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Death Of An Armenian Editor, Crimes Of Turkish History

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  • Death Of An Armenian Editor, Crimes Of Turkish History

    World Crunch
    Jan 25 2014

    Death Of An Armenian Editor, Crimes Of Turkish History

    Seven years after the assassination of Turkish-Armenian editor Hrant
    Dink, silence remains on the crime of incitement to murder - just like
    last century's Armenian Genocide.

    Ahmet Insel (2014-01-25)


    ISTANBUL - Last Sunday was the seventh anniversary of the
    assassination of Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink.

    For seven years, the 'coalition of silence' reigns, blocking the
    revelation and prosecution of those responsible for the atmosphere
    that led to the death of the so-called `treacherous Armenian.' These
    forces guided and encouraged the murderer, and praised the act he
    carried out, and continue to do so seven years later.

    Those who pushed a 17-year-old to commit this murder, knowing he would
    get a reduced sentence, have been touched by nobody. The court voiced
    its powerlessness. Those within the state structure who knew such a
    murder was in the works got promoted; one even became a cabinet

    Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has recently removed the chief of
    police who failed to prevent a corruption probe regarding his close
    circle, crossed his name, but awarded those who were responsible for
    allowing the murder of Hrant Dink. The conservative coalition of power
    in vicious conflict today was in harmony when it came to prosecute the
    triggerman, and to not confront the rest.

    The prime minister who does not hesitate one second to shake down the
    police and judiciary to defend himself, the government, his AKP
    party's administration holds on to a hypocritical silence to not to
    reveal the power organization behind the murder of the Armenian
    newspaper editor.

    Poison gas

    The murder of Hrant was not an isolated event. The killing of Sevag
    Balikci while serving in the military in 2011 in the Batman province
    by a `stray bullet' from his friend's rifle on April 24; the
    anniversary of the great massacre the Armenians were exposed to in
    1915 and after, the great crime, the Genocide was not an isolated
    event either. Nor were the slayings of the Italian Priest Andrea
    Santoro and the employees of the Zirve Publishing House in Malatya.
    All of these acts are a manifestation of the same mentality. Even if
    they were not ordered from somewhere specific, they are acts fueled by
    the same poison gas the ruling powers have released in this society's
    atmosphere for centuries.

    The criminals are the ones who use this poison gas of nationalism for
    its own ends; and for its secular version ultranationalism, the
    Muslim-Turk chauvinism that has sought to create a 99% Muslim society
    - and yet are not satisfied with that, and pray onward for a 100%
    Muslim Turkey. This is the foundational crime of the Republic of
    Turkey. The murder of Hrant is a link in the chain of these massacres,
    murders, rapes, confiscations, pillages and organized violations of

    And on forgiveness?

    Of course, it is not easy to face such a great crime, especially if
    the individuals who forged the founding links in this criminal chain
    have long since died. Moreover, if the guilty parties have inherited
    an entire society that is in partnership with the crime. The title of
    French criminal lawyer Antoine Garapon's 2002 book describes the
    situation between Turkey and the Armenians: `Crimes That Can Be
    Neither Punished, Nor Forgiven.'

    In his book, Garapon states that the Nuremberg and Tokyo trials were
    firsts, and it became even harder at the end of the 1990's to hide
    behind national sovereignty to avoid prosecution for crimes against
    humanity. He says it is a meaningful coincidence that the NATO planes
    started bombing Serbia to stop the mass murder in Kosovo on March 24,
    1999 was the day the British House of Lords decided to eliminate the
    immunity of Chile's bloody dictator General Augusto Pinochet.

    That day 15 years ago is the symbolic moment when the traditional
    right of sovereignty, by both judicial and militaristic means, could
    no longer stand in the way of the fight against such crimes. This was
    followed by the first international crime investigation against a
    sitting head of state and the start of the trial of Slobodan Milosevic
    on October 12, 2001. The International Criminal Court was founded in
    2002, authorized to prosecute crimes against humanity within its

    The aim of the court is to answer the mass murders in the name of
    humanity. Because, more often than not, either the legal system of the
    countries where these crimes are committed is unsuitable to try them,
    or the criminals have the power to challenge the law.

    In fact, these are crimes the penal law are often unfamiliar with;
    ones committed, encouraged or assisted by a political decision from a
    ruling administration. Garapon states these crimes are committed by
    making a part of the society, mostly a big part, partners in crime
    with the support of the rule of law. And so it is not possible to
    pursue these crimes with the traditional penal law methods - and gets
    even more complicated if they were committed during a state of war.

    Time to speak

    The Allies of World War I have jointly declared the ethnic cleansing
    committed against the Armenians by the Ottomans was `a crime against
    humanity and civilization' on May 24, 1915. The concept of crimes
    against humanity was first mentioned in relation to this event.

    A great national alliance in Turkey has been at work since then to
    leave this great crime undefined and the partners in crime
    unprosecuted; if we do not count the parentheses opened and shortly
    closed during the 1919 trials. There is a great coalition of silence
    and cooperation formed to deny the great crime committed against the
    Armenians; to leave it undebated, forgotten.

    This is the seventh anniversary of the slaying of Hrant. In a few
    months, it will be the 99th anniversary of the act that eliminated the
    Armenians from these lands. Call it anything we want: crime against
    humanity, Genocide, the great crime, the great disaster, the great
    sin; we are talking about the same enormous crime in the end.

    Is it not time for today's Republic of Turkey to declare its deep
    sorrow for such a crime, and apologize to all Armenians after 100
    years of silence?

    And let us not forget: this great crime is not just a legacy of the
    past. The same crimes are being committed today, right here. The ones
    who defend the offenders are together keeping their silence alive. We
    will not be a part of this by staying silent ourselves. For Hrant, for
