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Population Of Kashatagh Declines

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  • Population Of Kashatagh Declines

    27 June 06

    Over the past several years the population of the region of Kashatagh,
    NKR has been declining. After the armistice the local government
    had about 100 settlements populated, mainly thanks to extra sources
    of funding and privileges. For instance, the people of Kashatagh did
    not pay for electricity. Now there are no privileges, and some people
    leave the region.

    We cannot stop emigration because social conditions are very bad in
    the region, says Hamlet Khachatryan, the head of the administration
    of the region over the past two years.

    According to the results of the latest census, 10 thousand people live
    in the region. 51 out of 71 settlements do not have electricity supply.

    Armo Tsatryan, the minister of territorial management and development
    of infrastructures, affirmed that in 2006 another 12 communities will
    have electricity. 140 million drams have been allocated for this
    program. 50 million drams have been allocated for gasifying. This
    year 35 families in the town of Berdzor will have electricity.

    The settlement of Kashatagh is a strategic issue. In this context,
    it is surprising that the population of the region is declining,
    especially after the replacement of the head of the government of
    the region. In other words, when the funding and governance of the
    region is controlled by the NKR government. The former head of the
    government of the region Alexan Hakobyan was completely independent
    from the government of Karabakh. It is difficult to say whether it
    was good or bad, at that time, however, the population grew and social
    problems were solved quickly.