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What Does The New Global Forest Watch Website Say About Armenia?

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  • What Does The New Global Forest Watch Website Say About Armenia?

    Friday, March 14th, 2014

    The new Global Forest Watch website shines a spotlight on global tree
    loss (screengrab from


    Last month's launch of the Global Forest Watch website was big news.

    Google, World Resources Institute, and a few dozen other partners are
    part of the effort. The site allows users to monitor deforestation in
    "near real time." The big takeaway: global tree cover loss far exceeds
    tree cover gain. Data shows that the world lost 2,300,000 square
    kilometers of tree cover between 2000 and 2012, or the equivalent of
    losing 50 soccer fields' worth of forests every minute of every day
    for the past 13 years. By contrast, only 800,000 square kilometers
    have regrown, been planted, or restored during the same period.

    We welcome initiatives like GFW, which use cutting edge technology to
    make forestry data available to the public. This kind of transparency
    is essential to shine a spotlight on forest loss and to show areas
    where natural regeneration or reforestation has been successful. This
    information empowers citizens and is even valued by corporations that
    want to use sustainably harvested wood.

    Now, what does the site show for Armenia? GFW shows that there was
    forest loss in Armenia over an area of 2,089 hectares and a gain
    of 1,276 over the period of 2000 to 2011. It's interesting to note
    that the data relies on Landsat satellite imagery which has become
    an accepted source to measure forest cover globally. According to
    this data, Armenia has seen a loss of approximately 813 hectares of
    forest over this 12 year timeframe. For reference, a hectare is 2.47
    acres or an area the size of a soccer field.

    Armenia Tree Project has been planting in urban areas and towns since
    1994 and launched its forestry program in 2004. ATP has planted a
    total of 4,455,869 trees to date at more than 925 sites in all regions
    of Armenia. Most of our forestry has been focused around 30 sites in
    Northern Armenia. Our forestry department has planted approximately
    3,500,000 tree seedlings over an area of 850 hectares.

    However, our seedlings have not even formed into forests with a canopy
    that would be recognized by satellite data at this resolution. There is
    no question we are losing forest cover and ATP is trying to turn the
    tide along with other partners. It's also worth noting that Armenia's
    Hayantar forestry department has been planting during this timeframe.

    A new tree seedling sprouting up at a site planted by ATP in Northern
    Armenia (Photo by Jason Sohigian)

    There have been other efforts to monitor forest cover in Armenia
    and the general conclusion was that that there has been a net gain
    in forest cover, consistent with what we have seen in other parts
    of Europe. However some experts in the environmental community have
    pointed out that the regrowth of forest has been a lower quality
    "coppice" tree which is almost like a shrub that has grown out of
    tree stumps. Setting the statistics aside, there is a consensus that
    Armenia needs to curb forest loss and that reforestation should be
    accelerated in order to restore our historic tree cover.

    Some of the drivers of forest loss have been industrial logging,
    unsustainable livestock grazing, and the use of wood for cooking
    and heating fuel. Of course we recognize that people in rural areas
    rely on wood. At the same time forests are a renewable resource when
    they are sustainably managed and not overexploited. In addition to
    planting there are other strategies that may be deployed in order
    to reduce the pressure on forests. These include subsidizing the
    cost of natural gas for households, enforcing a ban on wood exports,
    and reducing tax on imported wood.

    In general, we are in favor of initiatives like GFW that make the
    information about our forests transparent and publicly accessible. In
    the end we hope this draws attention to the issue of deforestation in
    Armenia and globally, and that it shows the importance of investing
    resources in protecting and restoring this important part of our
    natural infrastructure.

    Clearly there's a lot left to be done in Armenia to reverse
    deforestation. One thing we know is that sustainable management of
    our natural resources like forests will be more cost-effective than
    depleting the reserves and trying to fund environmental restoration
    programs. Particularly when some environmental impacts-like
    desertification caused by deforestation-are irreversible.

    Jason Sohigian is deputy director of the Armenia Tree Project. He
    has a master's degree in Sustainability and Environmental Management
    from Harvard University. His research on Payments for Environmental
    Services was adapted for a talk at TEDx Yerevan on "Redefining Our
    Economic Systems."
