15:58 12.02.2014

On February 12, USAID and UNICEF signed a cooperation agreement for
a two-year program that will help improve the health and nutrition
of Armenian children 0-5 years of age.

The latest Armenia Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) revealed
worsening trends in the nutritional status of children in Armenia.

Nineteen percent of children under five fell into the "stunted"
category in 2010 due to mothers' poor feeding practices, according to
the DHS. The health and development of infants and young children is
dependent upon good nutrition. Poor nutrition increases the risk of
dying due to infectious diseases and contributes to impaired physical
and mental development.

To help Armenia face this public health issue, UNICEF will work with
the Armenian Ministry of Health and World Vision to address mother
and child health needs in the country. Infant and young children's
nutrition as well as prevention of vitamin and mineral deficiencies
in children's diets will be of particular focus. The program will
provide education on best feeding practices and will support local
health care clinics to deliver quality child health and nutrition
services across the country, including rural areas.

Partners will also address the monitoring and evaluation system
for nutrition at the community, regional and national level, and
will work to improve family and community awareness on childcare,
nutrition practices, children's growth and development to facilitate
early identification of nutrition related problems.

The initiative is part of a broader global effort to prevent and treat
acute malnutrition. The goal is to help reduce under-nutrition in women
and children during the child's first 1,000 days, which encompasses
pregnancy and the first two years of life. Receiving proper nutrition
during this 1,000-day window can have an enormous impact on a child's
ability to grow and learn. It can also have a profound effect on the
long-term health, stability, and development of entire communities
and countries.

From: A. Papazian