The mass media reported that Serzh Sargsyan criticized statements by
CSTO member states on the Karabakh issue, as well as their supply of
arms to Azerbaijan. However, the Russian-Israeli news agency Regnum
thinks that Sargsyan meant Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan,
which support Azerbaijan in international and regional organizations.
But why these states? First, Tajikistan has never joined such
statements and has always refrained from attempts of anti-Armenian
actions. And the most important and significant one stating the
integrity of Azerbaijan, as well as the main supplier of arms to
Azerbaijan is Russia.
Certainly, now that the sovereignty of Armenia has been yielded
to Russia, there is an illusion that one can ask for more from the
Russians. Meanwhile, Armenia is not driven into the Customs Union to
allow it to express its own opinion.
However, if Armenia really means to have a critical position on
its "partners", this path straightly leads to destruction of the
pro-Russian military and economic block.
At the same time, there are more significant factors for destroying
CSTO, namely the forthcoming developments in Central Asia after the
reduced presence of NATO in Afghanistan. Uzbekistan left CSTO due to
threats from south.
Now it is not time for goodwill. Now everyone thinks for themselves.
Why should the Central Asians collecting rubbish in Moscow fight for
the interests and security of Russian oligarchs? When serious things
come up, buddies get to have more claims to one another. The work
has started. Who will continue? The Godfather will decide.
Igor Muradyan 17:00 24/09/2013 Story from News: