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Europe unity tested on WWI centenary

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  • Europe unity tested on WWI centenary

    Agence France Presse -- English
    December 29, 2013 Sunday 1:17 AM GMT

    Europe unity tested on WWI centenary

    PARIS, Dec 29 2013

    A Europe badly shaken by a faltering economy and rising populism is
    set to commemorate the centenary of Word War I, the conflict still
    known as the "Great War" that scarred the continent and shaped the
    20th century.

    Commemorations for the 1914-18 Great War are planned through the
    summer on either side of the Western Front, but with no single event
    bringing all of the former foes together.

    Plans for a major gathering in Sarajevo -- where the assassination of
    the Austro-Hungarian heir Franz Ferdinand by a Serbian nationalist is
    seen as sparking the conflict in June 28, 1914 -- had to be dropped
    due to a lack of international consensus.

    Europe was left ruined by four years of all-consuming warfare, but
    while European nations shared in the trauma of what some historians
    called a collective "suicide", how they remember the Great War varies

    Europeans "continue to approach this transnational event through the
    narrow framework of national memory", explained the Australian
    historian John Horne, of Dublin University.

    For the British and French, World War I is vividly etched in the
    collective imagination as a just and necessary victory, secured at a
    terrible human cost.

    Remembering the war is a big deal in France and Britain, as well as in
    Australia and New Zealand whose very sense of identity is tied to the
    conflict, with hundreds of official projects and wall-to-wall media

    In Germany and Russia, by contrast, the Great War's memory was all but
    supplanted by the cataclysm of World War II, two decades later.

    The centenary also comes as the very idea of a shared European future
    is under attack, with eurosceptics, nationalists and the far-right
    gaining ground across the continent as the eurozone heads into a
    fourth year of economic crisis.

    'Different experience for each country'

    Delegations from the warring parties in World War I have been invited
    to France for a "peace demonstration" on Bastille Day, July 14. The
    presidents of Germany and France, Joachim Gauck and Francois Hollande,
    will also stand side by side in France on August 3 to mark the start
    of the war "with gravity and reverence".

    And a German-British ceremony is planned the following day in Belgium,
    invaded by German troops on the first day of the war, August 3, 1914.

    But in Germany itself, as in Italy and central Europe, the centenary
    has so far gone largely unnoticed.

    The diversity of national memories makes it difficult -- if not
    impossible -- for all the former foes to commemorate the war together,
    historians explain.

    "It is a different experience for each country," argued the German
    historian Gerd Krumeich, proof that "there is no such thing as a
    common European mindset or sensitivity, Europe very much remains a
    rational idea."

    The Bosnian capital will be hosting a string of cultural events,
    organised by France and Germany.

    But neighbouring Serbia -- which resents the notion that Serbian
    nationalism was to blame for triggering the war -- wants to use the
    centenary as a chance to set the record straight, and lay historical
    responsibility squarely with the Austro-Hungarian empire.

    Vladimir Putin's Russia, meanwhile, has seized on the chance to fan
    national pride, reviving the memory of a war it says was unjustly
    forgotten under the Soviet regime -- which today's Russian rulers
    accuse of bowing shamefully to Germany in 1917.

    The Great War dragged almost half the world's population into a cycle
    of violence of unprecedented scale and intensity.

    Over the course of 52 months, it left some 10 million dead and 20
    million injured and maimed on battlefields that sprawled from the
    howling North Sea coast to the Russian steppes and the deserts of the
    Middle East.

    Millions of civilians perished under occupation, through disease,
    hunger or deportation, including a million Armenians systematically
    massacred by Turkish forces.

    Four of the world's most powerful empires -- Russian, German,
    Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman -- collapsed as the world map was
    redrawn, giving rise to dozens of new nation states.

    World War I fanned the emergence of many of the ideologies that were
    to fashion the 20th century, and its looming conflicts: Communism,
    Fascism, Nazism, anti-colonialism, pacifism.

    And Europe's economic and political ruin cleared the way for the rise
    of a new economic and military superpower, the United States, which
    was to dominate the second half of the century.
