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CNN International To Feature The Defense Of Musa Dagh

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  • CNN International To Feature The Defense Of Musa Dagh


    Thursday, October 21st, 2010

    CNN International will feature this weekend a report covering the
    heroic defense of Musa Dagh during the Armenian Genocide. The segment,
    produced by Yerkir Media for broadcast on CNN, will mark the 95th
    anniversary of the famed resistance against the Turkish army in 1915.

    Reporting the story will be Yerkir Media correspondent Gayane
    Avetisyan. It will feature footage from a recent commemoration of
    the anniversary in Armenia, as well as interviews with Musa-Dagh
    descendants living in Armenia.

    Armenian communities around the world that trace their heritage to
    this once thriving city in Asia Minor celebrate the anniversary every
    year, with a unique festival and reenactments of the resistance. Of
    the hundreds of villages, towns, and cities across the Ottoman Empire
    whose Armenian population was ordered removed to the Syrian desert,
    Musa Dagh was one of only four sites where Armenians organized a
    defense of their community against the deportation edicts issued by
    the Young Turk regime beginning in April 1915.

    By the time the Armenians of the six villages at the base of Musa
    Dagh were instructed to evict their homes, the inhabitants had grown
    suspicious of the government~Rs ultimate intentions and chose instead
    to retreat up the mountain and to defy the evacuation order. Musa
    Dagh, or the Mountain of Moses, stood on the Mediterranean Sea south
    of the coastal town of Alexandretta (modern-day Iskenderun) and west
    of ancient Antioch.

    With a few hundred rifles and the entire store of provisions from
    their villages, the Armenians on Musa Dagh put up a fierce resistance
    against a number of attempts by the regular Turkish army to flush them
    out. Outnumbered and outgunned, the Armenians had little expectations
    of surviving the siege of the mountain when food stocks were depleted
    after a month.

    Their only hope was a chance rescue by an Allied vessel that might be
    patrolling the Mediterranean coast. When two large banners hoisted by
    the Armenians were sighted by a passing French warship, swimmers went
    out to meet it. Eventually five Allied ships moved in to transport
    the entire population of men, women, and children, more than four
    thousand in all.

    The Armenians of Musa Dagh had endured for fifty three days from
    July 21 to September 12, 1915. They were disembarked at Port Said
    in Egypt and remained in Allied refugee camps until the end of World
    War I when they returned to their homes. As part of the district of
    Alexandretta, or Hatay, Musa Dagh remained under French Mandate until
    1939. The Musa Dagh Armenians abandoned their villages for a second,
    and final, time when the area was annexed by Turkey.

    In the face of the complete decimation of the Armenian communities
    of the Ottoman Empire, Musa Dagh became a symbol of the Armenian
    will to survive. Of the three other sites where Armenians defied
    the deportation orders, Shabin Karahissar, Urfa, and Van, only
    the Armenians of Van were rescued when the siege of their city was
    lifted by an advancing Russian army. The Armenians of Urfa and Shabin
    Karahissar were either massacred or deported. Musa Dagh stood as
    the sole instance where the Western Allies at war with the Ottomans
    averted the death of a community during the Armenian Genocide.

    The CNN segment on this positive moment in a dark history will air
    on CNN International on the following dates and times:

    Friday, Oct. 22: 10:30PM PST Saturday, Oct. 23: 6:30 AM PST
    Sunday, Oct. 24: 6:30 PM PST Monday, Oct. 25: 1:30 AM PST Tuesday,
    Oct. 26: 8:30 PM PST It will also be available online Monday at

    From: A. Papazian