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Heritage Advises Serzh Sargsyan To Sober Up

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  • Heritage Advises Serzh Sargsyan To Sober Up

    03:06 pm | Today | Politics

    The Heritage Party considers Serzh Sargsyan's response to Heritage
    Party leader Raffi Hovannisian's official letter to be a segmental
    attack on Hovannisian's person and the entire opposition, Armenian
    society and its citizens.

    "We express bewilderment over the November 26 response of incumbent
    Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan to Raffi Hovannisian's official
    letter dating November 21 and assess the response as a segmental and
    state-disreputable attack towards Raffi Hovannisian - the person and
    first Foreign Minister of Armenia, towards "Heritage" and the entire
    opposition, towards Armenian society and common citizen in general,"
    the party's board said in its response.

    "If in its statement from November 25 the Republican party had
    noted "it's necessary to refrain from attempts of absolutizing the
    authorities' political commitments, as they have reasonable frames",
    then via his November 26 response the Head of Republican party and
    acting president Serzh Sargsyan revealed these "frames". According
    to it the conduct of free, fair and competitive elections or any
    demand or offer aimed to its realization breaks the "allowed lines",
    claiming to be assessed as blackening, disparaging, poisoning action
    pursuing malice intentions.

    While voicing his appraisal the acting president had to acknowledge
    at least that Raffi Hovannisian's letter was a generality of concrete
    offers revealed in 15 items and not a statement at all, and that the
    offers aimed to bring into real action the commitment of holding free
    and fair elections declared by authorities - still Serzh Sargsyan
    either hasn't realized or falsifies it.

    That kind of conduct and assessments isn't compatible with status
    of leader of the country. That kind of response shows that Armenian
    authorities do not refuse and aren't going to refrain from vicious
    practices of exploiting the administrative resources, establishing
    party monopolies towards public and state capabilities, provision of
    unequal competing conditions, compelling civil and public officers,
    fraud of election process through majoritarian vote, manipulations
    with voters' lists, engaging the army and church into politics.

    Exactly these vicious methods of authorities for holding elections
    along 16 years continuously had blackened and disparaged the country's
    reputation, led to national revolt and bloodshed. We are deeply
    concerned that the president assesses 2008 presidential elections
    positively and claims it as mainly meeting the international standards
    - that suggests we may have another March 1.

    The incumbent president has also to realize that such political
    rhetoric escorted with "elections" conducted in said manner opens the
    shortest way to new inter-society intolerance. Therefore the instant
    of sobriety relates to everyone and foremost to acting president.

    If Serzh Sargsyan has made a mistake or omittance or distracted
    from presidential style and essence - it could happen as well - he
    still may correct the mistake and instead of absurd and meaningless
    attacks admit the truthfulness of vast majority of Raffi Hovannisian's
    letter's items. He must take steps for instant resolving of problems,
    for making the elections acceptable to all and securing at last de
    jure results of elections in Republic of Armenia," reads the statement.
