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First president of Armenia, EU Special Rep for South Caucasus meet

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  • First president of Armenia, EU Special Rep for South Caucasus meet

    First president of Armenia and EU Special Representative for South
    Caucasus meet

    2008-03-22 21:43:00

    ArmInfo. First president of Armenia Levon Ter-Petrosyan met with EU
    Special Representative for South Caucasus Peter Semneby , who is on a
    visit in Armenia.

    L. Ter-Petrosyan's Central Electoral Headquarters told ArmInfo French
    Ambassador to Armenia Serge Smessov, Charge d' Affairs a.i. of European
    Commission in Armenia Raul de Luzenberger and Political Adviser of
    Peter Semneby Andrey Didenko were present at the meeting. The parties
    discussed the post- election situation and possible ways out.