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BAKU: Baku Comments On Opening Armenian-Turkish Border In Exchange D

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  • BAKU: Baku Comments On Opening Armenian-Turkish Border In Exchange D


    Trend, Azerbaijan
    Dec 11 2013

    Baku, Azerbaijan, Dec. 11
    By Emil Ismayilov - Trend:

    Once Turkey closed its border with Armenia, two reasons were given.

    First due to Armenia's territorial claims against Turkey and second
    in connection with the occupation of Azerbaijani lands by Armenia,
    Azerbaijani Deputy Foreign Minister Khalaf Khalafov told media today.

    He was commenting on a Turkish media publication about the possibility
    of reopening the Armenian-Turkish border in exchange for liberating
    two occupied regions of Azerbaijan.

    "If we consider this issue today, we will see that nothing has
    changed," Khalafov said. "That is, Armenia's hostile attitude toward
    Turkey has not changed. Armenia has not refused from open territorial
    claims toward Turkey or from claims for "recognition" of the "Armenian
    genocide" in the global scale. Moreover, the occupation of Azerbaijani
    lands is underway. The negotiations, held in this area, do not bring
    any results."

    "These problems have not been resolved because of Armenia's lack of
    constructive position in this issue," he said. "Armenia is not ready
    for a settlement. The reason for lack of progress in the peace process
    is the lack of Armenia's resolve and in particular, the political will.

    Regarding the media information about Turkey's requirement for Armenia
    to return the two occupied regions of Azerbaijan, Khalafov said that
    Azerbaijan's position in the negotiations is clear.

    Khalafov said that the OSCE Minsk Group and other international
    organisations must support this problematic settlement.

    "The co-chairmen must try to finish their mission," Khalafov said.

    "This means that they must force Armenia to the peace table, refrain
    from its aggressive policy and return Azerbaijan's occupied lands,"
    he said. "Afterwards, we can talk about the peace process and its

    "Azerbaijan believes that Armenian-Turkish relations are Turkey's
    internal affair," he said.

    "We do not interfere in this issue," he said. "Turkey makes its own
    decisions on how to establish relations with Armenia. We are fully
    confident that if Armenia is located in our region and adopts an
    aggressive policy, it bears an international responsibility for this.

    "Other neighbouring countries must not remain indifferent. They must
    express their attitude to the predatory, aggressive policy of Armenia.

    We believe that Iran and Russia must also exert pressure on Armenia
    because the main cause of violating peace and stability in the region
    today is Armenia's policy."

    "A new approach must be demonstrated on the international plan,
    especially by the three countries of France, Russia and the U.S, which
    had taken an intermediary mission in the OSCE," Khalafov said. "Action
    must be taken to promote this process."

    Turkey and Armenia have no diplomatic relations. The border has been
    closed since 1993. The reason was Armenia's claims for international
    recognition of the so-called 'genocide' and occupation of Azerbaijani
    territories by Armenian armed forces.

    The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988
    when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan.

    Armenian armed forces have occupied 20 per cent of Azerbaijan since
    1992, including the Nagorno-Karabakh region and seven surrounding

    Azerbaijan and Armenia signed a ceasefire agreement in 1994. The
    co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group, Russia, France and the U.S. are
    currently holding peace negotiations.

    Armenia has not yet implemented the U.N. Security Council's four
    resolutions on the liberation of the Nagorno-Karabakh and surrounding

    Translated by NH

    Edited by SM

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress