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Evident Lie Must Not Be Scot-Free

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  • Evident Lie Must Not Be Scot-Free


    Hayots Ashkhar Daily
    Published on March 22, 2008

    We Shouldn't Try To Please Others

    Released from state of emergency the Armenian Pan National advocacy, as
    it was expected, immediately resumed their every day work: which is `
    lie continuously, slander, swagger, swagger to the end, in front of the
    western officials `spreading democracy'.

    In such circumstances what should we do to avoid the repetition of the
    mass brain washing? Member of RPA Parliamentary faction Artak Davtyan
    responds our questions in this regard.

    ` Of course some people will try to introduce their desires and
    thoughts as a truth and in this term we have lots of work to do. In my
    opinion Mass Media must create conditions for those who make
    provocative announcements in their non-public speeches, to have an open
    dispute with the state representatives thus providing an opportunity
    for the people to judge for themselves who they must believe.

    After all it is due to the exchange of ideas that the truth is born.
    This is the real role of the opposition ` to criticize and propose
    solutions, instead of labeling the representatives of the authorities.
    I don't think any political power, especially pro-governmental will
    refuse a really constructive proposal, which is aimed at the
    development of our economy and the strengthening of the state.'

    `How can you speak about `dispute' or constructive proposals, when
    Ter-Petrosyan's followers are not satisfied with the consequences of
    March 1 events yet again take to the streets with the slogan `struggle,
    struggle to the end?'

    `I can understand what do they mean saying `to the end'. To the
    deadlock? I must record with regret, that democratic institutions are
    not accomplished, in our reality and the traditions of handing over the
    power has not been yet formed.

    People themselves must decide whom should they trust the helm of the
    state. Had our political system and the electoral institution been
    accomplished, despite everything the election returns would have turned
    into a celebration for everyone. I'm sure we are on the right
    direction, and what we really need is to develop and accomplish
    democracy, due to which the mechanisms that lead to the civil society
    will finally be established.

    In this regard I attach a great importance to the accomplishment of the
    4th power, which is also the task of the legislative bodies. We must
    try to regulate the domain, where instead of restricting the freedom of
    speech we must form institutions of responsibilities. Each Mass Media
    must comprehend that freedom of speech firstly requires great
    responsibility If we respect one another, if we try not to cross the
    limits of ethics, by sewing hated and enmity towards each other, if we
    don't spread evidently false information, we will really understand
    what is freedom of speech in reality.'

    'Do you mean those who spread false information must be punished? Don't
    you think the western structures will immediately label it as an
    intolerable encroachment upon the freedom of speech?'

    `I don't think we should do our best to please others. According to the
    first article of our Constitution the Republic of Armenia is a
    sovereign state, which means every foreign organization or official
    must respect the country's Constitution and Law.'