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Thankless in Obamaland

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  • Thankless in Obamaland

    Canada Free Press
    Nov 27 2010

    Thankless in Obamaland

    By Daniel Greenfield Saturday, November 27, 2010

    This is one Thanksgiving weekend which finds Americans with little to
    be thankful for. The economy is sliding badly and the dollar is
    endangered, which could potentially wreck the nation's economy long
    after Obama is gone. Flying was a more unpleasant experience due to
    the TSA's aggressive insistence on harassing American fliers, rather
    than Muslim terrorists. Then there's the worldwide chaos, which now
    threatens to open up a whole new war in Asia.

    With a political beating in the midterm elections and a confused
    administration, even liberals seem to have little to be politically
    thankful for. But even mentions of Thanksgiving seem inevitably
    accompanied by historical revisionism which reduces the contact
    between specific groups of European settlers and certain Indian tribes
    to a one-sided narrative whose goal is to delegitimize the very
    existence of the United States. Everyone from PETA to indigenous
    activists to Michelle Obama's fat insanity has tried to have a go at

    Thanksgiving is problematic for many on the left because it provides a
    positive view of American settlement and the interaction between
    European settlers and Native Americans. Which is why liberals will try
    to subvert the story of Thanksgiving by depicting the settlers
    negatively. This is almost universally common on television nowadays.
    And for those activists obsessed with what people eat, Thanksgiving
    with its obligatory heavy turkey dinner, is also a major target. So we
    get HRH Michelle Obama telling Americans what they can and can't eat
    for dinner. The difference is that Americans eat their own food.
    Unlike Michelle and her husband who eat at taxpayer expense.

    The protests over the TSA have also failed to lead to a serious
    dialogue about what we should be doing to fight terrorism. Instead
    junk catchphrases and people stripping to their underwear while flying
    have turned media coverage of the situation into a series of running
    gags. Drudge forced media coverage of the backlash, but he steered it
    into freakshow areas. The media responded by running stories to pick
    up some of the traffic, but the stories they ran were more about the
    publicity stunts, while their above board coverage defended the Obama
    Administration and the TSA. It's a ridiculous situation when people
    can Tweet that they're going to fly in their underwear and get major
    news organizations to go and film them, that does nothing to address
    the problem. Instead it quickly leads to viewer fatigue and
    disinterest. And that means the policies will stay in place.

    Too much of the backlash has focused on what people don't want, rather
    than what they do want. That has allowed the Obama Administration to
    frame it as a choice between security and privacy. When it's actually
    a choice between good security and bad security. That isn't entirely
    accidental. Too much of the coverage was led by sources who don't
    think that there even is such a thing as terrorism. Drudge and other
    blogs linked to content from 9/11 Truther Alex Jones and Prison
    Planet. This was Jones' most successful effort to embed himself among
    conservatives to date. For those such as Jones or Ron Paul, there is
    no terrorism. The whole thing is a government conspiracy. The way they
    fed the story, was the way it got told. And an opportunity to actually
    reform airline security was missed.

    And so what should have been an upbeat time, a harvest festival and a
    reunion with friends and family, instead is tinted in haze. And that
    seems par for the course under Obama.

    In the UK there's controversy over radical left faux artist Banksy's
    gallery promoting a picture of the 7/7 bombing by Mark Sinckler, a
    Muslim who moved from metro vandalism to poorly done collages. All the
    attention paid to this just means mission accomplished for Banksy, who
    has successfully ridden and ridiculed an art world, where the only
    coin that matters is notoriety, not talent.

    The entire thing is hopelessly cynical. Sinckler's Age of Shiva is a
    cynical parody of British sensibilities over the 7/7 massacre.
    Cynically marketed by Banksy's Marks and Stencils gallery, which was
    also set up to mock art galleries and public sensibilities, it's the
    work of emotionally dead people who believe that by mocking everything
    that other people value, they remain above it. As always the joke is
    on the average person, the bourgeois, the same type of person who was
    riding a bus when it was blown up.

    The controversy will move up Banksy and Sinckler further up the
    ladder. The careers of both derive from vandalism and end there. First
    vandalism of public spaces and then vandalism of public faith and
    public values.

    Meanwhile in Israel, Netanyahu once again finds himself in another Wye
    situation, caught between signing on to what Obama wants and betraying
    his country, or resisting and standing up to Obama. It's not a
    pleasant situation to be in. Last time around Netanyahu failed the
    test when he gave in to Clinton. It seems as if he may be failing it
    again this time. (Latma has their usual scathing take on it.)

    Meanwhile Turkey's Islamist thug Erdogan `the minarets are our
    bayonets' is at it again, amping up the rhetoric and threatening war.
    This after the latest document releases suggest that Erdogan's Turkey
    helped Al Qaeda. This shouldn't be too much of a shock as Erdogan's
    AKP party has Al Qaeda ties. Which shouldn't be shocking either, as
    it's funded by Saudi money.

    Erdogan's `Support Hezbollah' visit to Lebanon was met with Armenian
    riots. In the past Erdogan had threatened to ethnically cleanse
    Armenians from Turkey. (hap tip Joshua Ivens)

    Erdogan is now making common cause with Islamic terrorists and he's
    sabotaging Turkey's ties to Israel and America, in order to fulfill
    his goal of integrating it with the Muslim world. In particularly
    those Middle Eastern countries which have funded his takeover of the
    media by his business partners and political allies. Ranting about
    standing up to Israel with `Allah's Grace' shows how low Turkey has
    fallen from a formerly secular country that understood that the
    greatest threat to Turkish nationalism came from Islam.

    His trip to Lebanon was full of that kind of Caliphate prep work, for example

    `although we are talking different languages in this vast geography,
    we should not forget that we have one history, one culture and similar
    values. We have given a shape the history together. Be sure that we
    will give a shape to the future altogether.

    Erdogan said Turkey mutually removed visa requirements with Syria,
    Lebanon, Libya and Jordan. `We have not lost anything or met any
    problem. On the contrary, when we removed the visa requirements, we
    clearly saw that they were meaningless. We have not removed the visa
    requirements; we have removed a century old yearning among our

    Whether Turks are actually yearning to import crime and unskilled
    labor from the Arab world is debatable, but that doesn't really
    matter. What it means is that if Turkey joins the EU, Muslim
    terrorists and criminals from across the Arab world will have no
    trouble getting in.

    Erdogan then proposed an Islamic EU, a Schengen, to bridge the gap to
    the Caliphate.

    Via Desert Conservative, an interesting piece on a forgotten massive
    pre 9/11 terrorist plot in Canada.

    Toronto's terror plot of 1991 (pre September 11) has been forgotten
    and become a lost memory to Canadians.

    The terror plot was planned by five black Muslims who were followers
    of Jamaat Al Fuqra, a Pakistani movement. They were acquitted of
    planning to kill 4,500 people within two buildings in Toronto. The
    attacks were to be done one after the other.

    At the time of the attack, it was seen as an isolated case but now
    after a series of planned attacks in Ottawa, Montreal, and Toronto it
    has been associated with a series of attacks by Islamist terrorists.


    Just two years before the first World Trade Centre bombing, and a
    decade before the 9/11 attacks Toronto was the potential terror plot
    destination of North America where thousands of people would have died
    had the terrorists not been on the radar beforehand.

    The terror plot was set to blow out during the Hindu festival of
    Diwali at two separate locations one after the other. The first spot
    was the India Centre cinema on Gerrard Street with a 500 people
    capacity (most commonly occupied by Sikhs and Hindus) and the second
    spot was the Vishnu Hindu Temple, which has a capacity of 4000
    (occupied by Hindus) in Richmond Hill.

    What is disturbing about this is not just the scale of the planned
    attacks, but a reminder that Muslim ethnic cleansing and racism is
    being exported by Muslim immigrants and converts. The Muslim world has
    committed genocide against non-Muslims numerous times. And it's at it
    again in Europe and in Canada.

    In the roundup, Phyllis Chesler tackles the PA's latest attempt to
    Islamize the world's holiest Jewish site

    The Muslims (not the Islamists, but the Muslims) mean to take over
    every Jewish site in Jewish Israel. And the United Nations means to
    assist them.

    Long before a sovereign Jewish state ever existed, Muslims massacred
    the Jews of Hevron in 1929. Surviving Jews returned, but were then
    forced to flee again during the Arab Revolt of 1936-1939. This burial
    chamber of our Jewish ancestors is a cave whose purchase is carefully
    and exhaustively reported in the fifth parasha (portion) of the Torah.
    According to Jewish religious sources, this purchase took place in
    approximately 1677 BCE.

    Please remember: In 1929, when the Muslims massacred the Jews of
    Hevron, there were no Jewish `settlements' in `occupied Palestinian
    land.' There was no Muslim `Palestine' and no sovereign Jewish state.
    In 1996, under the Wye Accords, Jewish Israel surrendered most Jewish
    access to this Cave to the Waqf.

    Today, Jews can pray there in an outer, small chamber only under heavy
    guard and only a few times a year in the main prayer chamber. Muslims
    took the lion's share of the main prayer hall because, as they claim,
    Abraham is also their forefather.

    Of course if Abraham were around today, he'd be boycotted in London
    and beheaded in Gaza.

    The whole thing still reminds me of my old post, `Muslims announce 5
    New Holy Sites'. Considering that this was written in Feb of 2007, a
    day after Obama announced he was running, one section proved to be
    unfortunately prescient.

    The White House

    Mohammed HTFBUH (High Tax Fees Be Upon Him) reportedly visited the
    White House as a guest of President Millard Fillmore, slept in the
    Lincoln Bedroom (which was then called, the `Give Me A Bribe and You
    Can Spend the Night Bedroom) and tried to molest some of the
    President's carriage horses.

    As such the highest authorities in Islam (three blind clerics who live
    in Cairo and still think it's 1922 and want an end to British colonial
    rule) have announced that the White House from now is to be off-limits
    to non-Muslims unless they're there to serve incoming President,
    Barack Hussein Obama.

    Elder of Ziyon does some fact checking of the language being used
    about the Temple Mount.

    Israel Matzav asks about the Tea Party position regarding Israel.
    Using a New York Times article as a starting point is always a bad
    idea. Since we're talking about a grass roots movement composed of
    different organizations, there's no official position. But
    demographically most of the Tea Party people are conservative and
    opposed to Muslim terrorism. Its focus is on domestic, not
    international politics.

    The Times uses Rand Paul as a prototype of a Tea Party candidate,
    which is a terrible idea, because he doesn't have all that much in
    common on many issues with actual TP candidates. Paul, like his
    father, is basically a secessionist and conspiracy theorist, who
    shares the left's view on national security issues. It's doubtful that
    he could have won under a Republican President. But under Obama,
    enough people have been willing to overlook the things he's said, like
    comparing the US Army to Hitler.

    Compare Paul to Sarah Palin or Michelle Bachman, Mark Rubio, etc and
    you see the huge gap opening up.

    The American Thinker has an interesting piece by James Lewis, who
    views the entire TSA mess as part of a racist revenge fantasy by
    Obama. I don't know that I agree with him. I don't believe that this
    is a plan, but the disdain with which complaints have been met, may
    be. That makes it more of a Shirley Sherrod situation, in which the
    situation itself is not created out of racism, but the neglect of
    those who are suffering and the favorable treatment meted out on the
    basis of race is. This has been a too common pattern in government.
    But it's been practiced more commonly by white liberals, than by black
    people. But Obama may arguably fall into the former category, as much
    as into the latter one.

    Finally on the Thanksgiving theme, the Daily Beast has some
    interesting historical background for the origins of the holiday.

    We can also restore the meaning of early Thanksgivings in New England
    by coming at it from another angle, equally authentic. We find it in
    Judaism and the Hebrew scriptures.

    If you were English, and you wished to express gratitude to God, you
    would turn to one majestic Biblical text before any other. It speaks
    about the wilderness of the Sinai, about danger and deliverance, about
    the journey of the Israelites across the Red Sea, and about the duty
    to give thanks when the exodus is complete. The text is Psalm 107. In
    the reign of Elizabeth I, when the realm survived a plot, a plague, or
    the Spanish Armada, her subjects went to church and gave thanks to the
    Almighty, using the same psalm: `We will offer unto him the sacrifice
    of Thanksgiving: and tell out his works with gladness.'

    So at Provincetown, when the Mayflower first dropped anchor in 1620,
    the Pilgrims did likewise. For them, the psalm possessed a still
    deeper resonance. Keen scholars of Hebrew, which they saw as the
    original language of God, the Pilgrims knew that Psalm 107 was the
    source of the Jewish thanksgiving prayer, the birkat ha-gomel. They
    owned books by an English scholar, Henry Ainsworth, who used the
    Jewish philosopher Maimonides to show that this was so. The birkat
    ha-gomel was the prayer that every devout Jew should say, upon safe
    arrival after a dangerous voyage. The Pilgrims said it too.

    And so in New England the Pilgrims took a variety of sources, and over
    time they blended them together to create their early Thanksgivings.
    Their successors did the same. They said Thanksgiving psalms like
    Jews, sometimes they fasted and sometimes they ate and drank, and like
    their British cousins they puffed themselves up with national pride.
    Centuries later, Americans ended up with a hybrid of Elizabethan
    patriotism, Algonquian fun, and a dash of non-denominational piety. In
    other words: the modern Thanksgiving. All you need add is Psalm 107,
    to make the event sublime.

    From: A. Papazian