May 24 2012

Azerbaiaji Foreign Ministry: "Such visits damage the negotiations

Baku. Victoria Dementieva - APA. French senators Sophie Joissains,
Philip Marini and Bernard Fournier, who visited Azerbaijan's occupied
territories without permission, were declared persona non grata, said
spokesman for the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry Elman Abdullayev, APA
reports. He said that such visits didn't contribute to the conflict's
settlement and tensed the situation. Abdullayev reminded that France
was OSCE Minsk Group co-chair and declared that such visits damage the
negotiations process: "Such illegal visits to Azerbaijan's occupied
territories don't contribute to the settlement of Nagorno Karabakh
conflict, rather, it tense the situation and creates the uncertainty.

Such visits are unacceptable. Azerbaijan's position concerning it
is principled and firm. If anyone takes such step again, he will be
included in "black list". Every senator mustn't forget that such visit
can damage the mediating mission. Unfortunately, the French senators
turned into the tool and victim of such non-constructive blackmail
of the Armenian community".

Abdullayev said that Azerbaijan's embassy in France filed a note
concerning this issue and sent a letter to French Senate. In return
the French Senate said that these persons paid an unofficial, personal
visit to Nagorno Karabakh.

The French senators visited Azerbaijan's occupied Nagorno Karabakh
region and met with leaders of the separatist regime.