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Armenian diaspora mobilizes for potential war with Azerbaijan

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  • Armenian diaspora mobilizes for potential war with Azerbaijan

    Regnum news agency, Russia
    Nov 25 2010

    Armenian diaspora mobilizes for potential war with Azerbaijan

    25 November: Against the background of intensive negotiations on
    settling the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict and the forthcoming discussion
    at the OSCE summit in Astana of provisions of the so-called Madrid
    document, which envisages withdrawal of Armenian troops from the
    contact line in the conflict zone, coordination centres of the
    Armenian diaspora in various countries have effectively began
    preparing for a new war.

    Major businessmen of Armenian descent from four countries - Russia,
    France, the USA and Uruguay - set up coordination centres to gather
    reservists and veterans, according to information that Regnum agency
    has received. If military operations are resumed, they are to be
    deployed in the conflict zone through Iran's air space.

    Russia leaders, former agents join

    A big Russian businessman of Armenian origin, who is one of the men
    who initiated the Preventive Mobilization programme, told Regnum on
    the condition of anonymity that work is under way within the framework
    of the Alliance of Armenian Reservists and Veterans international
    Armenian public movement. Information is gathered in one database in
    three languages, i.e. Russian, English and Spanish, he said. Activists
    of the mobilization movement believe that up to 200,000 Armenians from
    38 countries may join it.

    "The Armenians of Russia act as the leader of the pan-Armenian
    iniatives despite all organizational and content-related shortcomings.
    There are many reasons for this, including the presence of the largest
    Armenian diaspora (2.5m people), its intellectual, material and
    organizational potential, the migration processes in recent decades in
    the CIS countries and, undoubtedly, the strategic alliance of Russia
    and Armenia," the source said. He also added that the
    "information-analytical backbone" of the mobilization reserve of the
    Armenian diaspora has already been formed from a number of former and
    acting special agents of several powerful countries. "They are
    processing information of the common database and analyze not only
    possible scenarios of the course of events, but also scrutinize the
    identities of everyone joining the 'Armenian diaspora army' to prevent
    the infiltration of enemies and spies into our camp," the source told

    All means good enough for war

    When asked which methods the diaspora will employ should the war erupt
    in the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict zone, the source said: "The war is
    at the gates! And all means are good enough for war. I do not say that
    we will practice Usamah Bin Ladin's methods. No! We will act openly
    and more severely. At present it is quite obvious that Karabakh is in
    danger. If there is no Karabakh, there will be no Armenia. And if
    there is no Armenia, there will be no Armenians. The nation is in
    danger and every Armenian who enlists in the reserve, no matter where
    he lives - from Iran to [Georgia's breakaway region of] Abkhazia to
    Javakhk [Georgia's Samtskhe-Javakheti Region], from Ukraine and
    Bulgaria to the USA and Argentina, realizes this. You would not
    believe it, but even non-Armenians who believe that our cause is right
    are enlisting. The most anti-Turkish peoples - Serbians, Bulgarians
    and even Italians - are the most active in this sense. As ex-president
    Robert Kocharyan used to say, Armenia with diaspora and without it is
    in different leagues. We will show Azerbaijan our real weight and
    power, so that it will stop relying on its oil. On the other hand, we
    will prove the deficiencies and the injustice of the opportunism of
    those international powers and transnational corporations that fail to
    realize the danger of the current situation. Gambling on oil and gas,
    lobbying their projects for the extraction and transit of
    hydrocarbons, they are ignoring the self-determination right of the
    people of Nagornyy Karabakh, pile pressure on Armenia and the Armenian
    people. Well then, the cornered people are ready to demonstrate that
    there is a commodity dearer than oil and gas. And the name of this
    commodity is the people's will," the Russian businessman said.

    In response to a question "does the Armenian state and authorities
    support this endeavour", he said: "In this part I will not be opening
    the paranthesis for the time being. It will all become clearer after

    [translated from Russian]

    From: A. Papazian