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ANKARA: Foreign Minister Says Turkey Wants To Normalize Relations Wi

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  • ANKARA: Foreign Minister Says Turkey Wants To Normalize Relations Wi


    July 25 2008

    Turkey is willing to normalize its relations with the neighboring
    Armenia, Foreign Minister Ali Babacan said late on Thursday.

    Turkey wanted to create an atmosphere of dialogue with Armenia,
    Babacan told a press conference in New York.

    "Turkish president, prime minister and foreign minister sent letters
    to their Armenian counterparts after recent elections in Armenia,
    and these letters aimed to open a new door of dialogue with the new
    (Armenian) administration," he was quoted as saying by the Anatolian

    As a signal of efforts to revive relations between the two countries,
    Turkish and Armenian officials held a series of secret meetings in the
    capital of Switzerland on July 8. This meeting Armenian President Serzh
    Sargsyan's proposal for "a fresh start" with the goal of normalizing
    relations with Turkey and opening the border.

    Sargsyan also invited Turkish President Abdullah Gul to watch a
    football match between the two country's national teams on Sept 6 to
    mark "a new symbolic start in the two countries' relations". Turkey
    has been evaluating this invitation.

    Although Turkey is among the first countries that recognized Armenia
    when it declared its independency, there is no diplomatic relations
    between two countries as Armenia presses the international community
    to admit the so-called "genocide" claims instead of accepting Turkey's
    call to investigate the allegations, and its invasion of 20 percent
    of Azerbaijani territory despite U.N. Security Council resolutions
    on the issue.

    The foreign minister said that Turkey's aim was to have zero problems
    with its neighbors. "Naturally, we are also expecting some concrete
    steps from the other party," he said.


    Babacan said he believed that Turkey's problems could be solved
    through dialogue, and underlined importance of setting up a joint
    committee of historians to deal with the incidents of 1915.

    In 2005, Turkey officially proposed to the Armenian government the
    establishment of a joint historical commission composed of historians
    and other experts from both sides to study together the events of
    1915, and to open the archives of Turkey and Armenia, as well as
    the archives of all relevant third-party countries and share their
    findings publicly.

    Sargsyan gave the green light recently to Turkey's proposal to
    establish a joint commission to investigate the so-called "genocide"
    claims, saying this step should be preceded by the normalization of
    relations. Yerevan had long been hesitant to agree to the proposal.

    Armenia, with the backing of the Diaspora, claims up to 1.5 million
    of their kin were slaughtered in orchestrated killings in 1915. Turkey
    rejects the claims, saying that 300,000 Armenians along with at least
    as many Turks died in civil strife that emerged when the Armenians
    took up arms for independence in eastern Anatolia.


    He is actually in New York City to lobby for Turkey's candidacy for
    a non-permanent seat at the United Nations Security Council.

    Turkey would work hard till the last minute to secure a non-permanent
    seat at the Security Council, Babacan told at the conference, adding
    there was a lot of hope for Turkey to attain a non-permanent seat at
    the Council.

    "However, it is important to work hard till the last minute to secure
    a non-permanent seat," Babacan said.

    "It is likely that the election for the non-permanent seat at the
    U.N. Security Council would take place in October 2008. We would
    attend the U.N. General Assembly meetings in September with Turkish
    President Abdullah Gul. Both President Gul and I would have many
    bilateral talks. We would continue lobbying for Turkey's non-permanent
    membership in the U.N. Security Council," Babacan said.

    The U.N. Security Council is composed of five permanent members -
    China, France, Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United
    States, and ten non-permanent members. Turkey competes with Austria
    and Iceland for the term of 2009-2010.

    Ten non-permanent members are elected by the General Assembly for
    two-year terms and are not eligible for immediate re-election. Turkey
    held a seat in the Security Council in 1951-52, 1954-55 and 1961.

    Turkey would need the votes of 128 countries out of a total of 192
    countries in order to be elected as a non-permanent member of the
    U.N. Security Council.

    Babacan also said he saw the appointment of Alexander Downer,
    Australia's former foreign minister as the new U.N. special
    representative for Cyprus, as an important signal that the organization
    would more closely and seriously deal with the Cyprus problem.

    "The U.N. should intervene in settlement of Cyprus problem," he also
    said. He added Turkey wished wish that comprehensive talks would be
    launched in Cyprus soon.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress