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BAKU: Novruz Mammadov: "Referendum On Nagorno Karabakh's Status Shou

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  • BAKU: Novruz Mammadov: "Referendum On Nagorno Karabakh's Status Shou


    Azeri Press Agency
    April 10 2008

    Issue on holding referendum on Nagorno Karabakh's status has not been
    put before Azerbaijan.

    Baku. Lachin Sultanova - APA. Head of Azerbaijani President's Office
    International Relations Department Novruz Mammadov's interview to APA

    -Can the meeting of Azerbaijani and Armenian Presidents take place
    by the presidential elections in Azerbaijan?

    -Azerbaijan and its President Ilham Aliyev approaches
    Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh conflict conceptually. The
    international community has established the Minsk Group within
    the framework of OSCE to solve this conflict. The group has been
    operating for more than ten years, no concrete results have been
    achieved yet. Of course, it worries Azerbaijani President and
    he has made his remarks concerning it. After UN General Assembly
    adopted resolution on "The situation in the occupied Azerbaijani
    territories" Armenia made statements that Azerbaijani Government did
    not want to meet, refused Minsk Group and OSCE and tried to solve
    the problem within the framework of UN. All this, is disinformation,
    undiplomatic steps taken to influence Azerbaijan's position to some
    extent and do not reflect reality. The ongoing processes in Armenia,
    political crisis after the elections are very deep and strong. The
    crisis continues and I think will continue for a long time. The report
    of the International Crisis Group shows that the ongoing processes
    in the country are inadequate, the world community should express
    concrete position on the developments in Armenia and pressure should
    be exerted on official Yerevan to achieve constructive settlement of
    Nagorno Karabakh conflict. During his visit to Romania, Azerbaijani
    President met with the co-chairs on their insistence, exchanged views
    on their position on the resolution and wanted explanation. Of course,
    it was impossible to hold meeting with Armenian authorities in this
    situation. Serzh Sarkisian did not have the status of president at
    that time, this meeting could be some kind of support for him in
    the political crisis he faced. That's' why Azerbaijani President
    did not do it. But the general opinion is that Azerbaijan does not
    refuse Minsk Group, negotiations within the framework of OSCE and
    is ready to meet. Azerbaijani President will not certainly refuse
    a meeting, if there is a concrete issue, if there is a need to hold
    concrete discussions on some points and it is possible to make a step
    forward. At the recent meeting the co-chairs persistently said they
    would do their best for some kind of self-rehabilitation. The debate
    was too tense, Azerbaijani President's position was very severe. The
    President's position was that such events might influence the relations
    of Azerbaijan with the co-chairs and the countries they represent and
    that they should take it into account. Azerbaijan is an independent
    state, it has independent foreign policy, we know Azerbaijan's place
    and role in Eurasia, international relations and we know how it will
    be afterwards. That's why being self-confident we demand equal-right
    and just relations with all. This is our right.

    Actually, the West is aware of it. The West is aware of Azerbaijan's
    potentials and realizes Azerbaijan's importance very well. Year after
    year Azerbaijan's position, role and importance will increase in the
    ongoing processes in the world. The doors are open to continue the
    negotiations. But it is impossible to say when and where the meeting
    will take place. The co-chairs will visit the region. It will be
    possible to make a decision after they have talks with both sides.

    -Is it possible to meet during the inauguration of Russian newly
    elected President Dmitriy Medvedev?

    -I don't think so, because Russians have no traditions to invite to
    the inauguration of the president. If there will be such invitation
    and the presidents will attend the ceremony, then we can say something.

    -May NATO Declaration supporting Azerbaijan's territorial integrity
    be a guarantee of world community for non-violation of the territorial
    integrity of our country?

    -Undoubtedly, sooner or later, Nagorno Karabakh status will be
    restored within the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. Nagorno
    Karabakh is the historic part of Azerbaijan. Armenians despite
    their efforts should realize that Azerbaijan will never allow them
    to separate Nagorno Karabakh. It has no alternative. Azerbaijan has
    changed since early 1990s and has become strong. All Europe, Islamic
    world and our neighbors understand the importance of Azerbaijan in
    the global processes. Azerbaijani foreign policy is directed toward
    the mutual useful cooperation with all countries, which does not
    damage anyone. Peaceful neighborhood and useful cooperation is the
    main principles of our foreign policy. We have no problems with not
    only Georgia and Turkey, but also with Iran and Russia. Armenians
    should know once for all that Nagorno Karabakh has never been
    recognized as an independent body, is not recognized today and will
    never be recognized. All over the world take Azerbaijan's position
    into consideration. Azerbaijan is strengthening its position day
    after day. The UN resolution reflects the UN position and carries
    the global weight. This document supports Azerbaijan's territorial
    integrity and considers the peaceful solution of the conflict within
    the OSCE Minsk Group advisable. NATO Final Declaration also coincides
    with the UN resolution. An article in the Declaration shows that NATO
    member countries support the territorial integrity, independence and
    sovereignty of Azerbaijan and at the same time NATO concerns about
    the non-solution of the conflict. It is very objective position,
    which makes Azerbaijan's stance stronger and is also guarantee for
    the territorial integrity of our country. International organizations
    exist not to make statements and to change it later. Leaders of the
    world leading countries and international organizations stated that
    Kosovo couldn't be a precedent for other conflicts. It means that
    their position on Azerbaijan and Nagorno Karabakh is different. If they
    doubt over the Nagorno Karabakh issue they didn't speak about Kosovo
    as it couldn't be as a precedent and made different statements. But
    every one concretely said that Kosovo shouldn't be considered as a
    precedent for other conflicts.

    -Did Azerbaijan receive reply from OSCE to its request for mechanism
    of changing the Minsk Group Co-Chairs?

    -They cannot reply. Simply it was necessary for us. It happened
    suddenly and surprised and made us regretful, because co-chair
    countries said they had supported Azerbaijan's territorial integrity,
    but showed opposite position during a voting. It is difficult to
    explain it. We requested OSCE as an independent country showing
    its foreign policy course. It needs to keep at least two important
    sides of these processes on focus. At first, the co-chairs lose the
    confidence of Azerbaijani Government, opposition and population. The
    world community expects fairness in these relations and we also demand
    our rights. Secondly, it is negative case for the international
    relations. There are leading countries in the world, which have
    established international relations, UN and other international
    organizations after the World War II. There is a theoretical ground,
    which unites the international law, its norms and principles and bases
    on the documents, conventions, treaties and regulations. Nearly 200
    countries in the world are interested in the fair processes regulated
    by legal norms. The parts violating these norms are known. In fact the
    weak parts cannot violate, always the powers violate the norms, which
    change opinions about them in Azerbaijan and all over the world. It is
    important issue. Even when the most powerful country loses confidence,
    it starts losing many things. There were super powers in the world
    history, which existed for 100, 200 and 500 years and later lost
    confidence and left the scene of history. We are vowing our protest
    today, but tens of countries accept it as a resistance.

    -Are there any pressures against Azerbaijan to hold referendum on
    the future status of Nagorno Karabakh? There are pressures against
    official Baku on amendments to the Constitution to hold referendum
    in Nagorno Karabakh, according some information...

    -It is impossible to put pressure on Azerbaijani President and
    Azerbaijan on any issues, including it. Azerbaijan has not faced this
    issue and it cannot be any time. Azerbaijani Constitution has been
    adopted once and Azerbaijan will further take step with it. Armenia
    and its supporters often raised such issues for their interests.

    Condition should be created for this referendum. Nagorno Karabakh
    should be returned to status quo before referendum. Azerbaijanis
    should return to their lands. Several years need to establish normal
    life. Referendum should be held in all territories of Azerbaijan
    basing on Azerbaijani Constitution. Azerbaijan will not agree to other
    version. It is impossible to achieve something by means of pressure.

    -Islamic Countries have supported Azerbaijan on Voting for Resolution
    in UN. But we have not seen such support from CIS countries. How can
    you explain it?

    - There are a lot of problems in Islamic World. Unjust approaches
    caused to these problems. Therefore Islamic Countries are very
    sensitive in such situations and the support is natural. The West
    should take position of Islamic World into account. There is not
    eternal thing in the world. Islamic World is big. The West should
    listen and deal with Islamic World and should be ready for negotiations
    and understand it. If the West does not do it, it will cause damage
    to it. It is normal that Islamic World supports Azerbaijan. It is not
    true to separate international relations into Islamic World and West,
    Christian World. Everybody should protect justice and be just.

    -Russia has lifted sanctions on economy and transport against
    Abkhazia. Does Azerbaijan continue sanctions?

    -Russia's decision is its position. We have not changed our position
    on it, certainly we will continue sanctions.

    -What is Azerbaijan's position on the establishment of Russia-Armenia
    Union State?

    -This is an idea. I cannot say anything concretely. Russia could not
    establish Union State with Belarus. Armenia is a province of Russia
    and everything belongs to Russia. Russia controls biggest companies,
    energy supply, transport. Union State is very suspicious for me. If
    it is as a former USSR, it will be controlled by the centre. There
    is no need to name it Union State. Two equal right states should be
    represented in real Union State. I don't consider it successful step
    and I have great suspicion for its future.