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Dashnaks Urge Joint Effort Against Vote Rigging

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  • Dashnaks Urge Joint Effort Against Vote Rigging

    By Karine Kalantarian

    Radio Liberty, Czech Republic
    Jan 17 2008

    The Armenian Revolutionary Federation (Dashnaktsutyun) urged other
    major political groups on Thursday to join forces in preventing and
    detecting possible fraud in the upcoming presidential election.

    Armen Rustamian, Dashnaktsutyun's election campaign manager, said
    none of the nine presidential candidates can single-handedly ensure
    the proper conduct of the February 19 vote and suggested that they
    set up a joint center coordinating their anti-fraud efforts.

    "We are ready to work out, together with all candidates, clear
    [anti-fraud] mechanisms, to create a joint oversight headquarters
    that would receive complaints, reports of violations," Rustamian
    told reporters. "Each of us would then verify those reports through
    their channels, and if those reports prove true, we can, for example,
    issue a joint statement."

    "We consider this to be the main precondition for ensuring the proper
    conduct of the elections," added the Dashnaktsutyun leader.

    Rustamian added that Dashnaktsutyun has already discussed the idea
    with other major election players but would not say how they responded
    to it. "We have had comprehensive negotiations, especially on this
    issue," he said. "We are setting no preconditions or obstacles for
    working together with anyone."

    Dashnaktsutyun and some opposition parties already floated such an
    idea in the run-up to previous Armenian elections. However, it was
    never put into practice.

    Despite being represented in Armenia's government and supporting
    outgoing President Robert Kocharian, Dashnaktsutyun has refused to
    throw its weight behind his preferred successor, Prime Minister Serzh
    Sarkisian. Its candidate, deputy parliament speaker Vahan Hovannisian,
    is seen as one of Sarkisian's main challengers.

    Rustamian claimed that Hovannisian can defeat Sarkisian, the election
    favorite, and win the presidency. He also said that Dashnaktsutyun
    is ready to quit the government in the event of Sarkisian's victory.