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Sargsyan Should Speak of `Mutual Concessions' in Karabakh

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  • Sargsyan Should Speak of `Mutual Concessions' in Karabakh

    Sargsyan Should Speak of `Mutual Concessions' in Karabakh
    Negotiations: Paruir Hairikian

    17:02 - 26.03.10

    It was the idiots who were formerly in charge in independent Armenia
    who said that the security zone around Nagorno-Karabakh (NKR) is not
    Armenian territory, said National Self-Determination Union (NSDU)
    leader Paruir Hairikian at a press conference today, referring to
    Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan's recent statement on possible
    mutual concessions between Yerevan and Baku on settling the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

    `This president came to power, having the former president's [Robert
    Kocharian's] inheritance. It was the former lamebrains of independent
    Armenia who spoke about the security zone around Nagorno-Karabakh as a
    territory that's not ours,' said Hairikian, adding that the president
    must use the term `mutual concessions' when he goes to negotiate.

    Referring to the issue that those territories are determined by the
    NKR Constitution, Hairikian said: `If the president of Artsakh [NKR]
    speaks [about it], he must be guided by his Constitution. Armenia's
    president is Armenia's president,' said Hairikian.

    According to him, it runs against NKR's right to self-determination
    when Armenia's authorities make statements on NKR's behalf.

    `In the best case scenario, they should've said that upon Artsakh
    authorities' request, since they don't have equal rights in
    international relations; we [Armenia's authorities] act and pass on
    their views. It would also benefit Armenia,' explained Hairikian.