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Whether Trumpets To Turn Into Court Proceedings For Teghout?

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  • Whether Trumpets To Turn Into Court Proceedings For Teghout?


    16:39 December 23, 2014


    The pompous events dedicated to the commissioning of Teghout mining
    complex on 20 December were marked with the visit of top officials of
    Armenia and Atrsakh. Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan and government
    official attended the opening ceremony, who congratulated and the owner
    and managers of Vallex Group with success. Almost simultaneously two
    statements were disseminated in the press, which drastically differed
    from the official pompous statements made in Teghout.

    One of them is Shnogh and Teghut villagers' letter addressed to the
    Danish Export Credit Fund demanding to suspend the loaning agreement
    with the investor of Teghout project - Russian VTB Bank and to annul
    the agreement with "Teghout" CJSC. The letter has been signed by 57
    villagers. For them the figures announced at the opening ceremony,
    for example, processing of 7 million tons of ore annually means that
    their village will get dozens times more wastes containing ore elements
    poisoning rivers and land areas.

    Out of US $ 190 million, which annual value of copper and molybdenum
    concentrates, the villagers will get nothing, if not take into
    consideration miserable salaries to those employed at the company
    and the money for leasing community land areas.

    Reminder: at the very beginning the land areas of the villagers were
    purchased at ridiculous price - 30-50 AMD for one sq. meter, while
    orchards were purchased for 200-300 AMD. Those who refused to sell
    their land areas, were made sell them through courts in line with
    the formulation of the governmental resolution "eminent public domain".

    The letter describes in detail not only the violations of the domestic
    legislation, but also the violation of those standards and norms
    prescribed for the activities of the Danish fund.

    Another statement was made by "Teghout Support" civic initiative, which
    particularly says, "... We have huge amount of factual materials, based
    on which we are going to issue a claim to court to stop illegal mining
    activities in Teghout and to award damages. We are going to submit the
    materials we collected to the criminal investigation bodies demanding
    from them to initiate a criminal case...Not having any guaranteed
    that in the presence of high-level corruption in Armenia we will be
    able to reach justice in legal way, we also intend to apply to all
    political forces, international organization and private individuals
    so as to deprive Teghout project of international financial flows..."

    Note by EcoLur: The financial chain of Teghout project includes:
    "Teghout" CJSC, 100% shares of which are owned by offshore-based
    "Teghout Investment Ltd" registered in Cyprus. 100% of voting shares
    of the Cyprus company are owned by "ACP" CJSC, the owner of which is
    Valery Mezhlumyan.
