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ISTANBUL: Ergil: It was the Kurds who did not want a Kurdish state i

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  • ISTANBUL: Ergil: It was the Kurds who did not want a Kurdish state i

    Today's Zaman, Turkey
    April 14 2013

    Ergil: It was the Kurds who did not want a Kurdish state in the Treaty
    of Lausanne

    14 April 2013 /AYDOÄ?AN VATANDAÅ?, NEW YORK

    In the Treaty of Sèvres in 1920, after World War I, Allied forces
    envisioned an independent Kurdish state for Kurds.

    But in the Treaty of Lausanne in 1923, after the Turkish War of
    Independence in which the Turks and Kurds fought against the Western
    invaders together, this promise was ignored.

    Some Kurdish intellectuals tend to blame the Turks for not delivering
    the promise to the Kurds for a state of their own. They believe that
    they were betrayed. But Professor DoÄ?u Ergil, one of the most renowned
    political sociologists from Turkey, says it was actually the Kurds
    themselves who did not ask for a state.

    He explains that the Kurds `cooperated' with the Turks against the
    Armenians to deport them and seized the goods and property left behind
    by the Armenians. Professor Ergil claims that the Treaty of Lausanne
    was crafted with the consent of the Kurds. `They did not want a
    Kurdish state for several reasons. But the primary reason was the
    ambition of some to create a separate Armenia in the same lands. The
    Kurds wanted to prevent this from happening.'

    Professor Ergil also shares his insights about `neo-Ottomanism,' a
    term which came into parlance right after new possibilities emerged
    for Turkey in the Middle East. `If we have made such a huge shift from
    the thesis that the Kurds would partition Turkey to the argument that
    Kurds can flourish alongside Turks, something is wrong. Caution is
    necessary in such things. The discourse on the revival of the Ottoman
    Empire is improper. Contrary to what we believe, the Ottoman state is
    perceived as a conqueror rather than a big brother in this region.'

    Sunday's Zaman interviewed Professor Ergil in New York on some of the
    most controversial issues, and once again Ergil ventured to break

    You completed your Ph.D. in the US a long time ago; what sort of
    changes have you observed in American society?

    The American people were influenced by Sept. 11. The American nation
    was not a cowardly society. As a nation that entered World War II and
    saved Europe as a conveyor of civilization, it was an amazing nation
    that replaced the former empire owing to its economy, army and culture
    as well as confidence. The destruction of this confidence due to the
    Sept. 11 attacks and the use of these attacks by George Bush as a
    pretext for an aggressive stance contributed to the emergence of a
    culture of fear and doubt in the US. It further contributed to the
    exacerbation of its enmity towards the rest of the world. This
    attitude by the Bush administration destroyed the confidence of the
    American nation and had a detrimental effect on the American
    perception of the world.

    We are familiar with the reasons in the Middle East for strong
    opposition to the US; what is the case in Turkey?

    This is in fact interesting; the American image is even worse in
    Turkey. There are two social segments conveying anti-Americanism in
    Turkey. One of them is the far right and the other is the left wing.
    The far right views all others as the enemy. The left, on the other
    hand, sees the US as a conveyor and center of imperialism. In
    addition, the alliance between the US and Israel and US indifference
    to the injustices done to the Palestinians raised opposition among
    Muslims as well. On the other hand, because of the perception that the
    US is behind the pro-Kurdish movement, both Muslims and the far right
    as well as the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) have adopted an
    anti-American stance. The [National Security Council] MGK did not take
    any decision on the March 1 motion in 2003; this was seen as the
    military's reaction to the US. This is actually seen as a strong case
    where all social segments, including religious people, rightists,
    leftists and seculars, expressed their opposition to the US. Surveys
    concluded back then revealed that the level of anti-Americanism in
    Turkey was even stronger than anti-American sentiments in Iran.

    How do you see the American attitude vis-Ã-vis the Kurdish issue? Do
    the nationalist circles hold suspicions about the US stance?

    There is no single Kurdish issue. There is a Kurdish issue that has
    changed with time. Turkey is where this issue emerged. The Kurds who
    contributed to the Turkification of Anatolian lands fought on the side
    of the Ottomans against the Safavids and played extensive roles in
    Malazgirt (1071), Çaldıran (1514), Çanakkale (1915) and the War of
    Independence so that the unification of the state that was preserved
    disappeared in the aftermath of 1924. They became invisible on the
    political radar screen.

    How and why did this happen? Why did the Kurdish state that existed in
    the Treaty of Sevres disappear in Lausanne?

    This did not happen in the Treaty of Lausanne because of the consent
    of the Kurds. The Kurds did not accept Sèvres.

    So they did not want a separate state in the Treaty of Sèvres? Or were
    they incapable of this?

    They did not want this for several reasons. But the primary reason was
    the ambition to create an Armenia on the same land. The Kurds wanted
    to prevent this from happening. The Kurds played an extensive role in
    the expulsion of Armenians from Turkey and the appropriation of their

    Can you elaborate on this?

    Kurds and Armenians used to live together in East Anatolia. They
    cooperated with Turkish official circles in the deportation of
    Armenians and played a primary role in the redistribution of the
    property and land of the deported Armenians. Their return would mean
    that everything should be restored and reversed. They converted their
    children to Islam and took them into Kurdish families. And, of course,
    there was no Turkism back then; there was a state approach based on an
    understanding of Islam. This was pretty understandable for the Kurds.
    They have lived like this for centuries. No room was left for
    Kurdishness when Turkishness in a political sense was invented because
    this place was declared as being the land of the Turks.

    So did the Kurds feel betrayed and deceived?

    You have to ask this to the Kurds because I am on the deceiving side;
    this is the primary reason for the Kurds. The state whose creation
    they contributed to ignored them. This is the real problem for the
    Turks. For the Turks, the problem does not start in the 1920s. It
    starts with the Kurdish uprising. For the Turks, the problem did not
    even start in the 1970s when the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) was
    founded; the problem started in 1984 when they staged their first
    violent attacks. There was no problem for the Turks up until then.

    When did the US become interested in the Kurds?

    The US perception of the Kurds is not limited to Turkey alone. When
    there was no support from Turks at the time of the Iraq invasion, the
    US counted on the guidance and concrete support of the Kurds, and they
    became a loyal ally to the US. As a result, they gained the current
    autonomous status in the north. But this is not our Kurds.

    So when did the US become interested in our Kurds?

    The PKK wing of our Kurds fell into the sphere of US interest when it
    wanted to destabilize Iran. When they explored the PKK's ability to
    destabilize Iran through the Party for a Free Life in Kurdistan (PJAK)
    and when Turkey was banned from taking any action through the southern
    border, the PKK was supported on condition that this support would be
    forwarded to PJAK. However, the support ceased when the prime minister
    made an intelligence agreement with the US. The American
    administration did not lend this support for use against Turkey. Well,
    this might have been used for this purpose; it is a different issue.
    But if, for instance, the US had given stinger missiles to the PKK,
    Turkey would be adversely affected by this. The US did not do this. If
    this had happened, the US would totally lose Turkey, and Turkey would
    lose its airstrike ability over the PKK.

    How does the US approach the rapprochement between Turkey and the
    Kurdish administration in northern Iraq?

    The US is uncomfortable with this. The US does not want a
    disintegrated Iraq to ensure that the central Iraqi administration
    does not fall into Iranian control. If a Sunni state emerges in Syria,
    the unhappy Arabs in Iraq may make an alliance with Syria.

    Some arguments on the integration of northern Iraq with Turkey have
    been raised recently. So you do not see this as likely?

    At the beginning, Turkey was also in favor of the territorial
    integrity of Iraq. At that time Turkey declared the establishment of a
    separate Kurdish state in northern Iraq as its red line. But when it
    failed to prevent this from happening, it made reference to the
    geographic and political integration of Iraq. However, when strong
    relations were established with the Kurdish administration, these
    relations generated great opportunities for economic benefits, and it
    became evident that the Kurds in Syria might be impressed by the Kurds
    in northern Iraq, so Turkey decided it would not be the end of the
    world if they separated from Iraq because it held that northern Iraq
    would fall into its sphere of influence.

    However, this should not be exaggerated because separating off land
    from another country and claiming authority over this land will
    further necessitate other similar demands by which land would be
    separated. If an alliance based on recognition of political and
    economic interests is to be made, this would happen anyway. The legal
    borders for this are not necessary, and in fact, this causes problems.

    If we have made such a huge shift from the thesis that the Kurds would
    partition Turkey to the argument that Kurds would grow with the Turks,
    something is wrong. Caution is necessary in such things. The discourse
    on the revival of the Ottoman Empire is improper. Contrary to what we
    believe, the Ottoman state is perceived as a conqueror rather than a
    big brother in this geography. The conqueror rules, and the ruler
    seizes the local resources. This is something inherent in imperial
    state behavior. It is argued that the Ottoman state did not exploit
    like the Western states. It was unable to do so because there was no
    industry, therefore, there was no need for the acquisition of raw
    materials. It did not have automobiles, so it did not need oil. It had
    no advanced mining industry, hence, it did not need mines in these
    lands. The Ottomans were an agricultural society, and they exploited
    as much value out of agricultural products and revenues.

    Go and ask these people what the liberation days in our neighboring
    countries mean to them. For this reason, foreign policy cannot rely on
    patriotic discourse. Foreign policy does not tolerate emotionality.
    When they hear remarks about the Ottomans, they say they want a
    partner rather than a protector. For this reason, our politicians have
    to remain cautious on this matter. There was a position the government
    offered in the beginning on the return to Turkey of former lands of
    the Ottoman Empire. This was withdrawn within a month; reference was
    made to neo-Ottomanism. And then, zero problems with neighboring
    countries was declared. However, you cannot establish problem-free
    relations with neighboring countries, because they have inherent
    problems. Turkey should rely on its soft power rather than hard power
    in the Middle East. It has to establish cultural, diplomatic and
    economic networks. It may instead create alliances where it may assume
    a determinative role.

    You were elected to the committee of wise men for the peace process.
    What sort of obstacles do you see before the peace process?

    Unfortunately, people have been manipulated about this matter through
    several methods. In reference to the PKK, the militants were regarded
    as some disordered gangsters. We did not want to believe that we were
    facing an international organization. We did not accept the fact that
    some militants in the mountains actually had millions of supporters in
    Turkey. The reality made itself acceptable over the time. Now we have
    to understand this and do whatever is necessary. The official
    discourse referred to this as an issue of terrorism created by the
    traitors who wanted to partition Turkey. These traitors should have
    been destroyed and when soldiers were killed, revenge should have been
    taken. This is a never-ending process of death. There is a clichéd
    scene in Turkish movies: a man is attempting to murder another man
    when somebody appears out of the blue, saying: `Stop! He is your
    brother.' This is what is being told to us now. This is a project of
    brotherhood. Why did we fight each other if we were brothers? We have
    to confront ourselves and our past; we have not done this yet.

    Sometimes there are reactions against my remarks. They ask me what I
    would do if my child had been murdered. How could one possibly respond
    to this question? First option: I would question the system that
    caused the death of my child. Second option: I kill somebody else's
    child. If they did not expect me to give the second answer, then I
    would offer a third option: We should question the system that caused
    all these troubles and forgive each other so that this will never
    happen again because we have killed many of them, too. We have to put
    an end to violence. And then, we have to establish another order where
    it will not be used again.

    So is this what you will be telling the people as wise men?

    The government is administering the peace process in legal and actual
    terms; in this situation, it does not want any partner. For this
    reason, it is not our job to serve as a facilitator or a mediator.
    What is expected from us is PR. In other words, we will tell the
    people that unless we make peace, the bloody conflict will continue
    and that this will be in no one's interests. We will also explain the
    conditions under which the peace process made progress, how it
    happened, the values that fostered the process and the content of the
    peace language.

    Do you know under which conditions the parties made an agreement?

    Nobody knows.

    To what extent do the Turkish people support the peace negotiations
    with the PKK?

    The prime minister told us that 55 percent of the people in Central
    Anatolian cities support the process. I am not sure whether this is a
    scientific finding or not. We, a group of researchers, also conducted
    a survey. The responses of the participants vary depending on how you
    asked the question. I should underline this point: Nobody opposes
    peace. But they are opposed to the party with which the negotiations
    are being held. They argue that the government is making peace with
    terrorists and traitors. There are some concerns on this matter. They
    find negotiations with a terrorist organization offensive. Sixty
    percent of people are opposed to peace talks with a terrorist
    organization, and this may go up to 80 percent with respect to talks
    with Ã-calan. But everybody wants peace. However, every dispute is
    settled by the parties to this dispute. This is our job; to explain
    this to the people.

    However, if you consider the messages from Kandil, you would see that
    they see this problem as a matter of status rather than a matter of
    cultural rights or human rights alone. Will autonomy come out of this?

    The emergence of the current peace environment was made possible by
    giving up a different political status. If the implementation of the
    local self-government charter of the EU is required for the
    democratization of Turkey, this should be done anyway. This is
    something that Turkey should have done years ago. This was included in
    the 1921 Constitution. This nation was not afraid of decentralization
    during a time of war, so there is no reason to be fearful now.


    Professor DoÄ?u Ergil is a leading figure in the field of political
    sociology. He drafted a noteworthy report on the Kurdish issue in
    1995, sponsored by the Turkish Union of Chambers and Commodity
    Exchanges (TOBB), in his capacity as adviser to the TOBB president.
    The report attracted a great deal of attention, and since then he has
    been regarded as an authority on the Kurdish conflict. Professor Ergil
    has also conducted several research projects sponsored by
    international organizations.
