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Genocide victims remembered with special memorial event

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  • Genocide victims remembered with special memorial event

    South Wales Evening Post, UK
    January 11, 2013 Friday
    Edition 1; National Edition

    Genocide victims remembered with special memorial event

    SWANSEA will be remembering victims of genocide later this month while
    encouraging links between all its diverse communities.

    The city - Wales's first official City of Sanctuary - is preparing to
    mark Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) 2013.

    The national event remembers victims of the Nazi Holocaust and
    genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur as well as atrocities
    in Armenia.

    And this year's national theme for HMD 2013 is "Communities Together:
    Build a Bridge" encouraging people to respect different communities.

    The Lord Mayor of Swansea, Dennis James, said: "Swansea was Wales's
    first City of Sanctuary because of its history of offering sanctuary
    to people who have fled violence or persecution.

    "It is therefore only right that Swansea Council joins many others
    throughout the UK to support and promote understanding and
    co-operation across communities for Holocaust Memorial Day.

    "It is important that every generation never forgets what happened,
    but it is also vital that we use this opportunity to encourage links
    across our communities to ensure it can never be repeated."

    In Swansea events to mark HMD start on Friday, January 25, and include
    a Civic Event at Swansea Council's Civic Centre Committee Rooms 1 and
    2 from 2pm.

    And on Monday, January 28, civic leaders have been invited to attend a
    special Assembly at Penyrheol Comprehensive School, as part of the
    city's commemoration of the national annual event.

    Pupils will mark HMD though music and poetry as well as a silence of
    remembrance for all victims of genocide.

    Penyrheol is this year's lead for schools and young people for the event.

    A different school is selected to lead each year to encourage all
    generations to be involved.

    It is hoped activities will also take place at other schools across
    the city and county this year too.
