by Vercihan Ziflioglu
July 18 2012
Many Syrian Armenians flee from conflict to Armenia, where locals
and the government are trying their best to host them despite recent
economic difficulties
Syrians are seen at a camp near the border. Turkey is hosting over
42,000 Syrians. Armenians fleeing from Syria refrain from coming to
Turkey or Lebanon, says lawyer.
The longstanding conflict in Syria has affected the country's Christian
population causing many Armenians to flee violence in the country
and a group to be formed in Armenia to protect migrants arriving there.
Armenians fleeing Syria often migrate to Armenia first but later head
to another country due to a lack of job opportunities in the country,
according to locals. An initiative has been started in Armenia to
assist Armenians emigrating from Syria. It is not known how many
people fall into this category as no official statement on the issue
has been released.
An office has been established to house the Armenian initiative,
which includes lawyers who guide emigrants through various legal
procedures and help to protect their rights. Lawyer Lyudvig Tavtyan is
one of the founders of the group "Cross-border Protection of Migrants'
Human Rights," which was established by Armenia's Forensic Experts
and Jurists Association. The group has negotiated with Armenia's
Diaspora Minister HranuyÅ~_ Hagopyan, and informed him about the new
initiative and its work, Tavtyan told the Hurriyet Daily News.
"We have limited opportunities, so we have asked the minister to
announce the formation of the initiative and to give support to
emigrants," Tavtyan said. He underlined that migration from Syria to
Armenia has recently increased, but that the number of emigrants is
not clear yet as the Armenian Foreign Ministry has not released an
official number. According to information from migrants coming from
Syria, hundreds of Syrian Armenians have come to Armenia within the
last three months, however, it is difficult to estimate a precise
number, Tavtyan said.
Some of the emigrants have come to live with relatives in Armenia,
while some are supported by the Armenian Red Cross, Tavtyan said. It
is also difficult to determine how many of the incoming migrants from
Syria plan to settle in the country long-term. "It is very hard to
give a clear answer, because some of the Syrians coming to Armenia
plan to return to Syria after the conflict, while others plan to
migrate to another country. Consequently, giving a precise answer is
very difficult," Tavtyan said.
Turkey and Lebanon are also hosting many Syrian refugees fleeing
violence, but Armenians do not come to Turkey as it denies that events
in 1915 constituted a "genocide." Many Armenians migrated to Syria
in 1915, Tavtyan said, adding that Armenians also do not migrate to
Lebanon as they wish to leave the Middle East because of the many
ongoing conflicts occurring there. Armenians generally prefer to
migrate to countries where they have relatives and wish to come to
Europe of the United States, Tavtyan said.
Armenia is not prepared to welcome a large-scale migration due to
effects of global economic crisis currently being felt in the country,
Tavtyan said. However, the Armenian government is doing its best to
support immigrants from Syria and individuals have also opened their
homes to Syrian Armenians, he said.
Before the migration began, the number of Armenians in Syria was
estimated to be about 100,000. A great majority of Syrian Armenians
are concerned about the collapse of the current regime in Syria due
to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's moderate policies toward the
Christian population. They are also concerned that they will not be
able to return to their country.
Many people must now reach Armenia via land transportation, because
there are no vacant seats available on Armenian Airlines flights until
September. Tickets on these flights cost $650, which is difficult
for many families to afford, Tavtyan said.
From: Baghdasarian