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Turkey 'Aided Islamist Fighters' In Attack On Syrian Town

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  • Turkey 'Aided Islamist Fighters' In Attack On Syrian Town


    Rebels and eye-witnesses claim that Turkish authorities allowed
    fighters to enter Syria through a strategic border post to carry out
    assault on Armenian town of Kasab

    A severely damaged house in the Armenian Christian town of Kasab
    Photo: REUTERS

    By Ruth Sherlock, Beirut

    6:40PM BST 14 Apr 2014

    Turkey facilitated an attack carried out by Islamist fighters against
    the Armenian town of Kasab inside Syria, eyewitnesses have told
    the Telegraph.

    In an operation that was months in the planning, Turkish authorities
    gave rebel groups the mandate they needed to attack, allowing them
    access through a heavily militarised Turkish border post, whose
    location was strategically vital to the success of the assault.

    "Turkey did us a big favour," said a Syrian activist with the rebel
    group, whose name the Telegraph knows but has been asked not to
    reveal. "They allowed our guys to enter from their border post.

    "We needed to hit the regime from different sides and this was the
    only way from near the coast, so it was a big help."

    Kasab, the ancestral home of the Armenian ethnic minority in Syria,
    which had remained relatively sheltered from the conflict in Syria.

    Residents were woken on the morning of the attack, on March 21,
    to screams and cries.

    "We woke to the sounds of the shelling. There was no time even to get
    dressed," remembered Bedros, 45, an Armenian resident who asked not to
    be identified by his real name. "I grabbed my wife and my children. We
    had no time to take our things. Some people fled in their night gowns."

    Two days later Kasab was in the hands of an alliance of Islamist
    groups, including the jihadist Jabhat al-Nusra, aligned with al-Qaeda.

    Almost all of the villages approximately 2,000 inhabitants had fled.

    The night of the attack a relative of Bedros had gone to one of the
    main border posts with Turkey, which is only lightly armed with
    Syrian troops, reportedly because of an agreement signed decades
    before the war.

    "By the time he arrived the attack had begun. He saw the Islamist
    fighters standing with the Turkish army. They started launching their
    shells from the border".

    The Turkish foreign ministry has issued a statement stating that the
    claims that the government aided the opposition in the attack are
    "totally unfounded and untrue".

    However, the findings of investigation by Human Rights Watch (HRW),
    which included interviews with local eye-witnesses, directly contradict
    this claim.

    "It is not feasible that these groups could have crossed into Syria
    from where they did without the knowledge of the Turks," Lama Fakih,
    the Syria and Lebanon researcher at HRW told the Telegraph.

    "One of the areas they used was an official border crossing that
    residents say has a Turkish military presence."

    The entry through the Kasab border crossing allowed the rebels to
    attack the Syrian military positions near village from several sides,
    making it key to the rebel assault.

    Rebel groups had wanted to attack Kasab for a long time, said the
    female activist, but Turkey had previously denied them access.

    "In the past the Turks refused to give us passage, because they said
    that in order to succeed in the attack we needed to be united,"
    she said, referring to the battles that took place at the end of
    last year between the extremist Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham,
    and other rebel groups in the area.

    The attack on Kasab sparked dark memories of the Ottoman massacres
    for its inhabitants, and a hysterical flurry across social media from
    pro-government sources claiming horrific massacres in the town.

    Residents themselves brought up memories of massacres in 1909, and
    the genocide in 1915, when Kasab villagers were slaughter in their
    thousands by the Ottomans.

    "We always thought the Turks would attack us one day," said Bedros, the
    fellow family members who he is sharing his new lodgings in Lebanon,
    nodding as he spoke. "And with the attack on Kasab it was clear that
    Turkey helped. The attackers came from Turkish territory."

    Kasab was however the Syrian regime's 'Achilles heel' in the well
    defended coastal province of Latakia, where many Alawites, the same
    religious minority as President Assad, live.

    Al-Nusra and the Islamic Front have pushed deeper into the terrain,
    taking control of Samra, giving them access to the coastline and
    engaging in fierce battles for 'observatory 45', the highest mountain
    point in the area, and a strategically vital military position.

    "You can see why we needed to take Kasab," said Dr Mahmoud, diplomacy
    envoy for the Islamic Front. "You can see what has happened. Now the
    regime is very very afraid."
