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ISTANBUL: Atatürk signature came from hand of Armenian-Turkish maste

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  • ISTANBUL: Atatürk signature came from hand of Armenian-Turkish maste

    Hurriyet Daily News
    Oct 29 2010

    Atatürk's signature came from hand of Armenian-Turkish master

    Friday, October 29, 2010
    ISTANBUL - Hürriyet Daily News

    Armenians experienced many tribulations during the last days of the
    Ottoman Empire, yet some from the community also stayed to help build
    the new Republic, including Hagop Vahram Çerçiyan, an Armenian-Turk
    that created Atatürk's iconic signature in just one night in 1934. The
    Daily News spoke to Çerçiyan's son about the making of the famous

    Dikran Çerçiya says he is proud that his father designed Atatürk's
    signature. Photos, Mehmet DEMİRCİ

    >From state buildings to official monuments and from the back of car
    windows to tattoos and all other points in between, the distinctive
    cursive signature of republican founder Mustafa Kemal Atatürk is
    ubiquitous in Turkey. But while few Turkish citizens would fail to
    recognize the leader's signature, even fewer know that an Armenian
    Turk created the iconic signature - in just one night.

    "It was early in the morning. Someone knocked on our door. Worried, my
    mother came back telling my father that police was asking for him,"
    Dikran Çerçiyan, the 90-year-old son of the signature's creator, Hagop
    Vahram Çerçiyan, told the Hürriyet Daily News & Economic Review in
    recalling the day in 1934 when authorities came looking for a master
    signature maker.

    Hagop Vahram Çerçiyan worked as a teacher for 55 years at Istanbul's
    prestigious Robert College, overseeing the graduation of 25,000
    students, including former Prime Minister Bülent Ecevit, former
    foreign ministers Selim Sarper and Turgut Menemencioğluları and former
    Cabinet minister Kasım Gülek.

    Though teaching math and geography at Robert College at the time,
    Çerçiyan had also gone to the United States to learn the Palmer
    Method, a system of handwriting that became popular in the country.
    Upon his return to Turkey, Çerçiyan also taught the method at Robert

    After the Turkish Republic was formed on Oct. 29, 1923, the country's
    leaders set about trying to remake and modernize the country. As part
    of changes aimed at nation-building, the government decreed that all
    citizens should take a last name, which did not exist in Ottoman

    Mustafa Kemal, duly, took the surname Atatürk, meaning father of the Turks.

    Name needed a signature

    With the 1934 adoption of the surname law, many of Çerçiyan's former
    students-turned-parliamentarians, became convinced of the need for the
    Republic's founder to develop a signature to accompany his new name.

    "The students of my father who were then members of Parliament decided
    to present him with proposals for a signature. The decision was
    conveyed to my father by the police commissioner in Istanbul's Bebek
    neighborhood," said Dikran Çerçiyan, who still recalls the day.

    After being entrusted with the task, Çerçiyan's father set to work. "I
    was tired of watching him and fell asleep. When I woke up in the
    morning I saw five models on the table. They were handed to the police
    officer who came that morning," he said.

    Çerçiyan's work later forgotten

    "My father used to have great admiration for Atatürk and always feld
    proud of his work, so do I," said Çerçiyan.

    "Following Atatürk's death, some wrote in the Turkish press about my
    father and the signature. But later on it was all forgotten. Some
    tried to introduce others as the creator of the signature. There were
    efforts to forget my father. But the truth always come to the
    surface," he said.

    Although Çerçiyan lives in New York, he said he spent an important
    part of his life in Turkey.

    "After [first] retiring in 1919, my father came to America for trade
    but we returned [to Turkey] when I was 2 years old," he said, adding
    that although he settled back in the U.S. in 1990 he still had great
    love for Turkey.

    Ultimately, Çerçiyan said there were no problems between Armenians and
    Turks but only between governments.

    "Although my lifetime will not be long enough to see it, the problems
    will be alleviated one day. We still need time for that but time will
    heal the wounds," he said.

    From: A. Papazian