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Let's Talk About Bigotry In Glendale

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  • Let's Talk About Bigotry In Glendale


    Glendale News Press, CA
    Nov 14 2013

    By William Bairamian

    November 14, 2013 | 12:30 p.m.

    Ever since Councilman Zareh Sinanyan admitted to making racist
    comments, there has been a chorus of individuals at the ready to remind
    us of his transgression. The latest, Grey James, in calling Sinanyan
    a "confessed racist," has implored the City Council to propagate
    an anti-hate proclamation. His comments need some Glendale history
    for context.

    James says that Glendale supports hate speech and he's right, though
    perhaps not in the way that he thought. Armenophobia - fear or dislike
    of, or racism against Armenians - has been part of the lives of
    Armenians in this city for decades. It ranges from blatant to thinly
    veiled to underhanded and is generally ignored or declared a non-issue.

    In politics, there was first the vilely anti-Armenian mailer sent
    during Councilman Frank Quintero's State Assembly run against Paul

    Before and after that nadir, the City Council passed ordinances banning
    outdoor barbecues and new banquet halls, measures overwhelmingly
    affecting Armenian-owned businesses.

    Then the Council decided to toy with the handling of absentee ballots,
    the most-used voting method for Armenian-Americans in the city.

    Although questions about racial motivations were deflected by the
    council, the impression about absentee voting among non-Armenians was
    summed up by one prominent Glendale real estate agent who wrote in an
    email to supporters during a recent election cycle, "Maybe certain
    special interest groups, groups that win by absentee ballots, may
    not want you to go to the polls [.]?"

    In an eerily similar message, disgraced former mayor John Drayman,
    during his unsuccessful 2011 reelection bid, in an ad in another
    newspaper, wrote, "...some are hoping that you won't vote; protect
    your interests; vote local." His main non-incumbent challenger was
    Rafi Manoukian, an Armenian-American.

    Who were Drayman and the real estate agent talking about?

    No questions, no explanations, no calls for anti-hate proclamations.

    These seeming recurrent coincidences ascribed to nothing but
    happenstance, if anything at all.

    And mercy upon you if you suggest that Armenophobia has been the
    impetus for anything that has negatively impacted the Armenian
    community. You are ignored, mocked, or flatly dismissed.

    There is more.

    Glendale has been atrocious in attracting police officers and
    firefighters of Armenian descent in a city where almost 50% of
    the population, officially, is of that group. Besides less than 10
    Armenian-American firefighters and a pending lawsuit alleging racism
    against Armenian-American police officers, neither department has
    much to show.

    Where is the outcry?

    As for the sentiment in the community, we need not go further than
    racist comments that were previously plainly visible in the Glendale
    News-Press' comments sections on its website and Facebook page.

    So I agree with James, but where has he been all these years?

    Yes, Glendale has a problem with race. Although Sinanyan makes a
    convenient villain and scapegoat for the issues of hate, racism, and
    xenophobia in our city, James makes the point in his own comments: We
    have a confessed racist - but I would rather have one who's confessed,
    and apologized, than one who hasn't.

    If our leaders have been unwilling to show leadership in proactively
    addressing overt or covert problems in our city, it is hard to expect
    that we might be anywhere but where we are.

    Before any other incredulous citizens lambaste Sinanyan's admittedly
    vulgar comments, our community might be better served if we focused
    on the hate and racism right here under our noses.

    Armenians don't deserve special treatment, but they do deserve to be
    treated fairly and respectfully, like any other citizen.

    A proclamation may feel good but if the City Council actually wants to
    address the issues of race and hate within Glendale, it should stop
    pussyfooting, get its hands dirty, and get to work. And it might do
    well to start with some introspection.,0,4440307.story

    From: Baghdasarian