Karabakh is losing
    its democratic image, which was one of the strongest trump cards of
    the Armenian party in the settlement of the conflict.

    Alexander Arzumanyan reminds that after the first election of Arkady
    Ghukasyan Karabakh had a chance to be an island of democracy, but
    now it is going to lose this chance.

    "They conducted excellent presidential elections, a rather progressive
    Election Code was adopted. These reforms led to an unprecedented
    transparent and fair election of mayor of Stepanakert, where a
    member of the opposition won. This logic should have been carried
    on. I have said and I will repeat that the democratic development
    of Nagorno Karabakh is one of the key warrants for settlement of the
    Nagorno-Karabakh issue and the recognition of Nagorno Karabakh. And
    the government of Karabakh stepped back as soon as they saw what is
    going on in Armenia. Realizing that free elections suppose a change
    of power, fear made them conduct the recent parliamentary election
    in an Armenian manner," says Alexander Arzumanyan.

    He says home political life in Karabakh is made to resemble that of
    Armenia, and the system of government is made oligarchic. Alexander
    Arzumanyan thinks it is necessary to do everything to save Karabakh
    from this danger. "Look, the Task Force for the Constitution of Nagorno
    Karabakh was set up 5-6 years ago. Nobody heard anything about the
    Task Force over the past 5 years. In May the Karabakh media reported
    that two out of the ten chapters of the draft constitution were ready
    and they were still working on the other eight chapters.

    Two weeks later it was announced that the Constitution is ready. It
    aroused suspicions and worries among the society in Karabakh that the
    government of Karabakh is seeking for reproduction, and Ghukasyan is
    likely to run a third term," says Alexander Arzumanyan. According to
    him, the Armenian government should not be allowed to implement its
    obscure plants in Nagorno Karabakh.