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Division Of Oligarchs' Property

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  • Division Of Oligarchs' Property

    Naira Hayrumyan News
    10:49:50 - 14/09/2011

    While the Armenians are discussing the business of the Chairman
    of the State Revenue Committee of Armenia, whether he has bought a
    chocolate factory in Austria, an open division of property is underway
    in Armenia.

    Since commercial deals are covered up with a veil like a military
    secret, the society learns everything from the press which Serzh
    Sargsyan calls "yellow". The press reported that Member of Parliament
    Samvel Alexanyan bought the market place on Mashtots Avenue, Yerevan
    which used to be owned by the BHK party leader, Gagik Tsarukyan. He
    is going to open the next Yerevan City Supermarket there. It means
    Samvel Alexanyan is doing quite well, he is given the green light and
    he is obtaining more property and markets. Meanwhile, Gagik Tsarukyan
    must be in trouble as he is selling off his assets.

    Earlier, another deal was discussed, namely the purchase of Fresh
    chain of supermarkets by Star chain of supermarkets. The "yellow" press
    reported that part of Star stocks belong to Serzh Sargsyan's brother,
    Member of Parliament Sashik Sargsyan. It means he is on the rise.

    It is unknown what other deals have been made in the world of the
    Armenian oligarchs recently, but it is obvious that someone is
    selling off their property, others transfers their capital abroad,
    and yet someone, such as Samvel Alexanyan, feels better and freer.

    Last year, Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan trumpeted the law on
    the declaration of income of officials. All these persons are
    either members of parliament or heads of government agencies, and
    are required to submit declarations. But the declarations are,
    apparently, a military secret, and the society cannot know how
    officials become rich, thanks to their managerial abilities or their
    use of administrative leverages.

    As the definition runs, oligarchy is use of public property for
    personal welfare. Ancient Greece was an oligarchy, where it was
    quite lawful. In the course of time, it became a violation of the
    Constitution and Criminal Code. But the Armenian officials do not even
    try to deny being oligarchs. Anyway, Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan
    admitted the presence of oligopolies in Armenia.

    Judging by loud commercial deals, division of property between
    oligarchs is underway in Armenia, rather than a fight against
