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Cohen's Close Encounters: An Election-Eve Battle On Two Fronts

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  • Cohen's Close Encounters: An Election-Eve Battle On Two Fronts


    Memphis Flyer oid=oid%3A46959
    Aug 6 2008

    Even as one 5 o'clock local newscast was summing up a bizarre
    development in the 9th District congressional race as a matter of
    incumbent congressman Steve Cohen "losing his cool," a veteran
    observer, looking at the same scenario from an ideological and
    disinterested distance, saw the case in point in another light

    "I think it probably helped Cohen," said John Ryder, a well-known
    local Republican and a GOP national committeeman. Like numerous other
    Memphians, Ryder saw the TV footage of the congressman physically
    ousting an uninvited Tinker supporter who, posing as a photo-journalist
    and documentarian, was attempting to infiltrate a group of newsmen
    convened at Cohen's Midtown residence for a press conference.

    "Maybe it's a guy thing, and it goes beyond black and white," said
    an admiring Ryder. "I think all of us around here realize that you
    can't just meekly put up with the presence of a hostile invader in
    your own household."

    Cohen's close encounter occurred on the eve of what he hopes will be a
    vote of confidence in Thursday's Democratic primary. The set-to with
    Peter Musurlian, a Californian of Armenian descent, occurred near
    the beginning of the Wednesday morning press conference, called by
    the congressman to rebut the second of two unusually virulent attack
    ads this week from opponent Nikki Tinker.

    Given the nature of the response to the new ad, which caused Tinker
    to be all but repudiated by a major supporter, Cohen may have come
    out ahead on that front as well.

    A New Attack

    Challenger Tinker's first ad, appearing over the weekend, had
    criticized Cohen for withholding support from a proposal to disinter
    the late Confederate general Nathan Bedford Forrest. Among other
    things, the commercial yoked the congressman's image to that of a
    hooded Klansman. The new ad, beginning with the voice-over of a child
    at prayer, asserted that "the real Steve Cohen" was not the man who is
    "in OUR churches clapping his hands and tapping his feet" but "the
    Senator who thought OUR kids shouldn't be allowed to pray in school."

    It was arguable whether the "OUR " denoted "African-American" or
    "Christian" or perhaps both, though the respected pundit Joshua
    Marshall of the Talking Points Memo Web site was among several
    observers who wasted no time pronouncing "anti-Semitism" to be at
    the heart of the ad.

    The two ads together meanwhile earned Tinker the stern disapproval
    of the feminist PAC Emily's List, which makes a point of supporting
    women running for public office and had been one of her major nominal
    sources of support. Said "Ellen Malcolm, the group's president: "We
    were shocked to see the recent ads run by the Nikki Tinker for Congress
    campaign. We believe the ads are offensive and divisive. EMILY's
    List does not condone or support these types of attacks." (Though
    Tinker has not, as of yet, been dropped altogether from the pro-choice
    group's roster of endorsees, she has been removed from the "Featured
    Candidates" section on the Emily's List Web site.)

    Cohen had begun explaining to the journalists gathered in his den his
    objections to Tinker's new ad (among other things, he called himself
    "a supporter of school prayer" and maintained that the 1997 state
    Senate vote alluded to in the ad concerned a technical church-state
    issue), when there were sounds of a disturbance in an adjoining room.

    That turned out to be Musurlian, who had been in Memphis this week
    confronting Cohen in the course of the congressman's scheduled campaign
    events. Cohen would later say that Musurlian has been stalking him
    in retaliation for his role in defeating a House resolution that
    would have formally condemned Turkey for its genocide against ethnic
    Armenians almost a century ago. The Armenian activist had gained
    entry into Cohen's house and, claiming to be a legitimate media
    representative, was involved in a heated argument with two of the
    congressman's aides, who tried to prevent him from disrupting the
    press conference.

    Ultimately Cohen himself, clearly perturbed, entered the anteroom
    and, in the course of a shouting match, partly coaxed Musurlian and
    partly shoved him through a doorway and out of the house. "He's out
    of here. Let's start over," Cohen said. He then resumed the press
    conference as scheduled - though he and everyone else present knew
    that its subject matter had been superseded.

    So Who Came Out Ahead?

    What Musurlian gained from all of the above was some random video
    of the unfriendly encounter which presumably can be put to use by
    assorted Armenian pressure groups in their continuing full-court press
    against Cohen's reelection campaign. (Should such footage prove usable,
    however, it would possibly undermine Musurlian's claim that Cohen or
    his aides had managed to "break" his video-camera.)

    The Armenian also got the chance to speak at length about his cause
    in an impromptu press conference of his own across the street from
    Cohen's house afterwards. Mursulian confirmed that supporters of the
    Armenian cause like himself had contributed to Tinker's congressonal
    campaign (to the tune, Cohen would tell his press conference attendees,
    of $30,000). He said that Cohen had been targeted not merely because
    of his opposition to the resolution condemning Turkey but because
    the freshman Memphis congressman had been a leader in quashing it.

    What Cohen gained from the encounter was, first of all, the opportunity
    to vent against a group -- mainly composed of "outsiders," he
    said - who had been tormenting him for weeks through a variety of
    means, including longish, literal-minded non-sequitur screeds in
    the blogosphere. He also got a chance to affirm that, while he was
    against the war in Iraq, he wanted to safeguard and provision the
    American troops there. He said his position on the Armenian resolution
    had been partly determined by advice from General David Petraeus,
    commander of the ground war, who had stressed to Cohen the importance
    of not alienating the Turks, de facto allies who maintained a reliable
    supply line to American forces in Iraq.

    Cohen may also, as the Ryder comment indicates, have earned some macho
    points for his do-it-yourself eviction - especially since Musurlian
    was, on the clear evidence of the widely seen video, a stout sort who
    enjoyed several pounds and more than a few years on the slightly built,
    middle-aged congressman.

    It was somewhat harder to see what down-in-the-polls challenger Tinker
    may have gained from the day's events - though her new ad, coupled
    with her previous one, may have helped cement her pre-existing hold on
    those voters for whom racial and religious loyalties outweigh all other
    factors. But she has clearly lost traction with such undecided voters,
    black and white, as subscribe to the amenities of polite discourse -
    elements of which, in shadow form, survive even in politics. Even
    Tinker's true believers, if such really exist in the strict sense,
    might have trouble exculpating her from charges of, consecutively,
    race-baiting and Jew-baiting.

    And there are quarters of the 9th District, as elsewhere in the
    universe of Democratic voters, where there is no conceivable disgrace
    like that of being designated "Worst Person in the World" by MSNBC
    commentator Keith Olbermann,, who scoldingly bestowed the dubious
    award on Tinker Wednesday night.

    -- Jackson Baker is senior editor of The Memphis Flyer and a
    contributor to Memphis magazine. His primary concerns are political
    coverage and general news; other duties include editorials, op-ed
    contributions, and the paper's online edition. He has worked as a
    reporter for the Arkansas Gazette and as an aide in the U.S. House of
    Representatives in Washington, D.C. He was a panelist on the WKNO-TV
    series, Informed Sources and an assistant professor of English at the
    University of Memphis. Jackson has won numerous journalism awards,
    including four Green Eyeshade Awards from the Society for Professional
    Journalists. A frequent TV commentator, he has written for such
    periodicals as Time Magazine and the New York Times. He is married
    and has four children and two grandchildren. He lives in Cordova.