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Calming The Caucasus

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  • Calming The Caucasus

    The Monitor's View

    Christian Science Monitor, MA
    Oct 23 2006

    Georgia, a tiny democratic outpost on Russia's southern flank, is
    packing a big message. The two nations are locked in a high-stakes
    political and economic standoff - one that reveals the limits of US
    and European influence on former Soviet turf.

    The crisis began earlier this month when Georgia, known for its 2003
    "Rose Revolution" and pro-Western President Mikhail Saakashvili,
    arrested four alleged Russian spies. The suspects were eventually
    released to Russia, but Moscow has responded with uncalled-for
    harshness: cutting off transportation and postal ties with the former
    Soviet state, deporting many Georgians living in Russia, and shutting
    down their businesses there.

    The West might not pay much heed except that an escalation of tensions
    could have serious consequences - for Western access to a Caspian oil
    pipeline that runs through Georgia, for expanding Russian influence
    in its "near abroad," and for possible violence in the volatile
    Caucasus region.

    Behind the standoff lies Georgia's desire to join NATO in 2008 and to
    bring back two small separatist regions that broke away in bloody wars
    in the post-Soviet early 1990s. Russian peacekeepers, serving under
    a UN mandate, are in Abkhazia and South Ossetia. It's no secret that
    Moscow backs their drive for independence and would like them in its
    sphere. Nor does it want NATO's borders stretching across the Black
    Sea to Russia's back door.

    The fear here is that any number of wrong moves - by Russian President
    Vladimir Putin or by Mr. Saakashvili - could trigger violence that
    would inflame the well-armed Caucasus region, and spark a series of
    ethnic secessions from countries on Russia's border.

    Complicating all of this is the Western push for independence for
    Kosovo, the former Yugoslav province claimed by Russian ally Serbia.

    Mr. Putin sees that as justification for independence for Abkhazia and
    South Ossetia. Unsaid, but implied, would be independence for a host
    of other areas Russia wants back, or more tightly under its control:
    parts of Ukraine and Moldova, for instance, the long- disputed region
    of Nagorno-Karabakh, and parts of central Asia.

    Unless the US and Europe try seriously to address Russia's real fears
    about NATO encroachment, they may not - in the long run - be able to
    prevent Russian maneuvering to buttress its periphery. Putin knows
    he has the upper hand in the region. Much of the world might object
    to his strong-arm, antidemocratic tactics, but he's got most Russians
    solidly behind him, and his country is flush with energy profits.

    Politically, the West needs him to help solve the big-ticket crises
    of Iran and North Korea. And, economically, Western Europe depends
    on Russian oil and gas.

    But in the shortterm, the West can help defuse Georgian-Russian
    tensions by pointing to the dangers of escalation and a potential
    war over Georgia's breakaways. Over the weekend, the US secretary
    of State called for "cooler heads to prevail." Saakashvili, who
    needlessly provoked the crisis, has wisely renounced any military or
    quick action to solve the separatist problem. Moscow would do well
    to find a face-saving way to back down.