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"Asparez" Club Of Journalists And "Gala" TV Company Register Numerou

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  • "Asparez" Club Of Journalists And "Gala" TV Company Register Numerou


    Noyan Tapan
    Feb 20, 2008

    YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 20, NOYAN TAPAN. On February 18, from 10:30 a.m. to
    7 p.m, the Gyumri-based "Asparez" Club of Journalists received over 25
    phone calls from citizens about various electoral violations. According
    to a press release submitted to NT by "Asparez", "Gala" television
    company also received about 50 alarm phone calls during that time.

    According to these alarm calls, 5 thousand-dram bribes were
    distributed to voters in the headquarters of one of the presidential
    candidates. These are some of the areas, concerning which alarm calls
    were received: Mush-2, Thatcher Street - in front of "Arevik" shop,
    the crossroads of Thatcher and Manushian Streets, the administrative
    building of the electric networks on Shara Talian Street, etc.

    People in small groups (2, 3 or 4 people) gathered in the
    indicated areas, entered the electoral bribe distribution places
    such as headquarters, local institutions, etc. and came out in 2-5
    minutes. This animantion would last an hour or hour and a half in
    each of the electoral bribe distribution points. Alarm calls gradually
    began to come from new and new districts.

    According to a woman who called from the village of Musaelian in
    Akhurian region, 5 thousand-dram electoral bribes were distributed
    to nearly 90% of the voters of the village. They had to put their
    signatures in some lists and then were given a piece of paper (2 cm x
    3 cm in size) with the voter's name written on it - so that it would
    be possible to control votes of the bribed voters. These voters were
    told to put not only the voting paper but also this coupon in the
    envelope after the voting: to make the cotrol easy.

    In fact this method allows to strictly control the "work" of electoral
    bribes, and reveal non-fulfilment of the order. It is clear that this
    method is efficient in case of the absence of control to be done by
    empowered persons and observers. On the other hand, if control is
    strict in the given polling station, then the bribed vote given to
    a candidate will be recognized invalid after discovery of a coupon
    in the envelope but bribe takers will be able to vote for another
    candidate if they return the bribe and are ready for a conflict. The
    probability of such behavior in villages is zero.

    Alarm call makers said that a number of tricks will be used on the
    election day: for example, the last page of passports will be covered
    with cellophane so that the seal about receiving a voting paper will
    be removed and the same passport will be able to "participate" again
    in the vote.

    In the period from 5 p.m. to 7:20 p.m. there was unusual animation in
    Gyumri's district behind "Line" where trip minibuses stop: about 120
    people were waiting for something. Alarm call makers told these people
    were waiting for another portion of money and from time to time someone
    approached and told them not to gather together and catch the eye.

    A number of residents of Akhurian expressed their resentment at the
    fact of electoral bribe distrubution from a black Volga near the
    Palace of Culture, not far from Monument to Komitas.

    The shops located near the areas indicated by alarm call makers had
    no time to service customers. The owners of these shops said that
    after 3-6 p.m. people started paying off their debts.

    The representatives of "Asparez" club went to more than 20 areas,
    including Akhurian, indicated by alarm call makers and saw that the
    information about crowds of people and their visits to the headquarters
    is true.

    "Gala" TV company organized special news updates at 3, 4, 6 and 7
    p.m., presenting some of the alarm calls and calling attention of
    law enforces to these alarm calls. In particular, an interview was
    broadcast, in which, in response to a reporter's question about how
    much money is given, a woman says: "... just nothing, a hooligan sum -
    5 thousand drams".

    At about 5 p.m, the Shirak regional prosecutor's office responded to
    the news update of "Gala" TV company and its call to the prosecutor's
    office: it requested to present the facts in posession of the TV
    company. In the opinion of reporters and representatives of several
    presidential candidates, if the procesutor's office had taken
    operative steps instead of taking such a passive position, at least
    10 cases of electoral bribery would have been discovered over half
    an hour. To judge by the fact that flows of people to the respective
    headquarters increased as the darkness fell, the law enforces did
    not take any steps.

    In some districts bribes were distributed in people's homes. The
    distributors went from house to house, giving 5 thousand drams to
    people who had to put their signatures in lists.

    "Gala"reported that according to rumors, the real envisaged amount
    of an electoral bribe is 30-45 thousand drams. For example, the sum
    for a vote is 40-45 thousand drams in electoral district no 33, 35-40
    thousand drams - in electoral district no 34, and about 30 thousand
    drams in electoral district no 35, but voters receive 5-10 thousand
    drams, with the rest being pocketed by the distributors "as own share".

    There was also information that the staff and students are told to come
    to their educational institutions: higher educational institutions,
    colleges and even schools on the election day with their passports. The
    "call" hours were different: from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.