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79 Lost Are Dead

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  • 79 Lost Are Dead

    17:45 21/05/2008

    "79 lost Armenian soldiers, who were fighting against the enemy
    in Hasan-Ghaya village in the war for the independence of Artsakh,
    are announced to be murdered," said Manvel Eghiazaryan, the head of
    "Arabo" NGO in the press conference today.

    According to him they have got a video clip (he refused to mention how)
    where Azeri side shows the soldiers murdered and buried in trench. "The
    boys died with like real heroes. They could leave border line and
    stay alive but they decided to stay and to fight till the end,"
    said Eghiazaryan.

    Rima Arakelyan the president of "lost soldiers" committee whose son
    is in the list of those 79 was present at the meeting. She said that
    the Minister of Defense Seyran Ohanyan has invited a meeting in this
    regard. "All the mothers of those murdered soldiers and me demand to
    award them as national heroes and to bring their bodies to burry in
    Erablur together with their brothers," said Rima Arakelyan and added
    that the minister said the point of awarding the soldiers should be
    discussed thoroughly.

    The minister Seyran Ohanyan said that negotiations should be conducted
    to get the bodies of Armenian soldiers and Red Cross representatives
    will also be present at the negotiating process.