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Is There Power In This Union?

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  • Is There Power In This Union?


    Transitions online, Czech Rep.

    Sept 27 2013

    Moscow has used threats and promises to attract countries to the
    Customs Union. But has membership paid off so far? From openDemocracy.

    by Devin Ackles and Luke Rodeheffer

    Moscow's recent overtures to Ukraine and Armenia concerning membership
    in the Russia-led Customs Union have been heavy on threats and hardball
    politics, and rather short on attempts at actually explaining the
    benefits of joining the union instead of pursuing European Union
    integration. Which offer is best?

    Armenian President Serzh Sargysan's recent surprise announcement in
    Moscow that he would pursue Customs Union membership was preceded
    by months of backroom malice on the part of the Kremlin, manifested
    in threats of raising Armenia's gas prices by 60 percent, and a
    potential weapons deals to Armenia's arch-enemy, Azerbaijan. Moscow
    has approached Ukraine and Moldova with the same bullying techniques,
    banning imports of Ukrainian chocolate and Moldovan wine while clumsily
    attempting to get Belarus and Kazakhstan to do the same.

    Russian President Vladimir Putin with Viktor Yanukovych, president of
    Ukraine, and Moldovan President Nicolae Timofti at July ceremonies
    marking 1,025 years since the conversion of eastern Slavs to
    Christianity. Photo from the Kremlin website.

    In light of these trade disputes and strong-arm tactics, it is worth
    considering precisely what concrete benefits the Customs Union has
    brought to Belarus and Kazakhstan, the other members. Kazakhstan's
    citizens have faced price increases on basic goods as a direct result
    of the imposition of CU external tariffs, which almost doubled
    Kazakhstan's average external tariff to 11.1 percent. Fuel has
    become much more expensive, and due to protective Russian tariffs,
    imported car dealers have been put out of business, as Russian cars
    push out higher-quality foreign competitors. Furthermore, Kazakhstan's
    industry has discovered that it is much more difficult to penetrate
    the Belarusian and Russian markets than vice versa.

    Rather than simplifying trade, the introduction of CU customs
    regulations on top of national customs regulations, combined with
    the hundreds of decisions by the Eurasian Economic Commission
    (the CU's administrative body), have made doing business much more
    complicated and unwieldy, according to Nailya Abdimoldaeva, a director
    at Kazakhstan's National Economic Chamber. These changes have led
    Kazakhstani economist and former government adviser Mukhtar Taizhan
    to denounce the Customs Union in a May interview with Kyrgyzstan's
    Vechernyi Bishkek newspaper, warning Kyrgyzstan (also not yet a member
    of the CU) to reconsider joining the trade zone, as it has not brought
    Kazakhstan any conceivable benefit, and is "nothing more than Russian
    imperial ambition."

    That is not to say that there have been no benefits felt by any of
    the members, though the trade-offs are very costly. Belarusians,
    for example, have seen their real wages rise largely thanks to their
    occasionally tumultuous close relationship with Moscow. The Belarusian
    government's ability to extract subsidies and acquire cheap oil and gas
    for refining and export, long the bread and butter of the country's
    economic policy, is in jeopardy if the recent crisis surrounding the
    disintegration of the joint Russian-Belarusian Potash Company is an
    indicator of things to come. Despite Minsk's rhetoric, its decision
    to arrest the chief executive of Uralkali, and attempting to secure
    a warrant through Interpol for the Russian billionaire (and largest
    shareholder of Uralkali) Suleyman Kerimov, Russia's poor relation
    understands full well what opening up to Russian investment means
    for the country - a complete economic takeover.

    Minsk is aware of this, and Belarusian leader Alyaksandr Lukashenka's
    recent public discussion with the Belarusian foreign minister,
    Vladimir Makei, is a clear indication that Belarus is again ready to
    open a dialogue with the West again. Lukashenka's feverish search for
    new long-term investment partners such as China and Indonesia, and a
    move away from the confrontational and less-than-lucrative buddy deals
    with Venezuela and Iran, should be read not just as a move to check
    Moscow's influence but also as a long-running effort to free Belarus
    from Russian economic dominance and control. While these efforts have
    failed and will continue to do so, given the country's poor investment
    climate and ham-fisted pseudo-managed economy, its special relationship
    with Russia is not nearly as rosy as the authorities would have their
    citizens believe. Moreover, its membership in the CU is not bringing
    it the benefits that were promised.

    Despite claims of a major increase in trade volume among all member
    states, the volume of actual trade between Belarus and Kazakhstan
    has barely increased since they joined the economic bloc - in fact,
    between January and April 2013, trade between the two states actually
    shrank by 12 percent compared with the first quarter of 2012. While
    the Customs Union has made it much easier for Belarus to sell some of
    its products in Russia, the Belarusian leadership's current political
    and economic tactics also would seem to show that they are very
    concerned about how Russia's new WTO membership, and Kazakhstan's
    likely accession in the coming year, will impact the competitiveness
    of Belarusian products. The proposed imposition of a $100 "exit fee"
    for Belarusian citizens who wish to leave the country and bring goods
    back from the EU also speaks to the government's increasing desperation
    as to how to boost local consumption of Belarusian products and,
    with its backward logic, strengthen its own economy.

    Russia itself, however, has also been forced to make its share of
    sacrifices. Even though 92 percent of the CU customs code has been
    copied from the Russian customs code, and Russian officials dominate
    the Eurasian Economic Commission, Russia has suffered financial losses
    from the need to share customs duties, as well as the need to grant
    Belarus major concessions. The launch of the Eurasian Economic Union
    in 2015, with no tariffs on oil and gas exports to member states,
    will hurt Russia's increasingly oil-dependent budget. The fact that
    Russian firms can now re-register in Kazakhstan has done nothing
    to improve Russia's terrible business climate. The expansion of the
    trade bloc to include Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan in the Customs Union's
    free labor market will only feed the flames of the growing xenophobic
    anti-immigrant sentiment that became a defining issue in the recent
    Moscow mayoral elections. Furthermore, the need for Russia to shoulder
    the costs of securing Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan's notoriously porous
    borders in order to prevent smuggled Chinese goods and Afghan heroin
    from gaining even easier access to the CU free trade bloc is inevitable
    as NATO withdraws from Afghanistan.

    The real target of Russia's expansionist plans for the Customs Union
    is not Central Asia, however, but Ukraine, the second most populous
    country in the former Soviet Union. Russia's accelerating trade war
    with Ukraine on the eve of the Eastern European Partnership Summit in
    Vilnius, where Ukraine hopes to sign an association agreement with the
    European Union, has shown Russia's waning influence and limited vision
    in its crudest form. With the EU carefully considering whether or not
    to sign its Association Agreement with Ukraine this November due to
    its misgivings about the political environment in the country, Russia's
    aggressive tactics have actually backfired and led to an overwhelming
    response from the European Parliament in support of Ukraine. Russian
    aggression has also served as an impetus to the supporters of Ukraine's
    European aspirations, making them more vocal, and swelling their ranks.

    The Association Agreement with the EU will require serious reform
    by Ukraine in a variety of fields: public finances, the judicial
    system, and electoral laws, to name just a few. The signing of the
    Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement with the European Union
    this November, a document that is closely related to the Association
    Agreement, would put Ukraine on a par with Norway or Switzerland in
    terms of compliance with the EU's internal market once the reforms have
    been implemented. While these reforms will be very difficult for the
    country to carry out, with the support of European expertise and EU
    funds, Ukraine will be setting itself on a path toward establishing
    strong ties with the world's most powerful economic bloc. Such an
    association with the EU will also bring another benefit - the formal
    backing of the European community when trade or energy disputes with
    Russia arise, which summarily eliminates Russia's preferred means of
    influencing its western neighbor.

    The only chance left for Russia to pull Ukraine into the Customs Union
    is through a nationwide referendum, something that Ukraine's president
    and his party pay lip service to but simultaneously abuse the court
    system to prevent. In fact, a recent referendum on joining the Customs
    Union by the Communist Party of Ukraine was shot down in the nation's
    constitutional court due to procedural violations. One can expect more
    of the same now that the president and his inner circle have committed
    themselves to signing the Association Agreement with Brussels.

    Putin claimed in an October 2011 editorial laying out the principles of
    the Eurasian Union that "we are making integration a comprehensible,
    sustainable, and long-term project, attractive to both individuals
    and businesses, that operates independently from fluctuations in the
    current political environment or any other circumstances." Mmm, nothing
    could be further from the truth: the current trade war between Russia
    and Belarus, combined with the attempts by Kazakhstan's opposition to
    hold a referendum on withdrawal from the Customs Union, highlights
    how the CU free trade bloc brings little in the way of economic
    benefit to its members. The economies of the current three members,
    dominated by raw material exports and uncompetitive industry propped
    up through government subsidies, have little impetus to reform or
    modernize, as their economies focus on trade with each other instead
    of expanding trade with the modern economies of the European Union and
    East Asia. Judging by the Customs Union's results, what could possibly
    attract Kyiv to Moscow beyond increasingly desperate threats? Better
    EU than CU.

    Luke Rodeheffer is a graduate student and analyst in Istanbul. He
    tweets on Eurasian geopolitics at @LukeRodeheffer. Devin Ackles is
    an analyst at CASE Ukraine and editor at Belarus Digest. This article
    originally appeared on
