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Steve Cohen runs on his record

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  • Steve Cohen runs on his record

    Memphis Commercial Appeal, TN
    July 20 2008

    Steve Cohen runs on his record

    He has a strong record in his first term as a member of Congress, but
    as a freshman he still lacks much clout

    By Bartholomew Sullivan (Contact), Memphis Commercial Appeal
    Sunday, July 20, 2008

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi calls him the "conscience" of the 110th
    Congress. He's been endorsed by his House Judiciary Committee
    chairman, John Conyers. Rep. Maxine Waters, the liberal California
    firebrand, calls him "brother."

    Walking with him in the hallways of Congress, where he's stopped
    repeatedly no matter how fast he's moving to make a vote, it's clear
    that Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tenn., has made a powerful impression in his
    first term. YouTube him and you'll find video clips of dozens of
    Cohen's floor and committee speeches about the Memphis Tigers
    basketball team, Stax records, Guantanamo and the war. When he asked
    Dick Cheney's chief of staff recently if the vice president was a
    "barnacle," the riposte lit up the blogosphere.

    But beyond witty repartee, how effective has the unabashedly liberal
    and anti-war Cohen been for his constituents in Memphis' 9th
    Congressional District? Some, like former NAACP national executive
    director Benjamin L. Hooks, see a solid voting record consistent with
    a civil rights agenda. Hooks' view is upheld by the national NAACP's
    "report card" on 25 Cohen votes of interest to its members, where he
    scores a 96 percent. (Rep. Marsha Blackburn, a Republican who
    represents West Tennessee's 7th District, by contrast, scores 28

    "I think he's done a good job," Hooks said.

    Others, who point to Cohen's efforts to rename the Downtown federal
    building and the Third Street post office for prominent
    African-Americans and his call for an official U.S. apology for
    slavery and Jim Crow laws, say he's pandering to black voters in the
    majority African-American district.

    What's indisputable is that he's more effective than his predecessor,
    Harold Ford Jr., at least in part because the Democrats were never in
    the majority during Ford's 10 years in the House and Democratic
    initiatives stalled. Cohen's also effective in an important
    philosophical way because he's a solid liberal, says Glen Ford, the
    editor of BlackAgendaReport, who is not related to the former

    "He's more effective because his votes are more in line with the
    historical progressiveness of the Congressional Black Caucus," says
    Glen Ford, who has written that it is not in the interests of black
    voters in the 9th District to vote for either of the two black
    candidates challenging Cohen in the Aug. 7 Democratic primary, Nikki
    Tinker and state Rep. Joe Towns Jr..

    Ford says Tinker's claim to be a civil rights lawyer, when she is
    general counsel to an airline in a right-to-work state, assumes the
    electorate is too unsophisticated to see it's being "hoodwinked." A
    progressive academic, Ford was a vocal critic of Harold Ford Jr., whom
    he called "George Bush's favorite black congressperson."

    For David Bositis, senior political analyst at the Washington-based
    Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, a leading think tank
    on black issues, Cohen isn't in as favorable a position for
    re-election as he was in 2006, when he faced a longer list of less
    well-known black opponents on the 9th District ballot. But Bositis
    noted that the advantages of incumbency are obvious, and Cohen
    regularly reminds his constituents about federal grants flowing to
    Memphis International Airport, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital,
    all the local colleges and city schools, and the Memphis Area Transit

    But he is also a freshman, Bositis noted, meaning he has no seniority
    or power. And Bositis also recalled as "something of an embarrassment"
    Cohen's early attempt to join the Congressional Black Caucus. On the
    national stage, Bositis said, Travis W. Childers, the newly elected
    Democrat from what was supposed to be a dark-red GOP House district in
    North Mississippi, is probably better known at the moment.

    But that's certainly not because Cohen is hiding. Through the middle
    of last week, Cohen had made 101 speaking appearances on the House
    floor, ranking him 10th of 435 members for face time on C-SPAN. For
    good measure, he went on Comedy Central's "The Colbert Report" to
    explain to Stephen Colbert that he votes like a black woman.

    Cohen, part of the freshman class that made Pelosi the House speaker
    after the 2006 elections, was immediately rewarded with a seat on the
    Judiciary Committee, where he's conducted high-profile and news-making
    interrogations of the likes of former attorney general Alberto
    Gonzales and FBI Director Robert Mueller, among many others. He got
    Mueller to acknowledge that the FBI had advised other federal agencies
    that their interrogation techniques "might not be appropriate." He
    also got his second choice of committee assignments, on Transportation
    and Infrastructure, where he can influence airport and mass transit

    In that post, he bucked his own committee chairman, James Oberstar,
    D-Minn., over a bill that would have subjected FedEx Express, a
    division of the largest employer in Cohen's district, to the
    jurisdiction of the National Labor Relations Act and the possibility
    of crippling local strikes.

    "I hate to be against my chairman and I hate to be against my friends
    in labor ... but if their memories are that good, they'll remember
    when I've been with them in the past," Cohen said at a hearing. "The
    fact is that, on this issue, Federal Express is right."

    Cohen predicted Oberstar would have a long memory of the
    disloyalty. Instead, Oberstar praised him in public for his
    integrity. Jerry Lee, president of the Tennessee AFL-CIO, said Cohen
    has a 96 percent rating on labor issues and is often "more aware of
    our issues than we are."

    Pelosi, in a statement last week, again called Cohen the "conscience
    of the freshman class," reciting a string of his votes, including ones
    increasing the minimum wage and extending unemployment benefits. She
    added: "Congressman Cohen is a powerful voice for a new direction."

    As a legislator, in addition to renaming buildings, Cohen has
    introduced a bill to make it a federal crime to transport a corpse
    across state lines to prevent its use as evidence, in memory of
    murdered code inspector Mickey Wright; sponsored and got passed a bill
    that helps coordinate and minimize the transport of toxic hazardous
    materials; and got a $4 million earmark for the University of
    Tennessee's bio-containment lab after backing U.S. Rep. John Murtha,
    D-Pa., for the No. 2 House leadership post.

    In addition, he has sponsored a measure that would prevent foreign
    libel judgments from being honored by U.S. courts; commissioned a
    study on homelessness; worked with U.S. Rep. Jim Cooper, D-Tenn., to
    increase funding for historically black colleges; and worked with
    District of Columbia delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton on an urban search
    and rescue first-responders bill.

    On the other side of the House aisle, Tennessee Republican Marsha
    Blackburn said Cohen is a pleasure to work with. "We don't often find
    ourselves on the same side of the issues, but we are a unified force
    to be reckoned with when it comes to assuring that the needs of Shelby
    County are met," she said.

    In an interview, Cohen said his biggest accomplishment in 18 months on
    the job has been building those kinds of relationships. On policy
    issues, Cohen says support for a resolution to condemn Turkey for the
    Armenian genocide almost a century ago began to unravel after he asked
    Gen. David H. Petraeus, the U.S. commander in Iraq, about it and the
    general said the measure would endanger U.S. troops. Among his
    constituent services, Cohen has intervened to prevent a doctor at
    St. Jude from being deported to Nigeria.

    Cohen, 59, came to Washington an opponent of the Iraq war and quickly
    joined both the Progressive and Out of Iraq caucuses. He visited Iraq
    in October 2007 on a fact-finding trip and returned to say that Prime
    Minister Nouri al-Maliki's claim that the sectarian war had ended
    seemed "bizarre."

    "Congressman Cohen has been one of the anti-war movement's most
    steadfast allies in ending this bloody occupation," Mid-South Peace
    and Justice Center director Jacob Flowers said last week. "He has
    consistently voted against funding for the war since taking office and
    he's one of the most accessible elected officials that we work with."

    The only Iraq funding bills he has voted for contained timetables for
    troop withdrawals, and were vetoed by President Bush.

    And it's true that Cohen is accessible. Reporters can call him on his
    cell phone or e-mail him and he quickly responds. His senior office
    staff is made up of loyalists who worked for him as a state senator in
    Nashville and know Memphis. He hired as chief of staff Shirley Cooks,
    sister of singer and activist Harry Belafonte, who has worked on the
    Hill for decades. In Memphis, his eyes and ears are Randy Wade, a
    former candidate for sheriff. His receptionist in Washington is a
    Ridgeway High and Yale graduate.

    No stranger to controversy and something of a publicity hound, Cohen
    returned from the district in August 2007 to take the House floor and
    denounce "a group of right-wing, evangelical Republicans, national in
    scope," for misleading pastors in his district with misinformation
    about a hate crimes bill he'd voted on months earlier. The bill would
    extend federal jurisdiction to crimes of violence motivated by the
    race, ethnicity, disability or sexual orientation of the victim, but
    the fliers left on church-goers' windshields said it would tie the
    hands of ministers preaching against homosexuality.

    As ridiculous as such a claim appeared to anyone familiar with the
    First Amendment, Cohen took the charge seriously and confronted
    it. Some saw the resulting controversy as the opening salvo in an
    effort to make the 2008 election in the 9th District a referendum on
    Cohen's race and Jewish religion. At a heated forum provided by the
    Memphis Baptist Ministerial Association, he explained how the
    ministers were being manipulated. He noted that Harold Ford Jr. had
    repeatedly been a co-sponsor of similar hate crimes legislation and
    had never drawn criticism. Some in the audience shouted him down.

    Cohen also brought Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, a black Democrat from
    Missouri representing a mostly white district in Kansas City, to argue
    his case before 9th District audiences. Conyers also appeared at a
    Memphis town hall meeting for Cohen.

    The race and religion issue appeared to quiet down until Rev. George
    Brooks, who lives outside the 9th District in Murfreesboro, began
    circulating a flier in February stating "Steve Cohen and the Jews Hate
    Jesus." It was the first in a series of similar missives now filling a
    folder in Cohen's Longworth building office.

    Cohen said shortly after he was sworn in that he'd asked Pelosi to
    help him derail any future campaign endorsement in the 9th District by
    the pro-abortion rights fundraising juggernaut known as EMILY's
    List. The group, which supports only female candidates, had encouraged
    its members to back Tinker's second-place run against Cohen in
    2006. The group, whose acronym stands for "Early Money Is Like Yeast,"
    was responsible for hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations,
    despite complaints from women's-issue voters that Tinker's views on
    reproductive rights were unclear while Cohen's were consistent and
    longstanding. Tinker told The Commercial Appeal editorial board last
    week she is pro-choice.

    She got the EMILY's List endorsement in March 2006, when the resulting
    contributions really were early money. This year, the group waited
    until late May to endorse Tinker again.

    Some speculated that the group would have stayed on the sidelines in
    this year's race but for Cohen's occasional difficulty buttoning his
    lip. A Barack Obama supporter before the Tennessee presidential
    primary, he drew accusations of misogyny when he compared Hillary
    Clinton to the knife-wielding Glenn Close character in the movie
    "Fatal Attraction." Cohen quickly apologized.

    Asked if the quip had prompted the late endorsement, EMILY's List
    political director Jonathan Parkers said: "No, Nikki Tinker is the
    reason we chose to get in this race. Our mission is to help more women
    get elected to office, and with her running a strong campaign and
    earning impressive grass-roots support in Memphis, we decided to
    endorse her."

    In a televised debate last week, Tinker was unable to name a single
    issue on which she differed with Cohen's voting record and Towns was
    vague about his difference with Cohen on one bill dealing with labor

    As of last week, Cohen had missed just 16 of 1,671 votes, one of the
    best records in the 110th Congress. Even so, he had excuses for most
    of those absences: He was a pallbearer at restaurateur Thomas Boggs'
    funeral in May, for example, and in March his flight to Washington was
    delayed by mechanical problems.

    It's clear Cohen loves the job and takes advantage of some of its
    perks. A music nut, Cohen got to hang out with Paul Simon and Art
    Garfunkel, Tony Bennett, Stevie Wonder and Carole King at various
    events. He and his girlfriend, Regina Whitley, went to Vanity Fair's
    A-list party following the White House Correspondents Association
    dinner, guests of columnist Christopher Hitchens.

    If elected to a second term, Cohen says, he wants to re-establish
    parole in the federal justice system; get more funding for medical
    research; get the COPS bill for local police passed; and obtain more
    funding to upgrade and expand the emergency rooms of public hospitals
    in anticipation of natural or man-made disasters.

    But first and foremost, he wants to be instrumental in ending the war
    in Iraq.

    Bartholomew Sullivan is The Commercial Appeal's Washington
    correspondent. Contact him at (202) 408-2726. 008/jul/20/cohen-runs-on-his-record/