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ANKARA: Gonul blunders in remark on history

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  • ANKARA: Gonul blunders in remark on history

    HURRIYET: Nov 12, 08

    Gönül blunders in remark on history

    ANKARA - With remarks in honor of Atatürk, the ruling AKP's defense
    minister recalls the population exchanges between Greece and Turkey
    after World War I, attracting criticism for his nationalist language
    and the drift toward pro-state stances.

    The population exchange between Greece and Turkey in 1923, which led
    hundreds of thousands of people to leave their ancestral homelands,
    was revisited by a politician recently, putting the controversial
    85-year process under scrutiny.

    At the Turkish Embassy in Brussels on Monday, Defense Minister Vecdi
    Gönül said the population exchange between Greece and Turkey in 1923
    was a necessary step toward building a nation-state at the time.

    The Prime Minister has recently come under fire for his use of more
    nationalist language and pro-state policies on some critical political
    issues, including the Kurdish problem, but this time it was Gönül who
    embraced the nationalist discourse.

    "One of the great achievements of Atatürk, who abolished the caliphate
    to establish a nation, is the population exchange between Greece and
    Turkey in 1923," he said, speaking at the commemoration of the 70th
    anniversary of the death of modern Turkey's founder Mustafa Kemal
    Atatürk. "Could Turkey be the same national country had the Greek
    community still lived in the Aegean or Armenians lived in many parts
    of Turkey. We can't ignore the contribution of those [the Armenians]
    who feel themselves victim due to the expulsion that resulted in the
    removal of many Armenians from Anatolia."

    Although Gönül made a public excuse saying his words were
    misunderstood, the experts reacted strongly to his remarks.

    "A nation-building process is
    a homogeneity project and was what all the world's countries were
    trying to do at that time. He didn't bring attention to this fact,
    instead he presented the issue as if the population exchange was a
    desirable and positive thing," Soli Özel, political science professor
    at Bilgi University told the Hurriyet Daily News & Economic
    Review. "He was expected to say that after 80 years the move has
    resulted in social and cultural impoverishment for Turkey," he said.

    Gönül also said neither Greece nor Turkey wanted different religious
    elements in their societies as they formed their identity at the time,
    implying that it wasn't a one-sided event and the exchange was
    desirable by both communities.

    The exchange took place between Turkish citizens of the Greek Orthodox
    religion established in Turkish territory and of Greek citizens of the
    Muslim religion established in Greek territory under the Treaty of
    Lausanne signed by the Greek and Turkish governments in 1923. About
    400,000 Turks moved from Greece to Anatolia and about 1.1 million
    Greeks moved from Anatolia and Eastern Thrace to Greece in the

    Racist discourse

    For retired ambassador Yalým Eralp, Gönül's remarks were unfortunate
    as his remarks echoed of racist language. "Should the existence of
    Turks in Germany disturb Germany, for instance?" he said.

    "Turkey was a war-weary country at the time and it had some concerns
    about its unity. The exchange was vital in the social and political
    context of the time. Gönül however ignores these facts; his intention
    is totally different. His remarks are racist," Eralp said.

    Criticizing Gönül's remarks, Professor Baskýn Oran said the
    displacement of Greeks and Armenians from Anatolia delayed Turkey's
    industrialization, economically speaking, by at least 50 years and the
    ethnic and religious cleanups eliminated Turkey's pluralism,
    politically speaking.

    Oran implied it was the deep conservatism and limited worldview
    embraced by both the founders of and voters for the ruling Justice and
    Development Party that have inspired its politicians to reveal such
    thoughts. Other political scientists related the population exchange
    to the 14 points, a peace program presented at the end of World War I
    by U.S. President Woodrow Wilson is defense of autonomous development
    for non-Turkish people of the Ottoman Empire.

    Homogeneus society
    For Nilüfer Narlý, sociology professor at Bahçeþehir University, the
    story had two sides and its historical context should be considered.
    "In the 1920's we didn't talk about multi-cultural societies. It is
    something that we talk about right now, in the 21st century. The
    concepts of nation-state and nationalism were the dominating ideas at
    the time," she said. "Likewise not only Turkey but Greece tried to
    establish an identity and society based on homogeneity. Greece sought
    a new national identity and developed one by differentiating itself
    from all elements related to the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish
    Republic. Even the hostility became part of their new identity," she

    Foreign policy expert Mensur Akgün, meanwhile, said Gönül had no right
    to make such sociological and political comments on population
    exchange, a topic current international law considers a crime. "He
    praises a Turkish nation that hosts no minorities. He doesn't see the
    multi-cultural composition of the society," he said.