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Soft power, of the bullying sort

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  • Soft power, of the bullying sort

    European Voice
    Sept 21 2013

    Soft power, of the bullying sort

    By Edward Lucas - 12.09.2013 / 04:05 CET

    You have a free choice between Russia and the EU, the Kremlin is
    telling its neighbours, but only so long as you choose us

    Russia is trying to win control of its neighbourhood. But just as in
    the row over NATO expansion, its tactics may backfire. This time, the
    argument is over whether six ex-Soviet countries - Armenia,
    Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine - have the right to
    determine their own future. Will they join the Russian-led Eurasian
    Customs Union, or choose the European Union, which offers free trade,
    close political ties, and even, eventually (just possibly, perhaps,
    sometime in the future) membership?

    The details are tricky. For authoritarian-minded elites, the Russian
    way of running things has its advantages: you control the media, lock
    up the opposition, and manipulate the economy to please your
    supporters. The EU's demands for open political and economic
    competition look threatening. Jam tomorrow in exchange for the promise
    of painful changes is less attractive than caviar today with few
    strings attached.

    In Belarus, the EU option is not even on the table. For all their
    mutual loathing, more unites than divides Vladimir Putin and Alexander
    Lukashenko. Azerbaijan, awash with oil and gas money, cares little for
    Western strictures, and deals with them through lavish hospitality and
    occasional arm-twisting (brilliantly documented by my friend Gerald
    Knaus of the European Stability Initiative, in his pamphlet `Caviar
    diplomacy', available at

    That leaves three small countries and a big one. Russia has scored a
    victory, seemingly, with Armenia, threatening to leave it at
    Azerbaijan's mercy in any conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh. Officials in
    Yerevan are covered with bruises, but singing Russia's song through
    gritted teeth. Georgia has shown signs of wobbling, but the prime
    minister, Bidzina Ivanishvili, says he is determined to go ahead with
    the European choice.

    Moldova, the keenest European, is facing a Russian onslaught. `I hope you

    won't freeze,' said Russia's deputy prime minister, Dmitry Ragozin,
    pithily, raising the threat of a gas cut-off. The Kremlin has already
    banned Moldovan wine exports. Ukraine, the biggest country and the
    greatest prize, has also suffered a series of trade embargos and other

    In the short term, these threats may have an effect. But they do
    nothing for Russia's image as a friendly, responsible regional power.
    Even the most dim-witted post-Soviet leader (Ukraine's Viktor
    Yanukovych leaps to mind) can see the Kremlin's line: you have a free
    choice, but only so long as you choose us.

    The EU, by contrast, may be annoying, bureaucratic, inefficient,
    patronising, riddled with double standards and slow moving - but it
    does not bully its neighbours. Countries that displease it get
    showered with delegations and jargon. They do not face
    Brussels-sponsored separatist movements, energy sanctions, or savage
    attacks on `EU state television'.

    The other big effect of Russia's policy is in the EU itself. Many
    peaceable folk in Europe hate the idea of being in a geopolitical
    competition with the Kremlin. European neighbourhood policy should be
    a win-win, they argue, with greater trade, better infrastructure and
    closer integration benefiting everyone.

    That is a touching notion. But the Kremlin's snarling behaviour is
    making even the blandest bureaucrats in Brussels change their
    worldview. You may believe power politics is deplorably old-fashioned.
    But when someone is practising it against your neighbours, you can no
    longer believe that it is extinct or redundant.

    Remember NATO expansion to the countries of the former Soviet empire?
    This was a tentative and distant goal - until Russia started trying to
    block it. That stoked the applicants' feeling of urgency, and made it
    morally impossible for existing members to block membership for
    countries which so evidently needed it. Now Russia is making the same
    mistake again. For a judo expert, Putin seems awfully clumsy.

    Edward Lucas edits the international section of The Economist.
