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BAKU: Russian MFE: Azerbaijan is Russia's strategic partner in the S

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  • BAKU: Russian MFE: Azerbaijan is Russia's strategic partner in the S

    Azerbaijan is Russia's strategic partner in the South Caucasus - Russian MFA

    Thu 05 June 2014 13:13 GMT | 14:13 Local Time

    Azerbaijan is Russia's strategic partner in the South Caucasus,
    Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said this at
    today's press briefing, APA's Moscow correspondent reports.

    Lukashevich said Russian FM Sergey Lavrov will pay a visit to
    Azerbaijan on June 17-18, adding that this is already the fourth
    meeting of the two countries' foreign ministers during the current
    year: "Azerbaijan is our strategic partner in the South Caucasus. In
    2013, the trade turnover between the two countries made $3,5b.
    Compared to 2012, the trade turnover has increased by 4 percent.
    Russia's export made approximately $3 b, while the import made $640m.
    Over 500 Russian companies are operating in Azerbaijan".

    Lukashevichs also said preparations for the 16th meeting of the
    Russia-Azerbaijan Intergovernmental Commission on economic cooperation
    are underway: "One of the most important components of our cooperation
    is to develop the cooperation between Russian subjects and Azerbaijan.
    We have high hopes for the 5th Russia-Azerbaijan Interregional Forum
    to be held in the Gabala town of Azerbaijan on June 23-24. We also
    attach great importance to the agreement on cooperation in the
    humanitarian field signed between Russia and Azerbaijan in August
