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At Presidential Elections In Georgia, The Votes Of The Armenian Comm

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  • At Presidential Elections In Georgia, The Votes Of The Armenian Comm


    October 17 2013

    The head of the Assembly of Tbilisi Armenians Arnold Stepanian thinks
    that it is the first time that there will be no big difference between
    the votes of presidential candidates. Presidential elections in Georgia
    will be held on October 27. The Prime Minister Bidzina Ivanishvili is
    confident that Giorgi Margvelashvili representing the ruling party
    "Georgian Dream" does not have a real opponent. Still a month ago,
    according to the social surveys, Margvelashvilii's rating was over
    50 percent. A persistent struggle was going on for the second place
    between President Mikheil Saakashvili's fellow, former speaker of
    parliament David Bakradze and Nino Burjanadze, who was also a speaker
    of parliament in 2001-2008, before Bakradze. Aravot asked the head
    of the Assembly of Tbilisi Armenians, Chairman of "Multinational
    Georgia" civil movement Arnold Stepanian civic movement to describe
    the pre-election situation in Georgia, and the campaign held by main
    candidate regarding the issues of ethnic minorities. Our interlocutor
    said that three parties are paying attention to this issue and are
    working with ethnic minorities: Bidzina Ivanishvili's "Georgian Dream",
    Mikheil Saakashvili's "United National Movement" and Nino Burjanadze's
    "Democratic Movement". He noted that it is the first time that all
    three main parties visited the places where ethnic minorities are
    inhabited, and not the pocket opposition, in other words, the main
    competitors value the issue of ethnic minorities, and a free atmosphere
    is established in the campaign for their participation. In response to
    our question whether Georgia's Armenian community has already decided
    in favor of which presidential candidate to vote, Arnold Stepanian
    said that it is hard to give a definite answer. "The parties are not
    so actively disseminating their platform in the regions in Armenian
    language, especially in Javakheti. And in Tbilisi, in my opinion,
    the votes of the Armenian community will split, because about 60
    percent of Tbilisi Armenians are led by social problems, they are
    less interested in the platforms of the candidates regarding the
    ethnic minorities. The other part will vote in favor of the "Georgian
    Dream", another part in favor of Burjanadze. In other words, each of
    the three political parties have their supporters among the Armenian
    electorates. It is too early to speak about percentage ratio, but I
    think that there will not be huge differences between the numbers of
    votes. There is more interesting situation in Javakheti. In order to
    enjoy the trust of the population, here, in addition to social issues,
    the candidates should pay attention to the national-cultural issues.

    To this respect, both, the authorities and the opposition conduct
    actions." Arnold Stepanian predicts that it is the first time that
    there will be no big difference between the votes of presidential
    candidates. At the press conference, on October 15, N. Burjanadze
    stated that she knows how to regulate the relations with Russia, and
    she has that much will to do it. We asked Arnold Stepanian whether
    the dynamics of positive changes in Russian-Georgian relations will
    be continued as a result of the upcoming elections, our interlocutor
    first of all reminded that the complications in Russian-Georgian
    relations are so deep that it was not possible to regulate them in
    a few months, if there are no serious compromises. "No one of the
    parties is ready for seriously compromises, currently the processes of
    approaching each other, and examining the attitudes as to which side
    and how much is ready to concede are underway. On the other hand,
    the RF is putting forward a variety of topics, which will enable to
    enter into a "trade" in the future: the opening of a Russian market
    for Georgian goods, which is a constant subject of blackmail. Thus,
    the parties are getting ready for the "trade", and review of attitudes,
    and I think that the position of the Russian side in that "trade" is
    stronger than of the Georgian side." Our interlocutor did not agree
    that essentially nothing has been done in the process of regulation of
    Russian-Georgian relations. In his opinion, the fact that the RF is
    opening a market for Georgian goods, is quite remarkable fact first
    and foremost for the farmers, the presence of Russian tourists is
    important for the economy of Georgia, and the fact that they spend
    enough money in Georgia. "But, anyway, the price is very expensive,
    our territories are still occupied, and displacement of columns
    takes place in those territories on daily base, along the whole
    borderline, in the villages. This is understandable, because now,
    it's not about the war. Here, Burjanadze's statement was remarkable
    that she is ready to regulate the Russian-Georgian relations. But
    if she was able to solve it, I think, she could have done some moves
    before the elections. And if she can solve, there would be stimulus
    from the Russian side, if she is the candidate who can do it, while
    there was no response from the Russian side. So, I am inclined to
    believe that it was a political speculation," said Arnold Stepanian.


    Read more at:

    From: A. Papazian